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Royal Rumble 2020


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Just now, WyattSheepMask said:

So apparently, Shayna shone the most in the Rumble and no-ones talking about Bianca

I'd recommend listening to the actual podcast to hear everything in context, if you're really interested, which I doubt, as opposed to some oddball, Dave obsessive troll who cuts up and edits audio to frame arguments and play gotcha on Twitter.

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21 minutes ago, Magnum Milano said:

I'd recommend listening to the actual podcast to hear everything in context, if you're really interested, which I doubt, as opposed to some oddball, Dave obsessive troll who cuts up and edits audio to frame arguments and play gotcha on Twitter.

Evening Dave 

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Rick beat me to it, but Miz Girl and Brock Lesnar guy were long before streak guy. They’ve been doing that shit for years.

I’ve barely even watched highlights of WWE lately, just keeping tabs on what’s going on. It barely felt like there was any real hype to these Rumbles, so i wasn’t particularly fussed about watching the Rumble for the first time ever. But last minute I decided to, I was suckered in and intrigued by the Brock at number 1 factor. Really glad I did. That Brock factor really went exactly as I hoped. Holy shit Brock is just the absolute bollocks. He was fucking perfect here. The mutants who get up in arms about him and his performances were proved wrong in a big way here. His reactions, to Kieth Lee in particular, were just wonderful. Brock gets it. He wouldn’t have ever watched NXT is definitely the narrative with been led to believe. Being shocked by the sheer mass of “this motherfucker”, beautiful! He’s probably the best ever, to be honest.

I love the Rumble concept. So much can be done with it, near limitless options and to reference another topic, such a great storytelling tool. So it’s so deflating when it’s lazily booked and nothing really happens or progresses. Loved both of them here though and with both much more the first half. Really strong booking in both, be interested to know who was behind the majority of that.

Honestly forgot their even was a Women’s Rumble, such was the build. When it started I had very little expectations, but sometimes that’s the best way. Right from the off was really into it. Loved the Bliss/Belair stuff. Bianca Belair. Man! Awesome strong booking for her and she absolutely owned it. Total star making performance. Great reactions from her too, class in everything she did really. And just dripping with star aura and charisma. Her and Lesnar gave me two of my favourite Rumble performances ever.

Beth Phoenix getting such a stint was quite surprising, but I thought she really shone as well. Almost mirrored Edges run in a way. Wonder if they’re both back for a bit? Despite the rumours, really didn’t think Edge would be back. But that was mostly wishful thinking. I really like the bloke and felt there’s no reason for him to come back...and I fear him fucking himself up proper and he’d seemed perfectly happy and content being away...and he’s got a family damn it! Yet, I loved his return, totally got me on the shock factor, he looked thrilled to be there and he really hasn’t missed a beat! He looked great and a total star. He’d actually fit in really well with a load of the current crop. Just hope he is healthy along with it. Orton was also a riot here, looked he was having the time of his life being back in there with Edge.

That Santina spot was dreadful. But that Mandy/Otis spot was tremendous. Feels like WWE have gone back in a time a bit with some of the scantily clad eye candy on display. Alexa, Liv and Mandy. Good lord. Probably played a part in me being so keen on the first half actually come to think of it. Like most, wasn’t a fan of the finish. Shayna could have been made here and her challenging Becky seems such an interesting, obvious feud/route that would be worthy of ‘Mania. Feels a little like it’s done the opposite. Charlotte winning here though makes it all the more frustrating and baffling that she was shoehorned in last year. Perhaps Ronda is back for ‘Mania.

Good surprises this year, besides Santina and Kelly Kelly. For years on previous Rumbles I’ve had hunches of Morrison, MVP and Carlito returning as surprises. Year I don’t think it, two of them are in it. Know Morrison was already back, but still. 

Rollins and his crew were used well. Looks as though their setting up Murphy & AOP vs Joe, Owens and Black which could be very tasty. 

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Scotland won the Royal Rumble then.

I gave this a go after seeing almost universal praise, which is rare in WWE.

