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The Smackers Thread


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23 minutes ago, EricTheRed said:

He wasn’t out of breath and to say the Rock was shit in the first place is embarrassing


10 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

I never said that.


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Even if you don't think he was a bit out of breath, you have to admit he was very purple and veiny. Like a squeezed old chap.

I imagine he's at the stage of his muscledom, where if his heart skips a beat for whatever reason his life flashes before his eyes. 

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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4 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I imagine he's at the stage of his muscledom, where if his heart skips a beat for whatever reason his life flashes before his eyes.

I'm almost the same Dazzler, except when my heart skips a beat and my life flashes before my eyes it's not muscles that's the cause, it's that I probably forgot to take my beta blockers. 

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I enjoyed The Rock promo, assume this heel run is going to be very short lived so will appreciate it while we've got it as I didn't expect to ever see it again.

Don't think they're going to bother trying to explain what happened with Rock and Cody in the first place though, unless it turns out that it was a 'plan' all along when Rock turns on Roman.

Edited by AndyUK
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Whilst I suspect "it was a ruse to bring the Bloodline down from within all along" is the most likely payoff currently (as I said a couple of pages ago), regardless of if you go that way with the story or not, it should be fairly easy to explain the beginning without massively contradicting anything that happened before. 

Cody has resolved that taking the title from Roman isn't enough, he wants to take everything away from him - i.e. his position as Tribal Chief. Cody can't actually displace Roman there as he's not part of the family. So he called someone who could to do that part of the job. 

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54 minutes ago, Statto said:

Whilst I suspect "it was a ruse to bring the Bloodline down from within all along" is the most likely payoff currently (as I said a couple of pages ago), regardless of if you go that way with the story or not, it should be fairly easy to explain the beginning without massively contradicting anything that happened before. 

Cody has resolved that taking the title from Roman isn't enough, he wants to take everything away from him - i.e. his position as Tribal Chief. Cody can't actually displace Roman there as he's not part of the family. So he called someone who could to do that part of the job. 

It's a very good story if done right.

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How was the reaction to The Rock? The Observer writeup seemed surprised that the initial reaction was positive, and that it took him doing hokey "you're all inbreds and your local sports team is bad" cheap heat to really turn the crowd on him.

They may have played their hand too early, if heel Rock is key to the story, as it seems that most audiences might not actually want to boo The Rock and were only doing it to express their frustration at Cody not getting the main event - now he has his match back with zero effort, what do we hate The Rock for again?

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19 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

How was the reaction to The Rock? The Observer writeup seemed surprised that the initial reaction was positive, and that it took him doing hokey "you're all inbreds and your local sports team is bad" cheap heat to really turn the crowd on him.

They may have played their hand too early, if heel Rock is key to the story, as it seems that most audiences might not actually want to boo The Rock and were only doing it to express their frustration at Cody not getting the main event - now he has his match back with zero effort, what do we hate The Rock for again?

I think that's a misreading, actually.

Initially there was plenty of boos, but clearly a bit of excitement just to see The Rock which is always going to happen.

As he started to make those jokes he got more over with the crowd, actually, as they found it funny. It became like a comedy roast. You could see the glee in peoples eyes, cheering and willing him to do another gag. He had to pull it back, change his cadence and stop the jokes to go back to being full heel.

It was a bit of a microcosm of The Rock's career generally, in that people finding him funny was turning him face.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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  • 2 weeks later...
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Posted (edited)

Top tier Smackers. The highest of recommendations. It’s crazy how they switch into fifth gear when that final pay per view is out of the way and they can focus squarely on Wrestlemania. We’re in!

Ridiculously convoluted stipulations aside, that Rock promo was night and day with his last one. Home run. Felt big time, felt fresh, didn’t feel like a tribute act, funny, gripping, the forty minutes flew by, and - crucially - that bit where he acknowledged Roman was the exact rub he’s been missing.

Ever since he started standing next to Rock, it’s felt like Roman’s aura was shrinking in real time, feeling more and more like a baby brother. Between acknowledging Roman and then letting him finish the, “…is cooking,” catchphrase, that was the first time they felt on the same level. Two absolute megastars. Belter.

Just a shame one of their opponents is Seth Rollins. Fuck me. Every week it gets worse. These three lads feeling bigger and bigger, building themselves higher and higher…and then there’s that knobhead, cackling, dressed like a twat. I honestly worry for him. That Mania crowd are gonna end up turning on him, he’s so out of place. At least Cody is cool and quick witted enough to rise above Rock’s schtick. Seth’s gonna get eaten alive.

