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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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Lesnar vs Strowman would've been a big time WrestleMania match, assuming you can keep Braun strong in the meantime, which seems possible. The TLC handicap match, a Survivor Series match and the Rumble match are all ones where he can get showcased for a bit and then get taken out of the match without really being beaten. Keep him from losing at all on TV, and by the time he wins an Elimination Chamber match to get the Mania title shot, it'd be huge. 

I'm well up for Reigns vs Lesnar, but I'd have preferred a Mania with them against Cena and Strowman respectively. Both matches underperformed at No Mercy, and I don't think they would've if they'd been kept for the grand stage.

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I think it can be very serious, but also can be treated at home if it's a mild version. 

Bit more info here: https://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Meningitis/Pages/Treatment.aspx

I suspect it's probably the milder end of things, but it'll be interesting to see how this affects the PPV, given WWE are very unlikely to take any chances of a full blown outbreak in their locker room.

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Interesting, don't think anything like this has happened before. I'm guessing the rotunda's and JoJo ride together so they all got sent home even if only one has it.


I'd guess a quick card shuffle and maybe if it was actually bad (as in 2/3 of people have it already) they'd draft in smack down to pad out the card

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WWE have just announced two huge, seriously huge replacements on the TLC card due to the meningitis outbreak. Firstly Finn Balor will now face AJ fucking Styles and secondly Reigns is out of the 5 v 3 match and is being replaced by..........













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Clash of Champions tonight in just under 3 hours

Seems obvious Bryan is going to side with Owens and Zayn as I can't see any other outcome, Guess the question is will he side with them and turn heel or just make sure its a fair match sort of deal and be the one that counts the pin for them but doesn't do anything to actually help them win not intentionaly anyway.

I always like the December PPV and it' usually pretty good, whether that's because it's normally TLC maybe the reason but the 4 way tag should be good fun and wondering if this is the night Carmella cashes in after a beat down from the lumberjacks maybe

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1 hour ago, ColinBollocks said:

So so happy. Smackdown has been absolute dross with Jinder as it's main event, nice we can all just move on and agree he's not much cop. Hopefully AJ keeps the belt through to 'Mania. Again, best match Jinder will probably ever have.

Yes - I know it's the stereotypical net thing to say, but any credit I give that match for being any good goes to AJ Styles. 

Skimmed through this show in about an hour. Thought the Triple Threat was shaping up quite nicely but then Ziggler won and deflated any hope I had for anything else being worthwhile. Bludgeon Brothers match was probably my highlight!

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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A new low for me, I watched the YouTube highlight version of a "PPV" such was my lack of interest. Even that was dull.

Credit to them for one thing, they have managed to build Jinder's finish to the point that my heart genuinely sank when he hit it on Styles and I popped for the kick out.

Fuck knows what the Shane/Bryan stuff is supposed to be about. Shane reliving Survivor Series 1998 surely makes him the heel in all this, right?

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8 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

 Shane reliving Survivor Series 1998 surely makes him the heel in all this, right?

If they still think Shane is the babyface, it's the most tone-deaf decision they've made in years - and that's saying something.

The special guest referee stopped the count based on a personal grudge against one of the competitors, so a second guest referee stepped in to overrule him with a fast count to help the screwed over team (who were fighting for their jobs) win. That's a babyface finish to what feels like a hundred Steve Austin matches in the Attitude era, yet it's been done by the babyface on the heels here?

Meanwhile, you've got one of the biggest stars they have in Randy Orton and someone who by rights should be one of the hottest acts of the company in Shinsuke Nakamura and they're just an afterthought - they're not just less important than Owens and Zayn, they're less important than the fucking referees. At one point Byron Saxton (who was having a shocker all night, even by his standards) said "it's personal for Nakamura and Orton too!" - no it fucking isn't, they have no reason to be invested in this shit at all. Worst of all, we still don't know by the end of it if Bryan is in cahoots with Zayn and Owens or if he just acted impulsively to get back at Shane - so the overarcing "is he/isn't he?" story hasn't even been answered, and the match hasn't furthered the story at all. What a waste of time.


I tapped out before the main event, but the rest of the show was fine - just nothing I'll remember in a month's time. Nothing mattered.

Rawley vs. Ryder had a great hype package (no pun intended), shame it was to build to a match between these two. Mojo was the best he's ever been, and could grow into a great, intense heel if this company was remotely capable of doing that any more. Ryder's almost impossible to take seriously, but this was a fun brawl that almost felt like they genuinely disliked each other.

Ziggler/Corbin/Roode was what it was. Don't remember most of it. None of these three seem to matter at all, and giving Ziggler another (probably) forgettable midcard title run does nothing for anyone.

The tag match was alright, but confused by needlessly changing up the rules to allow four men in the ring at all times, only for it to be mostly play out exactly like any other WWE multi-team match. Should have been a star-making performance for Rusev and, to a lesser extent, Chad Gable (I'll always love the Chaos Theory, and him dead-lift German Suplexing big fuckers is awesome), but again, this is a company seemingly incapable - or unwilling - to capitalise on star-making performances and, you know, make stars. Not sure about keeping the belts on the Usos when they're clearly building up the Bludgeon Brothers as the next big team, but eh.

Women's match was fine, hampered by the pointless stipulation. Even by Lumberjack match standards, the booking was atrocious. You've got one babyface lumberjack, yet she's the first one to get cheap shots in on one of the competitors. You have two heel teams out there, who had to be physically restrained from fighting each other on the pre-show, yet they gladly stand around without incident, and actually team up to beat up Charlotte the first time she's thrown out of the ring, and don't start brawling together until later - and then just willingly separate again. Natalya's post-match promo was baffling - claimed Charlotte won by "exploiting her family's names", which doesn't make a lick of sense, and then said she'd turn her back on the WWE Universe, as if she hadn't been a heel for two years already. I get that it's probably a retirement angle, but if Nattie hadn't started crying that wouldn't have come across at all.

Bludgeon Brothers vs. Fashion Police was a disappointment - all four of these guys are my boys, and sacrificing Fashion Police to the new hosses does nothing for either team. Fashion Police aren't established enough as a threat for a decisive win over them to mean much, but they're established enough that being treated as barely any better than local jobbers can harm them. I'd buy the shit out of an official Erick Rowan "THE FUTURE HOLDS MORE BLUDGEONING" T-shirt, though. What a guy.


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