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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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2 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

By Ep4, it had lost 42% of its audience from the first. Last figure I remember seeing reported was around 540,000 for Ep3. It might still be around that figure, but @JNLister would have more info on that sort of thing.

I think there’s more chance of Inner-City Sumo being commissioned than this getting a second series, which is a shame because the actual wrestling has been good, very good in places. But the whole thing has been letdown by choppy editing and a poor job of introducing & developing characters, which is what wrestling is all about

I think the characters developed fairly well later on, but should have been done earlier. They seem to only have developed heel personas such as Sha Samuels, Rampage, Kip Sabian, Lestyn Rees and Crater. Grado has had some but most people knew him anyway, and he was from the pilot also. Joe Hendry has gotten himself over. Smith Jr is the son of Bulldog and I suppose that was what they needed. Sysum however has failed, I actually want to see him more, great look and decent bad wrestler but I don't know anything about him when I think he could have been the focal point of the show. On the off chance they get a 2nd series, I think he definitely should be.

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But 15-second video packages aren’t that hard to produce. X-Factor do them for nobodies, so ITV could have done some for the wrestlers, even if it has Alex saying things like “That’s why he’s called Justin Sysum!” whilst he flexes and throws a discus or something.

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WWE managed to do the intro packages in 15 seconds or less for the Cruiserweight Classic two years ago on the Network - I didn't see the Mae Young classic last year but I'm guessing it was a similar story for that. If they are so time conscious they could the old WWE trick of the square box in the corner of the screen jobby - which is probably more like ten seconds. 

Given up on this now. But the UK scene shouldn't suffer as a result - it was definitely an experiment worth doing - it's just been poorly executed by the ITV shitehawks. 

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58 minutes ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

Given up on this now. But the UK scene shouldn't suffer as a result - it was definitely an experiment worth doing - it's just been poorly executed by the ITV shitehawks. 

And it'll be another 10 years before anyone tries again.  Like with Celebrity Wrestling.

It's just a poor product visually - looks cheap and small-time, with no real name talent.  I guess the WWE hoovering up the best UK talent didn't help matter, but then that's why they're a global leader.

There is the audience for a UK wrestling product, there has been for years, but it has to compete with WWE/Impact in terms of production values - that means good video packages, decent setup and lighting, post production, editing.  It's potential audience is used to a certain quality.  My two nephews are wrestling mad (took them to the O2 the other night to see Rousey) and the tried watching this show and gave up after one episode.  Their critiques were that the wrestlers were really small, nobody looked like they were actually hitting each other and there was no audience.  That's pretty spot on.

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5 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

all the figures i believe are first showing. May also include +1. But doesn't include the late night repeat on ITV Player. Some shows are more viewed on-line now days so I am interested at the real numbers.

The main figure you'll see within a few days of the broadcast is the overnight, which is the combination of ITV, ITV HD and ITV 1, covering live viewing and any time delay viewing (recordings/ITV Player) up till midnight on the day of broadcast.

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The odd thing is, they HAVE done some little vignette-type things - they’re just putting them on Twitter rather than on the show itself. For example, from week 2:

There’s a whole bunch more backstage interviews etc on the Twitter page. Nothing earth-shatteringly good, but better than nothing. Can only assume they were given an edict of “action, action, action!” from ITV?

The most baffling production decisions, though, is having Joe Hendry come out with a mic to lip sync his into song, but only have him do it about 40% of the time, whilst also having a video of him singing it on the screen proving it’s prerecorded anyway.

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So once again They've advertised a ladder match  for the show, but edited out the bumps onto the ladder for crowd shots? 

Once again they stick Crater in a 4 way rather than a 3 on one handicap match. I guess there was no choice as they would have counted him out while he was gassed at ringside. They didn't edit the botched reversal of Robbie X's "finisher". The end of the match was an anticlimax as well.

They showed a replay of Grado's bump rather than Kirby's enziuiri,but we get the full CSI treatment of multiple angles for Grado's corner cannonball?

"Look at the aggression of Rampage!" Says Stu Bennett on commentary while we stare at the crowd. The editing ruins it sometimes. Why was Justin Sysum taking the beats for the hot tag to Hendry when he's the one they seem to be building as the top babyface? That's the wrong way round if you ask me.

They're good wrestlers, and I bet these matches were entertaining for the people at the tapings but the stupid camera work ruins it. Next week's show looks like it can be good, but the piss poor editing will no doubt ruin my suspension of disbelief.

I'm half tempted to try and get a quick look at the late night repeat to see whether they have the ladder bumps and half Rampage's stuff edited back in, but I'm not holding out much hope.

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Nathan Cruz challenged Adam Maxstead to a Loser Leaves WOS Ladder Match, a match they had announced last week.

“I can only imagine millions of people sat in their house having a party as Grado makes his way to the ring”, And judging by the viewing figures, you are just going to be  imagining it. 

“The last time I was that entertained, Morcombe & Wise we’re making breakfast in the 80s”, take that ITV

”Here is the East end butcher. He is a real life butcher, he makes minced meat for a living”, so he isn’t making anything from Wrestling then?

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Including the pilot, is that the third ladder match so far? Bit of overkill surely.

There's no time for anything to sink in, it all feels so rushed. 

For example, last week Cruz turns on Maxted (who turns face in the process), then he explains why this week, and we get the blow off immediately within the same segment. Why not have that main event after the challenge to build up interest during the show? Why not hear from both men during the show? There's no patience, it's all hyperactive booking and I have no idea why they've chosen to do that.

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