Also; fair play. Rock does know what he’s doing. It was funny last time to take the piss out of him doing the finger in air wrong, assuming he just hadn’t watched the product. Seeing him do it again here though, subtly switching to stick his thumb out for a second? Clearly a nice little tease of what’s so obviously coming. Can’t wait. In my head, it’s like Backlash 2000 when Rock eventually helps Cody win. Eruptions. People throwing babies. Free at last. Free at last.

But yeah. They’ve got me extrapolating a multi-month-long, multi-million dollar storyline from a man twitching his thumb. Do not try to tell me pro-wrestling isn’t the best thing ever.

It makes me think Roman and Rock might actually win on Night 1, allowing Rock to be at ringside for Night 2, when he inevitably turns. Maybe Drew costs them the tag match on the Night 1, causing Seth to get pinned? I mean, come on. I don’t care if he’s holding a belt. Never in the history of the business has there been a match where one person is so clearly suited to be the designated jobber.

Bron Breakker going full Goldberg is inspired. He looked incredible.

Excellent angle with Bayley and Damage Control. Exactly what she needed. It’s been a weird, understated run thus far, but this was perfect. Real heat. Bayley’s got no-one left. And when you’ve got no-one left you look to your blood, you look to your friends, you look…to Bayley Buddies! There ain’t no stopping us now!

Fun street fight. Great return for Rey Mysterio. Daylight robbery watching him steal Hangman Adam Page’s gimmick though, pretending to be hurt only to attack with the crutch. If Wade Barrett has any journalistic integrity he’ll follow Excalibur’s lead and start calling him THE LIAR, Rey Mysterio.

But yeah, I can’t decide which is better. Do they do the Rey vs. Escobar singles match at Mania, or have a crazy Faction Warfare spot fest? Both would likely rule.

They aired that brilliant clip of Logan Paul! Amazing! “I can’t moooooooove!” “I’m tryyyyyyying!”

I laughed when Nick Aldis immediately cut Tyler Bate off when he started talking about wrestling at Wrestlemania. Should’ve said what we were all thinking, Nick. “You? At Wrestlemania? With that shit tighty whitey gear? With a name as bad as New Catch Republic? With that weird face that makes you look about twenty years older than you actually are? Get back to the Leisure Centers with Trent!”

Wade throwing out a reference to the Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience. Top stuff. Book The Unknown for Wrestlemania!

Insanely enjoyable main event considering it featured Austin Theory. Unbelievable how much Kevin Owens added to the match, marking out like an idiot at the desk. Him  screaming, “YES!” in delight at the table bumps was the most authentic feel-good moment in as long as I can remember. Lad just earnestly having the time of his life. Super infectious. Light years from the Misery Years.

Fuck’s sake, WWE. Being this hot and enjoyable, whilst spamming the new video game advert? I’m gonna have to buy that now. What are they like these days? Have they improved? What’s the button combination that allows you to play as Cody and hug blind fans?

Edited by Supremo
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The setup is nailed on for Seth to lose the tag for Cody but for him to win the title anyway. Further cementing my conviction that if they fuck Cody again, I’m never believing in any babyface again.

Really glad they got “but can Bayley trust Dakota” out of the way before Mania. Yawn.

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1 hour ago, air_raid said:

The setup is nailed on for Seth to lose the tag for Cody but for him to win the title anyway.

Or for Rock to pin Cody, leading to a change of direction post-Mania, with Reigns turning face and Rock leading The Bloodline. A Cody/Rock singles match at Sunmerslam, and Rock/Reigns (non-title) at Wrestlemania next year could be a lot of fun. As much as I enjoy heel Reigns, I think the time has come to turn him babyface again.

This was a brilliant show, although I’m slightly sad to see Naomi essentially slotting back into the role she was in before she left. She was so good on Impact that I thought she’d end up a bigger deal. That said, Stratton is excellent. Her gimmick doesn’t quite work for me, but it’s clear that she is very, very good, 

Rock was brilliant on this show, and I don’t think I’ll ever tire of watching that Logan Paul clip. I was fully expecting Paul to face Knight at Wrestlemania, but I guess not. I don’t want either Orton or Owens (assuming - as I am - that it’s a triple threat) to win the belt, so I hope Paul’s reign as champ continues. 

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