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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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I'm not sure how much I believe in this being an intentional wrecking, rather that they've been raised and surrounded by a Thatcher 2.0 ideology (that everyone with an ounce of common sense has told them would fuck up immediately), a media class designed to enable and encourage that so they've got 'think tanks' telling them they're right and the people will support it, they're reading papers and online editorials tell them they're right and they just have to have the power of will or some other gobshite to 'make the hard decisions' and we're now so far down the list of possible PM's we've gone past the ones who do it a bit but are savvy enough to land at least a bit closer to the political centre and we've got to the real, bought-in ideologues who thought they had it all figured out and were about to be hailed as heroes, all until about 20s after they did it when it fucked everything up in an instant and the support structures turned against them for exposing the lie.

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Seems like this is the general politics thread now, but this is a really good article (even I still don't trust Peter Oborne) about Al Jazeera's investigation into the media's reporting of Jeremy Corbyn.


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My Uncle, for example, votes Tory and defends them to the hilt. What's more strange, is he's from and lives in a small shithole in South Yorkshire, not from wealth, doesn't earn Megabucks, but will vote Tory every time. 

I genuinely have no idea how the Tories have gained such a strong following in small, working class ex-coal mining towns. Well, I kind of do, but it is still qwhite strange.

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Hey what’s more working class than pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and making something of yourself from hard work and determination. Something all white working class people could do if it wasn’t for other working class people (and foreigns) taking all the money and opportunities handed to them on a silver platter. 

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3 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

I don’t doubt that Labour may have opened up a lead in the polls, but I bet there are still a shitload of people that are voting Tory and not admitting to it

I've always believed this. I hear everyone tells me Thatcher was a cunt and nobody says a good word, but she won 3 elections so some cunt voted for her multiple times but nobody seems to admit it. 

I don't think Conservatives will win the next election though evenwhen their supporters crawl out. I would say that they are pretty much like mid-nineties Conservatives just waiting to die. 

Edited by westlondonmist
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I dunno. I hear Starmer is a communist and he's going to make Britain go back into the EU and he's gonna let foreigners come over here and change the sex of our children and he's gonna make it the law that you have to be woke and you can't say man or woman anymore in case it offends someone. 

And, like, that economy thing was 2 years ago and she'd only just started. She's just like us, ya know? And she likes proper British cheese. Not like that Keir Starmer, bloody champagne socialist with his fancy cheese. He's never done a proper day's work in his life. Bet he's never opened a pork market in Beijing. 

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