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Wrestlemania 36- Tampa Bay Bay

Sonny Mustang

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That boneyard match was probably the most iI've enjoyed wrestling in about 5 years I reckon super polished and very engaging from start to finish for me. Really hope this isn't a one and done thing for the feud or Undertaker movie moments. In fact he should just do this stuff from now on, the character could last for years in his own little world. Also i'm guess Jeremy Borash was highly involved in the making of that.

Overall really enjoyed tonight's show, didn't go too long as they seem to have pushed most of the big matches to tomorrow still. I wasn't awake for the first 2 matches but will go back and give them a watch later on today. Only thing that seemed unnecessary was the bump Owens did but i'm not sure if like in the ladder match there were a few carefully placed camera cuts.

I did almost shut off at the beginning of Bryan Vs Zayn because of Gronk and Mojo but glad I pushed through that awful moment. Was the IC title match basically an All Star Wrestling match without people wearing foam hands?


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Turns out when they put their minds to it, they really can make movies :D

Also worth noting I dont feel anywhere near as fatigued as I have done for the last 5 years after watching Mania, and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. There's a lesson in there for them I think. 

Edited by Otto Dem Wanz
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The Boneyard match was absolutely phenomenal. Really enjoyed the Ladder match and Owens vs Rollins too. Strowman and Goldberg had the worst world title match in Mania history. The show didn't feel like a Mania at all but that main event will go down as one of the best ever. Phenomenal! 

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Nikki Cross had a breakout performance, Kevin Owens got his moment, Braun/Bill was a fun 5 minutes and the boneyard was fucking great, danielson working a Dixon camp match before hurling his neck at the guardrail was insane, there was a few low points, Becky/shayna had a hot start but couldn't keep the pace and the ladder match was a bit wonky, but if tomorrow is as good, then it's a success for me. 

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32 minutes ago, Callum1993 said:

Strowman and Goldberg had the worst world title match in Mania history. 

No way. I preferred it to HHH vs Jericho, HHH vs Orton and HHH vs Reigns, purely because it didn't go on forever.

Quite enjoyed that show overall! Main event was fantastic, and nothing on the card dragged for me, except Corbin vs Elias. It was awkward as expected, but really the weirdest thing about it is that it finished two hours earlier than a one-night WrestleMania does.

Edited by King Pitcos
Remembered that Corbin vs Elias happened
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The main event was superb, I was grinning through the whole thing. I enjoyed Owen v Rollins and think that should have kicked off the show. Everything else I never want to see again. I'm worried for McIntyre as I had a feeling after a while that they've switched some results from what they'd initially planned so as to wait for a batch of rematches when the fans are back.

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The effort was there all night. Guys like Kevin Owens, Kofi Kingston, Morrison and Jimmy Uso were all willing to kill themselves to make it feel like Wrestlemania. Daniel Bryan and Sami Zayn doing the stiffest holiday camp match of all time. However, much like every other empty arena show it just didn’t work. Lifeless, creepy, awkward. There was nothing the guys could do in this setting to truly succeed.

But then Jeremy Borash saved the day with one of the most fun things they’ve ever produced. That Boneyard Match was fucking spectacular. Everything this show needed to be. Daft, silly, hilarious, ridiculous. I absolutely loved it. The best thing The Undertaker has done in years. The most enjoyable Wrestlemania main event in years. A complete home run. And a show that finished and peaked long before the usual point of exhaustion.

It’s amazing, really. A show that was hindered and handicapped more than any Wrestlemania in recent memory and yet they managed to send me home happier than any show since Wrestlemania 30. This needs to be it for Taker. The highest high he’s had in years. He’s never going to have a better moment to literally drive off into the sunset. 


Absolutely brilliant.

I’m so excited for the Fun House match tonight.

Edited by Supremo
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Well, I zipped through this in about an hour as I'll be honest I'm not interested in most of it and life's too short to watch 3 hours of the worst editing since Bohemian Rhapsody.

Zayn Vs Bryan was excellent but could've had 10 more minutes.

Boneyard match was hokey as fuck and really just Undertaker saying "you wanted this son" over and over but still the best thing on the card...and I can't stand Undertaker! Fair play to them.

But why is his bike so farty?

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Certainly didn't have that WrestleMania feel to it. After a few weeks of empty arena shows, for the most part it felt like another one of those.

Owens vs. Rollins and the 3-Way Ladder Match produced some good stuff but as everyone else says the Boneyard Match stole the show and made the whole night worth while. Masterfully pulled off and The Undertaker looked excellent through out. He's participated in some legacy tarnishing stuff in recent years but they pulled this one off to be fair to them. 

The whole show kind of sums up WWE at the moment to me. They do have some amazing athletes and characters but it too often gets drowned out by all the bang average, filler content that surrounds them. This 'Too big for one night' attitude.. Three hours of Raw.. It could all be cut down for the benefit of the product.

If they went back to basics and focused on making 6 or 7 top tier matches it could be an incredible 4-5 hour memorable WrestleMania. Stuff like Elias/Corbin, R-Truth/Mojo etc, filler stuff like this that belong on Raw brings it down.

Edited by Winston
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