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Jinder Mahal...

No tangible skills. Hasn't cut an above average promo, has been put in the ring with the likes of AJ Styles and Sami Zayn in recent weeks and they've only been able to drag "passable" out of him.

But hey, India and "DA LOOK". Almost makes me long for the days of Miz and Del Rio holding the WWE Title. I didn't like them much (although Miz has grown on me in the last year or so), but I could at least acknowledge they had some level of talent.

I don't think WWE have ever put someone this bad at the very top. JBL had cred. Miz was a great talker, good heel character and functional in the ring. Even Khali had the monster presence and was a spectacle due to his size. Jinder... I'm at a loss right now. Looks like I'll be giving the WWE Title scene a miss for a while. If it wasn't for Owens, Styles, Zayn and Corbin (and recently the Usos/Fashion Police), I'd give the blue brand a miss completely. Okay, that's a good portion of the roster. It's a good thing the current WWE Champion has such a great supporting cast to get people to watch the show he's supposed to be the main attraction for.

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4 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

AJ's magnificent title reign ended so Cena could tie Ric Flair's record. Cena lost the title shortly after to Bray Wyatt. Bray Wyatt's refreshing and potentially exciting title reign shortly ended to Randy Orton where one of the most interesting stories in WWE rapidly turned into one of the worst ever. Orton, possibly the most boring man in WWE right now, loses the title to Jinder fucking Mahal shortly after that.


Is this the worst succession of booking decisions for a World Championship in such a short period in wrestling history?

My prediction is that - aside from the obvious attempt to appeal to the Indian market - the reason they've put the belt on Jinder is that they need someone universally hated so people will be less likely to kick off when John Cena beats him and breaks Flair's record. So they've found someone with no credibility, no babyface appeal, resented by the smark crowd for being undeserving, and an Evil Foreigner to boot. So we'll get a JBL-esque reign from Jinder until a triumphant hero Cena returns to put an end to it.

Doesn't make that succession of booking decisions any better, does it?

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Just now, air_raid said:

You've lost me.

Maybe not "WWE Champ" cred at the time, but he was someone who had proven himself to be a solid hand as a tag wrestler, and he had a general "tough guy" aura. Might seem like an odd point to look at, but I remember during the Invasion, Bradshaw seemed to be a leader in terms of rallying Team WWF. That and the APA skits showed me he had talking ability and charisma.

Or, to simplify it: Bradshaw in APA > Jinder in 3MB.

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5 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

My prediction is that - aside from the obvious attempt to appeal to the Indian market - the reason they've put the belt on Jinder is that they need someone universally hated so people will be less likely to kick off when John Cena beats him and breaks Flair's record. So they've found someone with no credibility, no babyface appeal, resented by the smark crowd for being undeserving, and an Evil Foreigner to boot. So we'll get a JBL-esque reign from Jinder until a triumphant hero Cena returns to put an end to it.

Doesn't make that succession of booking decisions any better, does it?

I assumed Cena is likely coming back to face Owens as part of his "Face of America" thing, mirroring the US Open Challenge thing he did a few years ago, and they'd keep him away from the WWE Title until next Mania, but that makes sense for Jinder I suppose. 

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One clothesline from hell in 2000 would get a bigger reaction than Jinder's had in his entire career. There's no comparison.

Interesting theory, Bomber. I did think about Sheamus as World Champ earlier today. This could just be an attempt to get the next guy over. I'm not sure they're that clever. I presume iot'll bomb and they'll go back to Randy to pop a rating.

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I think they're gonna give Jinder Zayn after this. It was Sami he screwed out of the title shot and they seem to be sowing the seeds of the perennial underdog story. Sami gets the Mysterio run with the title before dropping it to Corbin or something equally ridiculous.

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Yeah, I really don't care for a Sami Zayn title run at the moment. I'm not his biggest fan to be honest and would prefer him to just be used as a decent mid-carder. He's not gonna compare to Bryan which is what they'd have to do. He's not as likeable or good in the ring.

Surely Jinder will be used to make someone's title win even sweeter though. The Cena theory could work. It reminds me of the Sheamus thing - he wrestles an unspectacular though solid style and isn't going to be cheered by the smart marks. At least I'm interested in what's going on with the title win as opposed to Randy Orton's usual feuds. If it does good business for them in India whilst not completely tanking in the west then it's justified in my eyes.

Edited by Sphinx
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So, they actually went through with Mahal winning the title. I really can't get behind this. It's just too random. There's just nothing there for me and nobody I remotely want to see him feud with so I might give Smackdown a miss for a bit. Nearly everyone of relevance is on RAW anyway. 


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