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Your Wrestling Pet Peeves/Utter Hatreds

Liam O'Rourke

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More a peeve than an utter hatred, because I understand why they have to do it, but still don't like it: dropkickers selling when they've missed or been "batted away". The bump is still the same as if you've hit it, so how can it hurt more?

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Ironically, one of my biggest peeves (especially prevalent on the indy circuit) is re-running a spot after you botched it the first time, especially if it's a really obvious botch. Work through it and do something else, don't go back and try it again.


Another is when wrestlers don't react to the people in the ring or to the circumstances of a match during their entrance. Wrestler in the ring is a monster heel/unbalanced heel, yet you're walking around slapping hands and grinning.

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More a peeve than an utter hatred, because I understand why they have to do it, but still don't like it: dropkickers selling when they've missed or been "batted away". The bump is still the same as if you've hit it, so how can it hurt more?


The Apter mags once did a piece explaining this. It's supposedly because when you land the dropkick, you are springing off the guy, can predict how you'll land, and brace appropriately. When you miss the guy, it's more unpredictable and you're less likely to land in a controlled manner.

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I think this has been mentioned already but I am a big fan of a show always starting the same as in the fireworks/pyros and the title sequence, when this doesn't happen it kind of ruins my enjoyment for the whole show, I couldn't care as much what happens at the start of the show in the ring but when it cuts straight in it takes something away from it. 


It's even worse if you go to a show yourself and the entrances are not the same and are missing fireworks or effects, part of the experience is enjoying that which is why I prefer TV tapings to house shows (although many will say they like house shows to see more matches than talking).

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JBL's constant switching from heel to face on commentary. The main reason he was tolerable during his initial go around on Smackdown was because he sided with the heels the majority of the time. Now he's just some sort of weirdly smiling, schizophrenic cowboy.

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Top rope leg drops. For this case, we'll go with Fandango. When Fandango misses it, he sells it like death, yet it's the same impact to his arse and heels wether he hits the move or not. Annoys the shite out of me. A stupid move, even worse as a finisher.


When a babyface will try and rally the crowd with the "C'MON LETS GO! *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP*". If there is no storyline or build to the match, and/or there is no one in the ring that we actually came to see, then make us give a damn with your gimmick and in-ring work, then we'll clap and shout by ourselves. The generic, clean cut baby face with no charisma shouting  "LETS GO BOURNEVILLE!" as soon as the bells rings is like nails on a chalk board. Your entrance and mannerisms before the bell starts should be enough for the crowd to willingly get behind you. Stop being so lazy.


Heels who think it's appropriate to zone in on one particular crowd member, get millimeters from the audience members face and shout stuff like "Come on then!!! Hit me!!! You're such a pussy!!!" etc etc. It's lazy and it's really uncalled for.

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It always annoys me how a babyface will sprint to the ring to get his hands on the heel but then the heel and the heel will either run away before the face gets there or the face will clothesline the heel over the top rope and then instead of going after him, will just stand in the ring shouting as the heel backs up the ramp...as if there's an invisible force field that means he can no longer attack him because he's outside of the ring.

This is something that annoys the hell out of me. You get a face rush down to get to the heel in the ring, a few moves later he tries his finisher and the heel escapes and stands outside the ring. The face, fuming, just stands behind the ropes looking like a twat.


The way Brock chased after Rollins last week was the first time in a long time I've seen someone not do this.

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Adverts during Raw when its so obvious they will cut to an advert (a heel might slide out the ring for a few seconds in a cowardly way and then its cut to an advert).


For some reason it always annoys me that the face is always in a chinlock when Raw comes back off break. I guess it's probably some sort of shorthand to kill some time before going back live, but the predictability irks me. If WWE still pretended that they were showing legitimate sporting contests, they'd come back from break one time and the match would have ended during the commercials. Not actually a bad idea even for non-kayfabe reasons if the show is running long or if the match is turning into a catastrophe.

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It always annoys me how a babyface will sprint to the ring to get his hands on the heel but then the heel and the heel will either run away before the face gets there or the face will clothesline the heel over the top rope and then instead of going after him, will just stand in the ring shouting as the heel backs up the ramp...as if there's an invisible force field that means he can no longer attack him because he's outside of the ring.

This is something that annoys the hell out of me. You get a face rush down to get to the heel in the ring, a few moves later he tries his finisher and the heel escapes and stands outside the ring. The face, fuming, just stands behind the ropes looking like a twat.


This is something which actually annoys me moreso in TV and movies than in wrestling. You see it happen all the time where people will have an argument or somebody will walk out on their partner and storm out of the door, while the other person stays rooted to the floor wailing after them not to go.

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For some reason it always annoys me that the face is always in a chinlock when Raw comes back off break. I guess it's probably some sort of shorthand to kill some time before going back live, but the predictability irks me. If WWE still pretended that they were showing legitimate sporting contests, they'd come back from break one time and the match would have ended during the commercials. Not actually a bad idea even for non-kayfabe reasons if the show is running long or if the match is turning into a catastrophe.


This happened during an early live Raw during a match between Mr Perfect and The Model. And if that happened during a Raw I was watching live, especially if it was a match I cared about, I'd be fucked off beyond belief. While wrestling became a work prior to the advent of television, among the myriad of reasons pro wrestling still exists as a work is the level of control that can (theoretically) be applied to keep the matches/show entertaining and make sure your fans don't feel let down or short-changed, and having a televised match end while your television viewers aren't watching it is a great way to piss people off.

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Top rope leg drops. For this case, we'll go with Fandango. When Fandango misses it, he sells it like death, yet it's the same impact to his arse and heels wether he hits the move or not. Annoys the shite out of me. A stupid move, even worse as a finisher.

You do realise that a leg drop isn't meant to be him landing on his arse and heels? The move is supposed to be him dropping his leg over their throat which means when your arse hits the mat, the impact is dramatically reduced. If he's not there, then your arse is taking all the impact. The logic behind a properly executed leg drop is fine and I think you mean that you don't like poorly executed versions such as Fandango's.

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Top rope leg drops. For this case, we'll go with Fandango. When Fandango misses it, he sells it like death, yet it's the same impact to his arse and heels wether he hits the move or not. Annoys the shite out of me. A stupid move, even worse as a finisher.

You do realise that a leg drop isn't meant to be him landing on his arse and heels? The move is supposed to be him dropping his leg over their throat which means when your arse hits the mat, the impact is dramatically reduced. If he's not there, then your arse is taking all the impact. The logic behind a properly executed leg drop is fine and I think you mean that you don't like poorly executed versions such as Fandango's.

Bobby Eatons was a thing of beauty!

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