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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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That was an episode of Raw.


The opener was really good. The best match on the show I thought. They didn't waste any time taking the belts off of New Day that's for sure.


Rollins and Jericho was decent, no more, no less.


The women's match I skipped and just skimmed through the last few minutes of so I can't comment much on the bulk of it, but the winner was a nailed on cert.


Sami Zayn and Strowman I thought was done pretty well, apart from whatever the addition was about Sami actually getting a win by lasting ten minutes. How that works I don't know but the rest was good consodering where Strowman is at right now and nobody was hurt by it. Apart from Foley. He looked like he escaped from an institution and had discarded his scrubs for the clothes on the washing lines of the gardens he was making a break through. Poor Mick is fucking minted too the cheap sod.


The main event had some decent action but it wasn't a PPV main event that you would have been missing something if you hadn't gotten to see it. A dodgy finish too. More Seth Rollins at the end wasn't exactly welcomed either, but I loved Reigns being angry when he realised what Jericho had done.


I forgot about the Crusierweight Title match until now such was it's importance, but I was surprised to see Neville and for him to turn heel. That might keep my interest in upcoming matches in the division involving him. Providing I can see him without watching 205 live. I'm not interested enough to make myself watch that.


On the whole it was nothing to write home about, decent to good action and wrestling most of the way through, but some silly booking and logic holes and it felt like a missable, filler show. Luckily I had a day off today and it was a nice enough way to spend the morning after not having peace to lie in.

Edited by WeeAl
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Seth Rollins, what is it with this guy, he just isn't over is he, I put it down to 3 things, the initial return when he got a monster face pop and they wanted to cheer him, only for him to come out the next night as sniggering suit wearing wally. 2 - Being aligned with Reigns, he HAS to get out of that relationship, he has the Reigns stench. 3 - He's a bit shit.

Roman would be cheered again in the Shield. Their mini reunion at tribute to the troops and the pop they got confirmed that. Also, I wouldn't say Seth is shit. He's lost a step from that injury. He's a lot slower and that might be him worried about getting injured again. He might just have to change his style up and then get back to putting on good matches again. Because he has the talent to do so.

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Seth Rollins, what is it with this guy, he just isn't over is he, I put it down to 3 things, the initial return when he got a monster face pop and they wanted to cheer him, only for him to come out the next night as sniggering suit wearing wally. 2 - Being aligned with Reigns, he HAS to get out of that relationship, he has the Reigns stench. 3 - He's a bit shit.

Roman would be cheered again in the Shield. Their mini reunion at tribute to the troops and the pop they got confirmed that. Also, I wouldn't say Seth is shit. He's lost a step from that injury. He's a lot slower and that might be him worried about getting injured again. He might just have to change his style up and then get back to putting on good matches again. Because he has the talent to do so.

There's a lot more to being good than just doing movez. Rollins is shit and doing movez doesn't change that. He's much, much worse than Roman.

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I would argue that Rollins is in fact great, BUT he personally think's he's better than everybody else, so doesn't try as hard....because he just presumes by doing what he does, he's instantly the best.


I only get this from some of the promo stuff that showed up from the Shield doc, where he mentions about practically arguing his was into a WWE contract (calling Jon Laurenitis out about signing him) and then acting like a massive arse in development.

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Rollins is Dolph Ziggler with a push behind him. Some may take that as a compliment, but it ain't. Rollins, like Dolph, can do some exciting things in a match and works hard, but it all lacks the nuances to it you see with a truly great wrestler like John Cena, Triple H or AJ Styles.


Like Dolph, outside the ring is where he's truly exposed. Lacks any sort of oration skills that can make him anything close to worth the time. He says stuff and none of it matters.

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Without looking I thought Vince took the fall? Don't forget the Backlash 2001 HHH Austin vs Taker Kane match. That one had predated Kane would take the IC Undertaker WWE if they won. They predictably didn't

This isn't correct. If HHH or Austin were pinned, they would lose their respective title to whoever pinned them. So if Kane pinned Austin, Kane would've won the WWF Championship and Taker would've left with just his own Tag Team Championship.

Did you rewatched recently Neil as I really don't remember it being that way at all. Long time ago so I'll give it a look again as I remember the PPV being ok.

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Haven't watched the main event yet, but have heard about the supposed shortcomings of the crowd.


Can't say I blame them to be honest. Paid good money to be watching a match where 95% of it meant completely nothing. It was evident that nothing meaningful or important was going to happen until Jericho came out, so why even bother getting invested in the outcome until that point? Nothing that Roman/Owens did in those first 20 minutes meant anything, and I'd like to think the crowd understood that. 


More poor booking though, the ending of the main event sounds like something you'd have as the culmination of a go-home show, rather than a way to close out a PPV. Can't say I've been impressed with even one of the main events KO has featured in this year, which says a lot about how the booking has been. He's turned from cocky, trash talking prizefighter to generic chickenshit, which is seemingly the only way WWE know how to book a heel champion.

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I actually enjoyed the finish of the main event. It's one of those loopholes in wrestling logic that's barely ever exploited despite it being flagrantly obvious. Even as a kid you're like, "why doesn't the interfering heel just hit the babyface's opponent so the babyface loses rather than wins?". Seeing a "smart" character like Jericho take advantage of that appeals to me. What I didn't really enjoy was the match itself. Owens and Reigns don't seem to have very good chemistry. I may not be Reigns' biggest fan overall, but there's no denying he's had some corkers this year. And Owens is usually watchable enough in a big match situation. But this felt flat throughout.


The women's match was much better. Nothing spectacular, but in 35 mins of wrestling I was never bored, so fair play to them. Delighted to see the belt back on Charlotte. I still don't really see what the appeal of Sasha is. I think of all the female talent on Raw and Smackdown! and I only see her as upper-mid-level. How that's taken her to three-time champ, I don't know. Based on the way the division's been going, though, Charlotte will have topped her daddy's record within a year or two.

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Without looking I thought Vince took the fall? Don't forget the Backlash 2001 HHH Austin vs Taker Kane match. That one had predated Kane would take the IC Undertaker WWE if they won. They predictably didn't

This isn't correct. If HHH or Austin were pinned, they would lose their respective title to whoever pinned them. So if Kane pinned Austin, Kane would've won the WWF Championship and Taker would've left with just his own Tag Team Championship.

Did you rewatched recently Neil as I really don't remember it being that way at all. Long time ago so I'll give it a look again as I remember the PPV being ok.



I haven't watched recently but it turns out I was slightly wrong too, according to the Wiki page:


Since Linda was still the (on-screen) CEO of the company, this gave her power to veto her husband's decisions and force compromises. As such, McMahon informed Austin and Triple H that he had to make a compromise with his estranged wife. They agreed that the two champions would be able to compete at Backlash for the tag titles. However, McMahon was forced to agree that in order for the titles to be at stake, both the Intercontinental and WWF Championships would also have to be defended in the match; therefore, if either Austin or Triple H took the loss in the match, the team would lose both titles. If Austin would lose, whichever Brother of Destruction defeated him would receive the WWF Championship while Triple H would forfeit his Intercontinental Championship to the other. The reverse applied if Triple H was to lose.


That's pretty crazy when you think about it. Undertaker could've pinned Triple H to become Intercontinental Champion and in doing so, Kane would've become WWF Champion without himself or Stone Cold even being involved in the decision.

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