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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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9 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

On another note, I'm bracing myself to be massively annoyed by PMQs later. If he actually does show up, I fully expect him to hide behind Sue Gray. Fuck, I wouldn't be surprised if he deployed the tried-and-tested "hide behind the last Labour government" approach. 

"I think you'll find they held plenty of parties at Downing Street..."

I’m hoping it begins with asking him to correct the record from last week after Rayner pointed out he’d misled the house over his comments on inflation. He tried scarpering when she raised it, saying how Beth Rigby tweeted the clip of his actual words but Hoyle made him sit down. 

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4 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

I’m hoping it begins with asking him to correct the record from last week after Rayner pointed out he’d misled the house over his comments on inflation. He tried scarpering when she raised it, saying how Beth Rigby tweeted the clip of his actual words but Hoyle made him sit down. 

Depressingly, I'd completely forgotten about that. He manages to get away with his pathetic, dishonest behaviour by indulging in more pathetic, dishonest behaviour. It becomes impossible to remember it all. 

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Fucking hell.

If the excuse of "I didn't know it was a party" is the best Boris Johnson can muster then surely the games a bogey.

I work with children who have Additional Support Needs.  Last year this mans Government released a report where, in an attempt to reason immigration cuts, it said certain jobs were "menial".

No one who should have their job called that, never mind from their own Government.  I carry all the medical training possible and have a commendation of file from parents of a child who, in their words, "I saved his life".

It is difficult to imagine any politician, other than Trump, who is so detached from either reality or consequence.

Menial is it, fucking cunt.

Apologies for the self centred post.

Edited by Hugh Thesz
Spelling, always my spelling.
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The “I’m too stupid to realise a party when I’m at one” defense is certainly an interesting position. Suppose it doesn’t matter when you govern a party and country full of sycophantic seat sniffers.

Edited by stumobir
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1 hour ago, Perry said:

So there you have it, Boris thought the party was work related. 

In which case you'd think someone would point out that Boris Johnson doesn't appear to know what "work" looks like - something that should have been pretty obvious to anyone who's paid attention to his career to this point anyway.

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You know how political stuff that has "cut-through" will wind up on your Facebook feed a day or two after it's been the talk of Twitter?

My Facebook feed is already getting "normal" people turning "work party" into an overdone joke.

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17 minutes ago, JNLister said:

You know how political stuff that has "cut-through" will wind up on your Facebook feed a day or two after it's been the talk of Twitter?

My Facebook feed is already getting "normal" people turning "work party" into an overdone joke.

Yep it’s already everywhere on my feed too. I enjoyed this - 


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