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WWE launches new U.K. series - NXT UK


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Excellent show - what a difference a scorching hot crowd and a more intimate setting can make too. 

Dunne v Walter should be good but surely Dunne v Mastiff has to be on the cards at some point too. Undefeated v champ
Gotta hand it to the Brits - they knocked it out of the park tonight. Everyone involved should be incredibly proud of that show.  

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Amazing show from start to finish, the 2.5 hours flew by, the pop for Finn near enough blew the roof off the Ballroom judging by the live video the Gorilla Position podcast but up on their social media. WALTER got a pretty massive pop as well at the end, I'm guessing that is going to be the M.E for the next Takeover show. It appears that the show will be getting a re run in the slot for the weekly shows on Wednesday night so anything that gets taped tomorrow won't start airing till the week after

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Was there live (sat almost behind the guy in the vintage FWA t-shirt in the second row). The show was great from start to finish. Finn definitely got the biggest pop—the floor was literally bouncing when the lights went out and his music hit.

The only disappointment was, no cold open promo to start the show like previous Takeovers. Though Triple H did come out and flap his arms around on the entrance stage after WALTER came out and (presumably) the broadcast finished.

Everyone also thought Joe Coffey had died when he fell off the top rope to the outside. The crowd went eerily silent. He then fell again, but took Pete Dunne with him trying the same spot a second time. Ouchies. They were also not holding back. At one point Pete was stomping Joe’s head/neck and was not pulling back on them ?

Also, the shots of the wrestlers in the crowd are weird. They’re literally escorted to the end of a row, turf a fan out of their seat, get the wrestler to sit there whilst the camera’s on them, then escorted back. Almost feels like, what’s the point? We had Luke Menzies and Charlotte put a couple of seats away from us.

Edited by Your Fight Site
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That was a bloody good show with a fantastic, red hot crowd who were on form and loud all night.

The tag match was excellent, I could have watched that all night. Moustache Mountain are so good. Gibson and Drake were also fantastic. 

Lovely surprise having Finn turn up. What a pop! Felt like a big star for the first time since the Demon squash at Summerslam.

I had no expectations for the No DQ match but it was a really fun plunder match. Eddie Dennis looked about a hundred times better than he ever has to me before.

Ripley-Storm was fine. To say it was the least enjoyable match on the show for me would be accurate but that’s not to say it wasn’t good. Shame Rhea lost the title. Stick her in the Women’s Rumble.

The main event got better as it went on and became something pretty special. Those falls from the top rope to the floor were scary, and effective whether they were accidental or not - really conveyed the amount of effort and energy those two had expended. Happy Dunne won.

My first time seeing WALTER. I like his music a lot. Nice little post-credits scene to hook in for what comes next.

Really pleased for NXT UK. The television hasn’t been must-see up to now but if they can deliver on big shows like this, long may it continue.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Was I watching the right show as you guys? Excellent? Amazing? Bloody good?

The opening tag match was brilliant (not surprising considering the participants) but it all went downhill from there.

They should be building the brand around a guy like Devlin but they sacrificed that just so they could have one of their trademark WWE moments with Balor making a surprise appearance. Devlin and Banks should've gone out there and killed it for 10 minutes, but instead they chucked Travis Banks off the bus whilst simultaneously chucking Devlin under it. The match itself wasn't anything special and was vastly forgettable. They can do it justice by having Balor be part of NXT-UK for a while and have Devlin work for his rematch and big win, but knowing WWE's track record, that's very doubtful.

And that set the tone for the rest of the evening. Eddie/Mastiff was shite. No idea what they see in Eddie but he appears to be one of those wrestler's wrestlers that the boys all harp on about how great he is. He's a decent heel at your local indie, but that's his limit for me. Mastiff....man, I bloody love Mastiff. I used to campaign for him to get booked overseas and at BOLA's and the like, but five years later he's not the same total bad ass that he used to be, at least not on this show. He was cumbersome and looked anxious out there. Not a good match, at all.

Ripley/Toni was nothing to harp on about. Rhea is nowhere near the level of Toni is which made for a weird dynamic. Serviceable but not great either. The right person won though.

Dunne/Coffee was a fucking clusterfuck, No one is buying Coffee as a legit contender and it affected the match. Definitely Dunne's weakest Takeover to date and it wasn't his fault as he tried to get the crowd invested where he could. The first half of the match was slow, sluggish and plodding (has the fingerprints of Trips and Shawn all over it) and they were aiming for an epic, but it was a forced a epic and came across as sub-standard and manufactured. The action picked up for the last ten minutes and then it became actually enjoyable, but it was still fifteen minutes too long. The crowd wanted to make this come across as good so they threw themselves into it the final sections, which helped but didn't aid with the forced 'epic' nature. That Vince McMahon chant was cringe worthy too, especially for such a dull match and then the timing of that couldn't of been better what with Joe fucking up that top rope spot twice in a row.

Not a great representation of the UK scene and arguably the worst Takeover to date. The roster is paper thin in terms of people to care about; outside of BSS, WALTER and Toni Storm, no one came out of that show looking better than they did going in and there isn't a hook to keep watching the weekly TV. Really disappointing


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Only watched the opener so far, but bloody hell that was a bit good. Didn't see a huge amount in James Drake before this but I thought he was excellent. A proper star making performance for Drake. Beautiful 450, and the spot with him drop kicking Seven in the middle of a suicide dive was novel. All four put in a massive shift and it was a superb match. Cracking crowd too.

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1 hour ago, Accident Prone said:

but instead they chucked Travis Banks off the bus whilst simultaneously chucking Devlin under it. 

Devlin, as a developmental talent, had a competitive match with a bloke who is not just a main roster guy, but who is consistently in & around the main event of the flagship show, was the first Universal Champion, and has been heavily rumoured to be on the verge of a massive push. He did this whilst being entirely unprepared for that surprise match/opponent.

It's akin to a League 1 club drawing another League 1 club in the cup, Man Utd unexpectedly turning up on the day, and them still holding it to a 1-0 defeat.

I'm not a wins & loses don't matter guy, but they're not the be all & end all either. I'd hardly describe what happened as being thrown under the bus.

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I was at the show and thought it was fantastic. I wandered away from my seat on the top balcony to the balcony below on a bar hunt and found myself with the wwe staff, jeremy borash and who i assume was toni storm's mum as she was the spit of her and wearing her merch. No one asked me to leave so i stayed there for the full show.

Im in the albert and the lion spoons on the promenade getting well oiled before tonights tapings if any ukffers fancy a pint and a natter :)

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Just now, Accident Prone said:

No one is taking about Devlin's NXT-UK potential after that. It was an average match that you'd get on your average episode of RAW  and was completely forgettable as such.This wasn't one of those "He looked amazing in defeat" outcomes. 

He looked good working a main roster guy in a main roster style match. Plenty of people have praised his work, not least of which his bosses, who have more to say on the matter than any of us.

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