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Great but minor moments that don't get talked about enough


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Kurt Angle as king of the ring. He was amazing back in his early days, such babyface behaviour like when he cried after winning his first title, but wearing the king of the ring outfit absolutely solidified him as a legend to me haha. Such an underrated moment 

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Another one involvng Angle that always sticks with me, was Taz's debut against him at the 2000 'Rumble. It was the first wrestling show I had watched in about 4 years(I'd discovered I preferred spending my money on copious amounts of alcohol, rather than Sky Sports, and my parents refused to pay it so I drifted away from wrestling), and the crowd pop for him made him look like an absolute maga-star!

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13 hours ago, TildeGuy~! said:

The whole Kenta heel turn/Shibata angle from last years G1 Final.

It was bloody huge and I loved it.

You also didn't read the thread title as I would hardly call that a "minor moment".

Kevin Nash's Paparazzi Productions run with Alex Shelly and the TNA cruiserweights was fantastic. Little videos such as these kept me watching TNA during that time.


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1 minute ago, Accident Prone said:

You also didn't read the thread title as I would hardly call that a "minor moment".

No one talks about it and if they do, not enough.  I'd say 75% of the forum don't even know who Shibata is.

Then you post Paparazzi Production videos although are great but get mentioned ALL THE TIME.

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10 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

No one talks about it and if they do, not enough.  I'd say 75% of the forum don't even know who Shibata is.

Then you post Paparazzi Production videos although are great but get mentioned ALL THE TIME.

I guess we're interpreting the thread title differently then, as I'm taking it as the entire wrestling fandom whereas you're localizing it to this forum only. Fair.

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8 hours ago, TildeGuy~! said:

No one talks about it and if they do, not enough.  I'd say 75% of the forum don't even know who Shibata is.

It's one of the nominees for moments of 2019 in the UKFF awards. 

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The angle revealing Vince McMahon's bastard son is one of the funniest and well played out of all time. Vince saying "thank God it's not Balls Mahoney" and pretending to hide his delight when finding out his son wasn't black is hilarious. The tease with Triple H at the end and the Hornswoggle reveal were also gold. A great angle that doesn't always get talked about. 

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Hollywood Backlot Brawl 

I thought the feud between Piper & Goldust was tremendous. Goldust was in prime button pushing mode, winding up the masses and soaking up the homophobic slurs and abuse like an absolute pro. He was bossing it at this point in time and that first year or two of being Goldust was remarkable. Easily my favourite version of the character.

Then you had Piper, the man who pushed buttons since the 80’s. The personification of a rebel without a cause. His entire career had been about provoking the masses, as an unhinged mouthpiece who wanted to wind you up then slap the shit out of you. Now he’s going up against someone who can finally get in to his head and he doesn’t know how to retaliate. Anything he responds with is met with a grin and a nipple rub. 

I honestly think the backlot brawl slips under the radar more than it should. It was absolutely epic. A pretty brutal street fight given WWE’s standards at the time. Some of those ‘baseball bat’ shots looked like stingers, the car hit and run looked terribly real and painful, the OJ white car helicopter chase was bang on, humorous and on the money, and the strip at the end melted your teenage mind. The whole thing was next level and I’d never seen anything quite like it in wrestling before. I mean if you split the match up in to individual elements, the mind games, the street fight, the car chase and the ending, one of those elements alone is worthy of a nod and recognition. But all together in one match, at that point in time was a clatter to the senses for me. I have heard people give it shit, it’s even been associated to Wrestle crap, fuck that, it was class.


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Is Joker Sting minor enough? I know it led to the brilliant match VS Hogan (probably the peak of TNA), but the gimmick didn't last long. He was bloody superb in that role, like if Christopher Nolan cast Jim Carrey instead of Heath Ledger.

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How "big" a moment are we talking, by the way? Do we mean whole angles, or do we include tiny instances as well?

Because there's one I mentioned before which I loved - it was one of the few little sparks to the whole EV2 bollocks in TNA. It was a scene in the EV2 locker-room, where a load of them are talking about banding together to fight back against Fortune, and Raven just comes out with something like "Who's 'we'? Why should I throw in with you?" just as Bully Ray comes in to talk about a match they've got lined up. Someone tells Raven to shut up, and Bully Ray says "What's going on?" to which Devon replies: "He's being him."

That one little moment was great, just a very naturalistic bit of dialogue, drawing on the audience's knowledge of ECW, the wrestlers in it, and everything we know about Raven and his behaviour, to put across an everyday-sounding conversation between friends talking about their douchebag sort-of friend who's a pain in the arse and no-one really likes but puts up with anyway.

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