The men's Rumble was just so much fun. Whoever was in charge of booking this got most of it nearly note perfect; I remember the last two or three being some of the worst I can remember so delighted they got it right again. One of the reasons they were a bit rubbish is it has become clear how little I give a care about the majority of their roster. The way they fixed it this year is to have their best attraction beat the shit out of them quick and then pose. Not a clue why WWE champion Brock was even in the match other than he fancied it (is there a storyline reason?), but it didn't matter. Even within the larger story of Brock killing the dross, they had so many memorable moments - the best being Brock dancing. The Rumble definitely dipped a bit once Brock got eliminated and the star power vanished but the Edge return soon after ensured this Rumbles place as one of the best ever.

Delighted for Drew. I remember someone did a thread a few months back asking something like "who is the most underused wrestler?". I think universally everyone agreed Drew had shown he has all the potential in the world, but it turns out WWE didn't do much with him after a feud with Roman Reigns. Who knows if he can reach his potential but being the guy to eliminate Brock and win one of the great modern Rumble matches is a strong start. I imagine they'll see how Drew catches on but I can see him being the guy to take the fall for Brock after a valiant effort.

Daniel Bryan was incredible on this show.

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Just like @PunkStepI haven't watched any WWE since WrestleMania so started a free trial just to catch my favourite event. And what an event to watch, a Rumble with standout booking where you get a great story, fun action, angles set up and not too much 'lay in the corner waiting for the next guy to get his shit in'.

Most disappointing thing was no Kofi hope spot. 

No, actually the most disappointing thing was the Network app performance watching it back on the train. The second the connection isn't 100% it flaps about, buffers then stops the event. Hit restart and it goes back an hour. Took me around an hour to watch the last 30 minutes. Poor show for such a wealthy and digital-focused company. 

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After the Rumble, I always like to update my trivia when it comes to ages of Rumble competitors - and @tiger_rick uses it in his almighty Rumble stats. Here's a couple of bits of note from this year:

 - 2020’s Rumble is collectively the oldest 30-man Rumble ever, with a total age of 1141. This clears previous oldest Rumbles 2008 and 2016, which both had a total age of 1083. It is also the Rumble with the oldest average age (38.03).

- Despite this, its oldest competitor MVP (two days older than second-oldest Edge) is, at 46, the youngest ‘oldest’ competitor in a decade.

 - However, Ricochet (31) is now the oldest 'youngest' participant in a Rumble - though he still joins the 'younger than the Rumble' club.

 - The 2020 Rumble marks the first time ever that none of the competitors were aged under 30.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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I also thought Belair shone in the Rumble. Get where Meltzer would be coming from though. They certainly intended Shayna to stand out coming in late and throwing 7 people out immediately. That's their idea of a star making performance before she loses. He's right too, everyone is talking about Shayna. That's all I've read. People complaining that she didn't win.

9 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Evening Dave 

@Magnum Milano is a good lad. You can shut it.

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8 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

I also thought Belair shone in the Rumble. Get where Meltzer would be coming from though. They certainly intended Shayna to stand out coming in late and throwing 7 people out immediately. That's their idea of a star making performance before she loses. He's right too, everyone is talking about Shayna. That's all I've read. People complaining that she didn't win.

@Magnum Milano is a good lad. You can shut it.

Did I say he wasn't. It was just a sarcastic comment. I guess it's just who makes them determines how you take it. I've never had an issues with him, nor do I now. So calm down. And I actually like you, especially your stat thread

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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9 hours ago, Magnum Milano said:

I'd recommend listening to the actual podcast to hear everything in context, if you're really interested, which I doubt, as opposed to some oddball, Dave obsessive troll who cuts up and edits audio to frame arguments and play gotcha on Twitter.

That MELTZER SAYS WHAT?! account is one of the worst on Twitter, and that's a very big statement as I myself am also on Twitter.

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He was made in a single night. He's hardly had a spectacular time since returning to WWE. There's been no, "Oh did you check out Drew's great match from last night's PPV?", and there's been no, "Drew had a cracking promo and show-long angle last night on RAW". He's just been plugging away, same as usual, dependable but not making many waves.

However, we always complain about how predicable the Rumble can be and how they don't use it to hoist those upper-mid carders into main event status anymore. Well on Sunday they did, and although Drew has had an unremarkable second stint in WWE, he's now being given all the tools and the opportunity to knock it out of the park. 

Of course it isn't all down to him though, as he still has to wade through WWE's backwards creative process, the minefield politics and Vince McMahon's inexplicable day-to-day decisions.

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