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Star Wars Thread - Spoilers, yo.


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The Rose plot arc in TLJ was meaningless shite and trimming it down for this film was no loss whatsoever.

Nothing to do with her race, age, gender, sex, religion, football team allegiance, hair colour or political opinions.

I just didn't think her involvement had any meaning and ramming her ship into Finn full speed to "save him" in a collisionĀ he was highly likely to have also died from but without having saved the rest of the rebels was for me one of the stupidest things to happen in any of the 9 films.

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27 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

Shit, I forgot Matt Smith was supposed to be in this. Who was he meant to be? Do we know?

The strongest rumours were that he was a de-aged / rejuvenated / younger clone of Palpatine. I can see that.

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9 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Itā€™s been confirmed that Jannah is Landoā€™s daughter (he wasnā€™t hitting on her you wrong-uns) and some of that was cut from the film as well, which is why she served more of a purpose then would seem.

Yeah I know, it's incredibly stupid and more of that "everyone in this massive galaxy knows or is related to eachother" bullshit the series desperately needs to get away from.Ā 

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I love the constant references to terrible shooting in The Mandolorian. Star Wars becoming self aware is great (very mild spoilers in tags)

On 2/4/2020 at 10:04 AM, BrodyGraham said:

The shoot out in the blaster store is the most comically Star Wars thing ever. 4 people, ten feet from each other, standing still and shooting, and still no one gets hit until a fucking thermal detonator gets thrown.





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  • 1 month later...
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The dust has settled on the JJ trilogy. I read a quote the other week about the last two trilogies and they are painfully accurate.


It physically hurts how accurate that is. George's singular vision was absolute, and allowed a through-line of getting Anakin to turn from an innocent kid into a galactic warlord. It was executed with a poor sense of editing, timing, cinematography, directing of actors, script... but you can see the plot running through it.

Whereas the recent trilogy was three separate films where you draw a head, fold it over and pass it on for someone else to draw the body, then repeat for the legs. Really sharp delivery, decent acting, top-level effects, some interesting shots and ideas... but no core that you're following. Rey is someone / no-one / really important. Poe is a hothead pilot... yup that's it. Appears to love a droid. Finn was in the First Order, but that amounts to nothing. The Spark is with everyone in the universe... but whatever.

Rian Johnson - making patently great films generally - said he was given no remit, no guidelines and was able to just create whatever story he wanted. He ended up shattering the fanbase into pro- and anti- Last Jedi, yet a final concluding film could've wrapped it up in a satisfying way that justifies everything. Instead JJ takes a look and says "that's not what I setup" and tosses it all away.

The further we get from the Kennedy trilogy, the bigger the missed opportunity appears. Force Awakens took $2bn worldwide, Last Jedi $1.3bn, Rise of Skywalker scraped $1bn. Scraped. It made basically the same amount of money as Rogue One, a non-core title. That has to be viewed as a negative. How do you leave a franchise capable of shitting money just by showing up and not determine an overarching plot? it's staggering just how poorly it was handled.

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Two problems with the recent trilogy.

1) Disney don't care and see it as a cash cow. They don't care about the movies' quality, nor how they might affect the series as a whole.

2) JJ Abrams is a shite director who only seems competent when he's copying other people's work.

Rian Johnson split the fanbase between 46 year old white men who think they own Star Wars and that there should be no progression and that we should still getting movies like it's still 1977, and people who wanted to see the series evolve into a new and different direction that was a fairer reflection of society as it is now. He should have been given the whole trilogy. Now I hope he stays away and concentrates on the Benoit Blanc Cinematic Universe instead.

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22 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

The dust has settled on the JJ trilogy. I read a quote the other week about the last two trilogies and they are painfully accurate.


It physically hurts how accurate that is. George's singular vision was absolute, and allowed a through-line of getting Anakin to turn from an innocent kid into a galactic warlord. It was executed with a poor sense of editing, timing, cinematography, directing of actors, script... but you can see the plot running through it.

