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Best things to watch on the network?

Jimmy Boy

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I didn't think it was as awkward as people were saying. It just felt like Austin had his idea of what the interview was going to be, and didn't have it in him to change things up when Dean was on a completely different page.


I find it fascinating that people came away from it disliking Dean though. Of the two of them I thought Dean came across way better than Stone Cold. He's certainly the one I'd rather hang around with. You don't always have to be super intense. Every story doesn't have to be about a shit childhood. Some people don't endlessly have a chip on their shoulder. Dean just seemed like a nice, chilled out guy, who would've been happy to talk about about how fun pro wrestling is. He was exactly the same in that shoot interview he did before being signed. All he kept saying was how everyone needs to calm down, have fun and enjoy it.


Plus, Austin's a bell end for complaining about people not pushing the envelope. It's not like it was in 1997. You can't do whatever the fuck you want. It's such a weird complaint to throw at the talent themselves. What the fuck are they supposed to do?

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Austin's becoming an old man yells at cloud type anyway, I find it tough to take him seriously as every pissing podcast audio or network it's the same tired complaints. He needs one of those DDTs to knock the cobwebs off his brain.

So long as he sells it as a finish.

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Ambrose seems like he's pissed off his skull most of the time. Probably a shit choice for WWE champion, because if you dont come off well in an interview with Stone Cold, you have no hope with anyone else. You can tell Austin is really disappointed how shite wrestling is these days. What made Austin a success isnt really a platform anymore. You imagine Austin still thinks its the wild west, when it really isnt.


This never happened, but in my head I keep thinking Austin said to him "tell me about your damn childhood?" I'd rather remember it like that.

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Pretty accurate summation of how he feels about the business.  


I find the polarised reaction to the podcast quite interesting and I think in that regard it's something of a success. Your younger fans and wreddit types loved Ambrose' cocky calmness whilst those who rather their wrestlers were still morally dubious shitbags who want to take over the world were put off by his whole demeanour. You'd have to imagine Vince was dissapointed in it if he was standing in the wings like Ambrose' nod (and plenty of other nods in the past) would suggest he was.


As slightly mortifying as Austin's 'cut a promo on the young guns at the end of the show' stuff is getting I was yelling in my head for Ambrose to just cut one back on him. Just scream at the guy and say you're going to be better than he ever was. Nothing to lose, right?


Sounds like Austin was okay leaving the childhood alone when Ambrose suggested getting up to stuff in school. I think Styles mentioned once he sold dope. And it seemed like he thought "fuck this" then again when Ambrose snarked at him "where do you get your information?" which came off real bad.


I'm really interested to see a Reigns one, now. Rollins on the other end of that scale is boring as shit.

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I've yet to see the Ambrose podcast, but I'm generally with Austin. You can tell he just wants to shake some of them and get some kind of credible emotion out of them. When Austin cuts a promo, you believe it. When so many others do, you don't. He's passionate as hell about wrestling so I can understand the frustration. There's a hell of a lot to learn from one of the greatest of all time and so many small applicable details that are overlooked. Wrestling might be changing, but you could stick an Austin match on a card from today and it'd still likely be one of the best matches. You can tell he 100% was his character and was in the zone. People often reference his match with Spike Dudley on here - watch that match and how he rags him about.

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People often reference his match with Spike Dudley on here - watch that match and how he rags him about.


That's just randomly reminded me of one of my favourite bits of heel wrestling, in a completely different match but still Austin, from shortly after his WWF debut (possibly even his first match). He had a jobber in a standing Boston crab, and kept sadistically turning his poor opponent away from the referee so that he couldn't hear him trying to submit. It really stuck out to me as such a bastard thing to do.

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Honestly I think Ambrose came across pretty well. Agree with whoever said in here that Austin came off the worse of the two. He wanted the interview to be a certain narrative and when it wasn't that he seemed to get frustrated.


I'd happily go for a chilled out beer with Dean Ambrose. Agreed that is like to see Ambrose be a bit edgier . . . But come on, it's WWE in 2016 it's not going to happen and that's not his fault.

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People really saying they would rather go for a beer with Austin than Ambrose? What the hell is wrong with you

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I imagine having a beer with Austin would also involve having 17 cans of some weird taurine based energy drink so I'll say Ambrose.


Unless Nash is calling over and they're drinking red wine, of course. Then Austin.

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To be fair, someone like CM Punk pushed the envelope and reaped the rewards and that really took off in 2011.

for every Punk, you have 9 or 10 Paul London's. I don't blame people for not wanting to cause a stir. The wrestlers now have been bought up primarily on McMahon's product, rather than the territories, it is the obvious place to be now and nothing like Austin's era. Ambrose at least expressed his distaste for being handed a script - glad Vince seems to have given him a bit of wiggle room in that regard - he feels loads fresher now

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Austin and Ambrose seemed like more of a blatant clash of personalities than anything else. I also thought the Podcast was every bit as awkward as a lot of people have been saying. Neither seemed to actually like each other very much and were becoming irritated at the slightest thing each other said. Was quite entertaining if I'm honest!

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