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The "I've just watched ..." thread


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As part of my weekend Survivor Series binge fest I watched the 1999 Survivor Series which is one of the most non descript shows in company history, big vroom vroom angle aside. Actually I watched the 2000 one straight after which likewise only has 'Taker's snakeskins and another car episode as it's talking points. I don't know why I do this, I just seem to go for lesser watched shows sometimes because they feel fresher. I actually had bundles of fun watching both.


Anyway watching 99 brought me to trying to watch the Vince/Triple H match from Armageddon the next month which I had to skip to the end of because it might be Vince's worst PPV match ever. I just wanted to see the finish. I had remembered it in my head as Stephanie jumping in as Vince is about to clock Triple H with the sledgehammer, allowing Triple H to grab the hammer and nail Vince with it as Stephanie laughs. Basically turning her before the pin. The wedding was a hoax to get to the match. Steph's revenge. This made sense to me.


Instead what actually happens is Stephanie grabs the hammer yadda yadda yadda and looks crushed and shocked as Triple H beats her dad. Then as she's checking on her old man Triple H is about to hit her from behind with the hammer, at which point she turns around, stands up and for all the world does a "you were going to blundgeon me to death? well now I'm turned on" and they embrace.


I know the whole angle makes no sense anyway (check out our new top heel, the date rapist), and maybe the way it ended suggests the wedding was STILL a hoax and they just... really wanted to act out this whole thing after the match to pull one over on us  but the ending is so much worse than what I remembered. It's thick!


I went right to Raw the next night to watch her first heel promo though. Man, she owns it straight away doesn't she? Not as bombastic as she'd get in the next two years but right from the off she's one of the best characters on the show.

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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Been ages since I last saw anything TNA related so watched the 2008 Lethal Lockdown match. It had Christian, Nash, Rhino, Matt Morgan and Sting against Team 3D, James Storm, AJ and Tomko. A real fun, all out brawl that was straight outta the late 90's. This was when TNA still had its own identity, even if a lot of if was taken from WCW and Attitude era WWF. The full match is on YouTube:


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Can't watch the video cause I'm at work, but is that the match where Sting forgets who's on his team and jabs Matt Morgan in the guts with a trash can?


Morgan hedges his bets and sort of half sells it, half ignores it.

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Ha, might've been. Was only 75% watching so could've missed it. It did look chaotic though. I did wonder how they remembered who was on each others side, what with the number of swerves that were going on back then. Surprised one team didn't have to wear training bibs or turn their trunks inside out.

All multi man matche should have one team in red shirts and one in blue. People would love it.

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Buzz Sawyer vs. Keiji Muto. I think it's from NJPW Summer Big Fight Series 1987 but not 100%, it makes an uncredited appearance on one of Bob Barnett's 1991 Japan TV comps, but it's definitely not from 1991 as Muto isn't big enough. Wild bloody brawl that ends up in a double DQ after they both hit or shove the ref, earlier Sawyer takes his super bump to the outside but he moves so fast the cameraman didn't catch him going out of the ring, but he did it against Hacksaw Duggan too.


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