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Things that you know will be shit

Gus Mears

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Jeeeeesus. You'd think a veteran millionaire rock musician with low-budget cinema credits who claims the Munsters is his favourite show ever could still afford to do more than get his mates around for a weekend and film them on an Iphone. Weird wobbly handheld camera work at odd times. Achingly dead air in others. Zero Fred Gwynne charisma from whoever that wonk they have as Hermann is. That two and a half minute trailer doesn't half outstay its welcome.

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It really is something else. Like, it looks shit in the sense that it's pretty much definitely going to be a rotten film, but it also looks shit. I've seen 16 year old media students come up with better CG and green screen stuff than this. Also, it really irks me that the list of Rob Zombie films at the beginning (where they do the "from the director of..." thing) isn't in chronological order. It's not even in the order of how well-known / recognised any of the films are with the general public (which would surely go Halloween, Devil's Rejects, 1000 Corpses). It's all just nonsense. Shite.

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What in the blue fuck was that? Some of the recent Star Wars series have taken a pasting for looking cheap in comparison to the films, but that just looked like people fucking about and, as someone mentioned, filming it on their phone. Even Tommy Wiseau’s joke trailer for Big Shark looked like it could’ve been a film

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Everyone pretty much echoing my thoughts on The Munsters. If it was some no-budget fan project I'd probably be more forgiving, because it looks like the cast are trying (Herman's helium voice aside), but it just smacks of "We rented one camera and one lens, and then a whole weekend in an editing suite".

Not that they were my favourite characters, but no Eddie, and no Marilyn?

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1 hour ago, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

Jesus tap dancing Christ that Munsters trailer looks beyond shite, the hell is Zombie thinking?

The inference here being that his brain was in gear when he made his other awful films?

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