Whereas the recent trilogy was three separate films where you draw a head, fold it over and pass it on for someone else to draw the body, then repeat for the legs. Really sharp delivery, decent acting, top-level effects, some interesting shots and ideas... but no core that you're following. Rey is someone / no-one / really important. Poe is a hothead pilot... yup that's it. Appears to love a droid. Finn was in the First Order, but that amounts to nothing. The Spark is with everyone in the universe... but whatever.

Rian Johnson - making patently great films generally - said he was given no remit, no guidelines and was able to just create whatever story he wanted. He ended up shattering the fanbase into pro- and anti- Last Jedi, yet a final concluding film could've wrapped it up in a satisfying way that justifies everything. Instead JJ takes a look and says "that's not what I setup" and tosses it all away.

The further we get from the Kennedy trilogy, the bigger the missed opportunity appears. Force Awakens took $2bn worldwide, Last Jedi $1.3bn, Rise of Skywalker scraped $1bn. Scraped. It made basically the same amount of money as Rogue One, a non-core title. That has to be viewed as a negative. How do you leave a franchise capable of shitting money just by showing up and not determine an overarching plot? it's staggering just how poorly it was handled.

I think it was because they hadn't planned a trilogy. They just wanted to keep shitting out Star Wars movies like they were Marvel Superhero movies. When they had to get Ron Howard in to "fix" Solo and saw the response to it and Last Jedi they knew they had to knock it on the head for a while, so had JJ throw together something to try and wrap everything up. I would have loved to have seen where Rian Johnson would have gone from the end of Last Jedi. I really enjoyed the way it subverted a lot of the tropes and had a theme of letting the past go, and not expecting the obvious.Ā 

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IĀ liked whatĀ JJ did with Force AwakensĀ as far as kicking off the trilogy and I loved The Last Jedi, with only a few gripes about the Casino Zone scenes, Mary Poppins Leia and the clicking in the cave. That film got way more flack than it deserved.
JJ really bent the trilogy and fucked it with the third part though. No idea why they thought he was the man for the job.Ā I'd always hoped that in the third part it would turn out that Rey was important after all, that Kylo was messing with her head about her being a nobody but Palpatine shouldn't have been the answer. It's likeĀ JJ was convinced that a nostalgia pop was the only way to get things back on to his idea of what the right track was, the fanboys onside and get the grosses up. It just felt like a mess. I've only seen it once so far, will give it a few more viewings once it's out.

Is Rian Johnson's trilogy still happening?

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1 hour ago, cobra_gordo said:

Is Rian Johnson's trilogy still happening?

Unlikely. There hasn't been any announcements, the toxic fanbase will kick right off and Johnson's off doing Knives Out 2. He's too good for Star Wars really. A shame, in hindsight he should have been given the whole sequel trilogy from the start.

Disney were also obsessed with meeting the new film every 2 years deadline when both previous trilogies had 3 years between each film. An extra year of work on Rise of Skywalker could only have been a good thing.

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Rian Johnson is far better off staying away from the toxic crybabies. Thatā€™s not a knock on him at all, just saying that he (or anyone else) shouldnā€™t have to put up with that shit.

They cancelled future ā€˜A Star Wars Storyā€™ anthology films already didnā€™t they? After Soloā€™s poor box office? Is the focus going to be more geared towards Disney+ content now?

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2 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

JJ Abrams is a shite director who only seems competent when he's copying other people's work

He's proved over and over again he's all shiny flashy insubstantial gloss. He's mesmerising in the moment, but seconds after watching you realise there's nothing there.Ā 

In terms of the future of the franchise, we have a Cassian Andor TV series next year, and a Kenobi series TBA, plus Clone Wars finishing this year and Mandalorian series 2 probably this winter. There are currently completely unknown films for 2022, 24, 26. Benioff and Weiss have been given the heave-ho. Rian Johnson's trilogy has not been officially cancelled.Ā 

They just want to Marvelize it. Crucially, without source material. And it's absolute suicide.Ā 

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