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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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Nah, it doesn't make any sense. It's a proper Russo swerve. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt because nothing usually happens.

Ambrose has shown he dosn't really give a shit about Ellsworth though, He's quite happy to stand by and watch him get the shit kicked out of him most of the time.

He was using Ellsworth to get at AJ - maybe Ellsworth twigged and thought 'Fuck you'.

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Ellsworth outright explained it both on Smackdown and Talking Smack after the PPV. He's pinned AJ three times already so he's in line for a title shot and believes he can beat him.


It's fair to complain that *this* is where WWE are telling a story that makes narrative sense, but it really does make sense.

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Ellsworth outright explained it both on Smackdown and Talking Smack after the PPV. He's pinned AJ three times already so he's in line for a title shot and believes he can beat him.


It's fair to complain that *this* is where WWE are telling a story that makes narrative sense, but it really does make sense.


Aye it actually makes perfect sense.


Ellsworth is a delusional idiot who genuinely thinks he has AJ Styles number and can beat him on his own. He's getting a title shot on Tuesday.

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Gotta say, James Ellsworth is more confident and competent on the mic that a lot of people on the main roster.




He was brought in as a joke and has gotten over like rover. He sold that ladder push brilliantly. It'd be quite amusing to see him with Goldberg and/or Lesnar at some point during the Rumble. You can tell he's having a whale of a time and making the most of this opportunity that's come his way.

Oh now I really want to see Goldberg and Lesnar throwing Ellsworth at each other during the Rumble

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Don't get me wrong, I'm all in on the whole "deluded twat" gimmick - they have a number of different avenues they can take his story and have it be really entertaining, have Styles twat him in 2 minutes but then claim it was a fluke, for instance. His Talking Smack promo was really good, and it's a great job he's a confident talker because otherwise the whole angle would come off really, really wank - he's the same lovable loser he's always been, just really, really deluded. 


It's just the way the turn went that's soured me a little. Ellsworth argues that he wanted Styles to win as he's the easier fight, but he came out literally just before Styles was going to win the match. You could argue that he was always going to fuck over Dean from the off, but in that case why not just come out and hold him down? You'd get the exact same stories coming out of it, and it would make a lot more sense. I can see why they turned him, the crowd reaction alone for him is evidence of such, and they may as well turn him whilst he's hot rather than wait for every fucker to turn on him, but it comes off weirdly to me. Is anyone genuinely going to tune into Smackdown for Ambrose getting his revenge on Ellsworth? 


Rest of the show, to echo others, was a blast. Loved the opening tag, especially the post-match interactions with the Wyatt Family. Nikki and Carmella had a fun, simple brawl which told a good story and had the right person going over. In a world without AJ Styles, Miz is my wrestler of the year by some margin. Every single aspect of his gimmick, he's 100% nailed. Excellent ladder match between him and Ziggler, and I hugely appreciated the different dynamics of both TLC matches. Miz/Ziggler is more story driven, whereas AJ/Dean is two lads doing amazing moves on one another. Corbin and Kalisto genuinely made great use of the chairs gimmick, which is a sentence I never thought I'd type. Didn't like Becky/Bliss much, personally. Felt very clunky, disjointed, and containing moves that often weren't executed particularly well. Main event was great for the most part, Dean is always good value in a weapons heavy match, and when you pair his offence alongside the amazing bump work of AJ you're always going to get a cracking match. I will admit, seeing Styles take so long to climb the ladder had me cautiously awaiting Undertaker, but alas.

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Anyone who's been watching Smackdown and Talking Smack would have seen the Ellsworth "swerve" coming. Ever since he won a "future title opportunity" a couple of weeks ago he's been going on about having AJ's number, he was even asked who he'd like to win at TLC and hinted that if AJ won he'd have a chance at the belt.

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This show had two very good matches on it, and fair play to all the guys involved in those matches, because managing to have two high quality matches of more or less the same match type on the one show isn't easy. Miz and Ziggler did great, and I was glad to see Miz get the feud ending win while at the same time still using a blantant low blow to win. Now it's time for both guys to move onto something fresh.


AJ is a freak of nature. I've no idea how he doesn't kill himself on some of those bumps but he's so good that he makes them look crazily dangerous but must protect himself so well. Wrestler of the year by a mile.


Corbin and Kalisto had a good little match, much better than I was expecting I have to say.


These crowd shots have to fuck off, as well as the shit camera work with all the dodgy angles and shakey camera shots. It really makes things more difficult to watch than they should be.


Glad to see Orton and Bray take the belts, this feels pretty fresh and I'm looking forward to the matches they could have for the belts going forward. They should probably kill Heath in the rematch, then move into a program with either Alpha or else a team of two of Ambrose/Ziggler/Kalisto/Kane or some other Smackdown singles face (if there are any) that's free at the minute to join the tag ranks.

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That main event match was fantastic from bell to bell. Ambrose gets the chance to shine in these type of matches.  As far as AJ goes you really can't fault him, he's been superb throughout the year.  I thought the  IC ladder match and the womens table match were ok but nothing to get exited about.  I think a heel turn for Becky could be on the way. 

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I loved the Chairs match, probably my favourite match of the night. Corbin is building some good momentum at the moment and just looked brutal the way he put away Kalisto, brilliantly done. 


Miz/Ziggler and Ambrose/Styles as great a matches as they were, its hard to get into them when they've feuded for like 3-4 months, you kind of knew the outcomes on the basis that surely they wouldn't have a new champ and then continue the feuds for another month. 


Becky's reaction after the match felt like she could be turning heel, would love Ambrose to turn heel as well and I can see Daniel Bryan costing Miz in the Rumble to set up a match at Mania (I still think they will do something, the feud has to lead somewhere, anything other than a match will be disappointing now). 

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Gotta say, James Ellsworth is more confident and competent on the mic that a lot of people on the main roster.



He was brought in as a joke and has gotten over like rover. He sold that ladder push brilliantly. It'd be quite amusing to see him with Goldberg and/or Lesnar at some point during the Rumble. You can tell he's having a whale of a time and making the most of this opportunity that's come his way.


They're missing a trick if they don't have that happen. One of my favourite Rumble moments ever is Hurricane, Austin and Triple H in 2002, and that kind of spot would be perfect to recreate with Ellsworth and the two beasts.

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