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Post An Unpopular Opinion

Keith Houchen

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1 hour ago, Mr_Danger said:

I hate Formula One like but isn't the FA Cup one of the best examples of weaker teams with lesser players and facilities overcoming the odds to better a stronger team? Surely a great driver makes as much difference as a great car in F1?

Also, Mountevans, try not caring as much about the opinions of a bunch of mostly strangers on the Internet. It's what you make it dude.

Cheers. It was more a case of staying on topic & posting an unpopular opinion. It does wind me up at times, but not to the point of crying myself to sleep at night ?

Here's another one! Bernard Manning was not a racist.

I spoke to his publicist after BM passed away. She described him as a lovely man, who did loads of stuff for charities supporting ethnic minorities on the understanding that it was not to be made public.

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9 minutes ago, Lord-Mountevans said:

Here's another one! Bernard Manning was not a racist.

I spoke to his publicist after BM passed away. She described him as a lovely man, who did loads of stuff for charities supporting ethnic minorities on the understanding that it was not to be made public.

Just a xenophobic, homophobic misogynist. Well that's ok then.

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1 hour ago, Mr_Danger said:

Aye, personally I'd take the many many racist things he said and did over the anonymous work he was rumoured to have done to form the opinion that he was indeed racist. It's definitely an unpopular opinion though!

I know he admitted to being a "racist" on The Mrs. Merton show, but i always felt like he said that to get a reaction & it went horribly wrong for him. 

Did he ever actually do anything bad other than tell jokes? Was there intent behind his comedy or was it his "act" because i believe he was acting. For me the real offence behind words is the intent. For me, a joke is a joke & said to make people laugh. Granted it can be at the expense of others, but Bernard Manning also used to take the piss out of himself, his mother, the quality of the beer in his own club, the football club he supported etc.etc.

I saw him perform at the end of his career & he hardly did any controversial material. But nobody ever mentions things like this, i guess he had his reputation & everyone had already made their minds up about him by then. It's a shame really because his publicist was adamant that the person behind the "act" was the polar opposite of his public persona.


56 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Just a xenophobic, homophobic misogynist. Well that's ok then.


Edited by Lord-Mountevans
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Best case scenario you're presenting is that he was secretly not racist but too scared to admit it, because he knew is fanbase was racist, so he continued to tell racist jokes and then did some secret charity work to assuage his guilt. So, uhhh. Fuck him.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Bernard Manning never spoke about charity? Yet you mention his Mrs Merton interview?

tbf he was of his time and place, he made a shit load of cash, made alot of people laugh and although he or his publicist may say he wasnt, he may not have been, but he did say racist things.


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11 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Best case scenario you're presenting is that he was secretly not racist but too scared to admit it, because he knew is fanbase was racist, so he continued to tell racist jokes and then did some secret charity work to assuage his guilt. So, uhhh. Fuck him.

Or maybe he was sick & tired of all the haters, but was secretly laughing at them because he knew who he was & who he helped? 
I never got the vibe of a fanbase of racists when i saw him perform. No nasty undercurrent or anything, just people coming out to have a laugh (at everybody & everything).

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42 minutes ago, CleetusVanDamme said:

Westworld (TV) is boring, confusing and boring.


Having given up halfway through the second series, I'll definitely second this. It tries far too hard. It's hardly surprising, given the fact it was created by Christopher Nolan's brother.

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26 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Best case scenario you're presenting is that he was secretly not racist but too scared to admit it, because he knew is fanbase was racist, so he continued to tell racist jokes and then did some secret charity work to assuage his guilt. So, uhhh. Fuck him.

100% this. 

I've seen a fair bit of Mannings stand up and when he's just telling normal jokes - not the Mother-in-law, aren't the Irish stupid, Indian/Pakistani stuff - he's actually pretty funny. The racist and offensive stuff can't be ignored though.  

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I knew Bernard Manning through a business he had part ownership in that I worked for in the 80’s.  He was always very nice with me.  I’m a white straight man.  He was nice with the “coloured lad” I worked with, but not to the level he was with us honkeys, and always barbed it with a comment like “Morning son, 4 wheels on my car, better be 4 when I get back”, or “fucking hell son, I know it’s been sunny, but that’s the best tan I’ve seen for years”.  Often referred to him as the coon when he was out of the office.  So, yes, he was a racist.

He also bought a special wheelchair for the daughter of another colleague after hearing about the problems he was having getting her one, did several other similar acts of generosity to people there, one of whom was mixed race.  So. Yes, he was a charitable man.

Whether one outweighs the other is people’s opinion.  At the time, I didnt have a problem with it, it was a working class area and that’s how I was brought up.  Now, I look at the way he acted as systematic bullying, and me now would have intervened .  Didn’t try to molest anyone, which is a bonus I suppose.

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8 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

Having given up halfway through the second series, I'll definitely second this. It tries far too hard. It's hardly surprising, given the fact it was created by Christopher Nolan's brother.

I gave up 3 episodes into season 2.  Not a problem with intelligent Sci-if, but this was just trying to be too clever.  The original movie is on Prime,  still love that film.

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I was about to give up at ep 3, but I was told to watch ep 4. In fairness, it was a good episode, but I threw in the towel after the next episode. The movie is excellent, Yul Brynner is quite terrifying in it.

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1 hour ago, PowerButchi said:

You're missing out on all the tranquility, beauty, clean air, history, culture and inherently better pubs that the countryside provides on a daily basis.

That's all well and good but what about all the racists?

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