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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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2 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

Is the YouTube catch-up on WWE's page? How long is it? I might join you both rather than wasting time x30ing through a 3 hour show.

Nah it's unofficial, and gets taken down often. The two channels that run it are Wrestling Reality and Classy Wrestling. The Raw edit are 28 mins, Smackdown about 20 min. 

WWE should do their own one, but I understand that would irritate their commercial partners. 

Edited by Onyx2
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2 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

Another week, another (off camera) shit kicking for Enzo Amore. It's like running joke at this point.

I only watched the quick cut highlights on YouTube but it seemed like it was just match after match with little between. Next week's hook is just more matches between the people in the 5 way. There are so few angles and decent promos. It's sad.

Was there not something on the "newz sites" a while back that Vince McMahon finds it hilarious seeing Enzo Amore getting the shit kicked out of him, that probably explains it.

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1 hour ago, PunkStep said:

Is the YouTube catch-up on WWE's page? How long is it? I might join you both rather than wasting time x30ing through a 3 hour show.

Here's one that hasn't been taken down yet. The one I watched this morning has already:


The only problem with it was it was sped up slightly. Bit of Alvin and the Chipmunks going on.

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19 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

The only problem with it was it was sped up slightly. Bit of Alvin and the Chipmunks going on.

Problem? That sounds even better! Even less time spent watching Raw!

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What was Bray on about? I watched it this morning before work and it's now 2.20pm and I just challenged myself to remember one bit of it, and I genuinely can't. He turned in to fucking Graham Norton at one stage aswel, hopping around with his finger up to his lips and camping up his voice.

I love the gravitas Heyman brings to a show, my interest levels triple the minute he starts talking.

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Possible Big Cass turn on Enzo? Isn't Vince a big fan of his, could go down the route of he's tired of Enzo making him look part of a joke and wants out on his own.

Would play into the "you better find out who did this before I do" part, that when Kurt reveals he knows you can have Cass go for the full turn.

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Cass will do fine in a Test role. Big, hard-hitting but overall fairly useless on the mic and midcard for life.

Enzo however once you get past his mic skills has very little going for him. Never impressed in the ring at all, other than being chucked about. He's a Spike or Crash without a hardcore division to hide his weaknesses. Can't see him getting five stars for doing an airplane spin or looking like he's getting food out his teeth any time soon.

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Enzo's the best seller in the company. If they can tone the act down so it doesn't lose its appeal to his supporters and doesn't irritate everyone else then you've got a hell of a babyface.

I like Cass but he's such a clumsy worker. He's not even as good as Test who you've mentioned. Enzo hides most of his weaknesses but he still botches his one big move half the time. He's hardly ever had a passable singles match.

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2 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

Enzo's the best seller in the company. If they can tone the act down so it doesn't lose its appeal to his supporters and doesn't irritate everyone else then you've got a hell of a babyface.

I like Cass but he's such a clumsy worker. He's not even as good as Test who you've mentioned. Enzo hides most of his weaknesses but he still botches his one big move half the time. He's hardly ever had a passable singles match.

I'd argue there's a few better than Enzo at selling (and Enzo sells because he legit smacks his head half the time) but how far can selling getting beat up get you when you're that size? Like I said earlier, he's a Spike Dudley or a Crash Holly. He'll take a kicking off the big lads, maybe scrape a few lucky wins.

He can't move at the pace of the cruiserweights, he's not got the skill or size to get even to IC levels, there's no hardcore division for him to prat about in like guys his size used to have. Once he splits from Cass he has nothing but charisma and getting beat up. He'll be the same level as a Colin Delaney or a James Ellsworth.

Edited by FelatioLips
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2 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

Once he splits from Cass he has nothing but charisma and getting beat up. He'll be the same level as a Colin Delaney or a James Ellsworth.

He really wont though will he and comparing Enzo to them is just stupid. Delaney and Ellsworth wish they had the crowd behind them like Enzo does or got the reactions that Enzo gets when he opens his mouth or his music hits.

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I liked how the first couple of times they showed the Matt Hardy vs Sheamus match graphic the picture of Matt was full-on wild eyed Broken Matt, but the third time (just before the match) it as a much more "regular" picture of him.

Hoping it's the start of some kind of Dorian Gray gimmick whereby the more normal Matt looks in the match graphics, the more Broken the Matt who appears in those matches becomes.

Edit: I also like how they're using Bray Wyatt having magic powers as a "a wizard did it" explanation for production errors.

Oh, and I legitimately liked the old school Goldust promo.

Edited by Statto
Remembered stuff.
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And the Raw rating keeps getting lower, very sad to see indeed but not surprising at all, the programming is terrible, no star power at all and nothing but boring wrestling matches.


I think the McMahon family would do good to one day a week, any day, sit at home for the night and have their remote in their hand and just flick through the channels. From 8pm till 11pm when Raw and Smackdown are on, just flick through the channels and take a good look at what is on at that time of night. Go through the movie channels, your FOX's, your Sky Atlantics etc, have a good look at what is on TV at that time and listen to the language the actors use and look at what some shows do with violence and of course sexuality and when they're done doing that try and see why people aren't watching wrestling anymore.



Put Raw and Smackdown where they belong, 4 in the afternoon when the kids come out of school and have it finish at 6 in time for the family dinner and the kids to do their homework. TV after 8 oclock is for adults, not this childish wrestling nonsense. It's like a time warp. When you see what else is on at the same time as Raw and Smackdown it's unbelievable.

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