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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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did anyone else spot AJ's tights ripping on his left arse cheek? That could've been a lot more embarrassing than it was!

Ambrose says "looks like you need new shorts pal" :laugh:


I was really surprised by Kalisto v Corbin. I saw their card pop up and immediately thought what a waste of event slot it was. Stone me if that wasn't a hell of a lot of fun and both guys doing the most with the little time they had. Well done.

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Oh yeah, forgot about AJ's tights. There was a "nice booty, AJ" shout from someone in the crowd too. For a while I had to wonder what it was we could vaguely see there. Was it his pants? his crack? his nads? some hair? 'thankfully' it was just a big scratch (I avoided the word 'gash') from one of the chairs



Corbin could be really decent despite his underwhelming look, been making really steady progress and the End of Days is one of my favourite finishing moves in ages

Edited by sj5522
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Corbin's character is great. They've got some real heels on Smackdown that people want to boo for their heelishness, at least I hope that's the case.

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Great but Heels shouldn't do genuine emotion whilst supposedly in character. She should be completely unrelatable and irredeemable. It's hard to hate someone who's tearing up because their mom saw them win the big one. She's not Bayley.


Imagine if the Miz had come on and said 'Gee Whizz I sure am proud to be intercontinental champion. It's such an honour'.


Rest of the Talking Smack segment was great. Corbin comes across like a star in that environment. 

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I didn't have an issue with Bliss crying. For me, it added some depth to her character. I thought the whole point of Talking Smack was to blur the line a little between fantasy and reality so in that sense it was fine.


I mean if you prefer your wrestlers to be one-dimensional caricatures then that's fine too but I've always enjoyed the characters that are basically "larger than life" versions of themselves where it's hard to distinguish between the character on the human being.

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By all means celebrate your title win, cry with delight, just leave out the bit about your mum being ringside. Kurt Angle always cried when he won a title, it gets over how much he wanted it, but if super-heel Kurt Angle then goes and celebrates with his wife/girlfriend/mum and tells us about it, he's no longer that badass he's trying to establish himself as. Maybe goofy heel Angle would have pulled it off, but Alexa Bliss doesn't come across as that kind of character. If you're doing that kind of show either kayfabe the whole thing or have the whole thing out of character.

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It reminds me of when super heel Sasha Banks won the nxt women's title.


After the match they did a YouTube exclusive interview. Started well... With Sasha talking about how she's the boss and that Charlotte isn't up to par.


Then the interviewer asks something along the lines "but how are you really feeling now?" At which point Banks burst into tears goes into full on face and talks about her childhood dream.


Wound me up no end that interview. Imagine if Ric Flair did that during his post Rumble championship win.

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There are a lot bigger problems than wrestlers showing some real emotions for once. And it's not that bad, heel Sasha can be a bitch to other people but still get emotional when she personally accomplishes something. For better or worse (worse) the curtains have been pulled back so much since when Flair won the belt that I can forgive the women getting emotional. You'd only see them talking about it on Twitter an hour after the event anyway. In an era when there seems to be no fucks given about who's a heel or face, and no thought going into wins and losses, it's nice to see that a victory actually means something, and gives the belts some meaning too. FWIW I think most of the women really do those belts as prizes, far more than the guys do.

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Wound me up no end that interview. Imagine if Ric Flair did that during his post Rumble championship win.

"I'm gonna tell you all, with a tear ... in my eye, this is the greatest, moment in my life"


Flair is absolutely a babyface at that moment. He's just produced the greatest one man show in company history and then he cuts that promo. I loved the guy.

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Wound me up no end that interview. Imagine if Ric Flair did that during his post Rumble championship win.

"I'm gonna tell you all, with a tear ... in my eye, this is the greatest, moment in my life"


Flair is absolutely a babyface at that moment. He's just produced the greatest one man show in company history and then he cuts that promo. I loved the guy.

Fair point, that was a bad comparison. But at least he didnt drop character. Edited by andrew "the ref" coyne
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