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The Smackers Thread


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Even by WWE standards, the way they’ve Daniel Bryan’d themselves again might be the maddest, most fascinating thing they’ve ever done. The more I think about it, the more unbelievable it becomes.

At the most basic level, it beggars belief that we’re still at this same point with Daniel Bryan. Schrödinger's top guy. Simultaneously the last guy they’ll ever consider the Chosen One and yet the one guy they always end up reluctantly choosing. The one guy they’re convinced doesn’t have it and yet he continuously breaks through because he actually has it more than anyone else they’ve had in the past ten to fifteen years.

It’d be one thing if they were just a terrible judge of talent. If somehow, you could ignore the blindingly obvious fact that Bryan is the absolute best and ticks every single box. Promos. In-ring work. Playing heel or babyface. Smart. Personable. A fully functioning human who you can trust to be normal on social media and in press interviews. Pretty much the one guy in the entire company who I’d allow to discuss anything in public, safe in the knowledge he’s gonna give a reasoned, articulate answer. I mean, fucking hell, who else would you trust to talk about BLM on a podcast?

But yeah. It’d be one thing if you ignored all of that, convinced yourself he wasn’t the guy, and wrongly slotted him at the Intercontinental Title level. But the way they’re forever eating shit, endlessly admitting defeat and positioning him at the top because he so obviously is the guy? It’s completely bonkers.

And that’s without even considering that it’s happened this time without fans in attendance. There wasn’t a huge backlash. Edge didn’t get booed out of the building. This time, it’s completely on them. They could have gone with Edge vs. Roman, piped in their cheers and boos and carried on like everything was brilliant. But they feel it just as much as we do. They’ve got the same instincts we all have. When you watch this stuff long enough you can sense what is and isn’t working. Just like most of us on here, they realised Edge was the wrong man at the wrong time and they’ve been trying to book themselves out of this corner ever since. It’s absolutely damning that these instincts didn’t kick in until after the Royal Rumble though. Anyone with eyes could see what was coming.

It’s been seven fucking years. From your Sheamus to your Batista, to your Big Cas and beyond. Maybe it’s time to admit someone being over six foot isn’t that important after all? Surely it’d be easier at this point to actually give the guy a proper, sustained run? If nothing else it must be absolutely exhausting swimming against the tide like this, only to constantly give up and let it carry you back once or twice a year. Look what happened when they finally gave turning Roman heel a try. Who knows what they could achieve making Bryan the top babyface he’s always been destined to be.

Edited by Supremo
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I don’t know if it’s just them being a tad reluctant after the last time he won the belt, when he beat AJ for it, it didn’t seem to generate anywhere near the same amount of a response as it did when he won at WM30. Whether that’s because he was a heel at the time or not or because it seemed to randomly happen on Smackdown, I don’t know, but there certainly wasn’t that same amount of buzz as before.

And that’s not his fault in the slightest, more the panic booking that caused it.

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He's never really had any sort of sustained run as a babyface champion either has he? he was injured pretty quick after the big Mania win (think his only title feud was against business Kane) and was then slotted into that nothing IC title level til he was forced to retire. Then the eco warrior heel champ run.

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It’s truly amazing that WWE still has essentially all the same people in charge and they’ve all gotten considerably worse at their jobs. Awful booking aside, the camera cuts and those god awful cgi things they put on the screen (like sasha’s legit boss hands) are so bad. I’m amazed they come from the same person that was in charge of production when we all used to like wrestling.


If the stories are true that both Edge and Daniel Bryan are on creative, it’s amazing they’ve both fucked up/allowed to have fucked up their stories going into mania. Edge comes across like a crybaby heel and Daniel Bryan is going to likely ruin the main event if he’s not in it and doesn’t win. I refuse to believe that Bryan and Edge are idiots so my only conclusion has to be that they had better ideas and Vince shut them down and went with this instead.


Just scrap it all and let Roman fight E.

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That’s a point, actually. For as convoluted and overbooked as Smackdown has become, the two purest, most effective moments in recent weeks have been when both Roman and Big E have raised their voices in promos. Like glimpses into another dimension where WWE promos have some actual passion and aren’t just unlikable pricks bitching and moaning at each other.

Scrap the whole thing. Have Edge and Bryan somehow injure each other so neither can go to Mania. Then do the proper main event.



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32 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Scrap the whole thing. Have Edge and Bryan somehow injure each other so neither can go to Mania. Then do the proper main event.


100% this. Bryan hits the running dropkick, cracks his own neck on the landing and Edge crocks his on the turnbuckle. Then we immediately cut to Big E going full Andy Dwyer:

Parks And Recreation Reaction GIF

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5 hours ago, Supremo said:

Just like most of us on here, they realised Edge was the wrong man at the wrong time and they’ve been trying to book themselves out of this corner ever since.

If the story about Edge being chosen to win the Royal Rumble simply because he actually thought to pitch it to creative is true, the evidence becomes all the more damning.

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They just signed a contract for the match at Fastlane, then Jay Uso decides  he wants to be a special enforcer. Surely that would be a match stipulation which would have been in the contract, no?

Also, can’t believe they are going down the Otis/Mandy angle with Nia and Reginald. Reginald at the moment is giving Big Kev a run in being involved in every segment pretty much

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1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

They just signed a contract for the match at Fastlane, then Jay Uso decides  he wants to be a special enforcer. Surely that would be a match stipulation which would have been in the contract, no?

Surely you've been watching long enough to not waste your time applying logic to wrestling contract signings.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I’ll be forever obsessed with this Edge/Daniel Bryan thing. That it’s come to this without fans even being there to reject the original direction is insanity.

Aren’t both Edge and Bryan on the creative team for Smackdown? A fly on the wall documentary on how they ended up with this Triple Threat match would make for the most fascinating Network special of all time. Edge trying to write the heroic return of the legend, overcoming all the odds to win the Royal Rumble from the number one spot, reclaiming a World Title after being unfairly stripped due to injury a decade earlier. And then everyone else going, “yeah, we’re turning you heel and popping Daniel Bryan into the match because you’ve got the face of a grandad and the aura of a miserable, sulky prick.”

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