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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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To pile on, this all feels uninspired and safe, which isn't exactly what they should be going for, seeing as they are trying to create some buzz and pretend big change is coming. No idea who they could have gotten instead, mind, but that's up to WWE to figure that part out. Certainly, the McMahon's being TV Authority figures only hurts this, as that particularly story is out of juice. As things stand, I'm really not even remotely arsed about the Draft.


Hopefully they have some big brilliant angle planned tonight. Awful if the show ends with "Kane is coming to Smackdown LIVE! WOW! See you on Monday, folks".

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Pleasantly surprised that they went for two face GMs for a change, though I feel they may have only gone for Foley cos of his reality show starting in a couple of weeks on the network. Also does anyone else think it's a bit daft that they've booked a WWE title match 2 days running between two of the 3 guys involved in the title match Sunday?

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Makes a change to see 2 babyface General Managers run Raw and SD instead of the usual 'Good Cop, Bad Cop' routine.  Although I think I'll be sick of Mick Foley come September after he spews the same old promos every week.  But I'm really interested in seeing what kind of GM Bryan makes on Smackdown.

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He's been at the DDP yoga and swimming lots too apparently, fair play to him. He'd still look miles better if he had a shave and a haircut like he did when he first started the commissioner stuff back in 2000.

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That Finish might of been acceptable if the plan was to then draft Rollins and Ambrose to seperate shows with both claiming to be World Champion and just like that its a World Champion for both shows again and away we go with 2 Champs


But with Battleground this Sunday that can't of been the plan


And now a rematch is announced for Tonight? Why does it matter who's champ anyway with the Match on Sunday having no Champions advantage with it being a 3 way it really isn't that important to have a definitive champion heading into it 

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Enzo and cass have stepped up so easily, standing up next to Cena and crowd still totally with them. Could have went against them given who they are facing having cool heel appeal.

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I'd guess the primary reason they did the finish they did on Raw is so there's no definitive champion until after the big guns have already been drafted, so no-one is automatically drafting the champion, nor will it look stupid if the undisputed champion isn't the first guy picked.

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I'd guess the primary reason they did the finish they did on Raw is so there's no definitive champion until after the big guns have already been drafted, so no-one is automatically drafting the champion, nor will it look stupid if the undisputed champion isn't the first guy picked.

Apparently the match on Raw was ruled a draw after the show, so Ambrose is still the (definitive) champion.

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So of course WWE put the cruiserweights on RAW.

I was waiting for someone to bizarrely moan about the cruiserweights not being on Smackdown.


And you missed out the part where I was talking about the commentary. Excellent work soft lad.


I'm not moaning about it being on RAW, as you clearly misinterpret (as per usual I might add). The gripe is that Ranallo and Bryan have done a great job building the Cruiserweight Classic, yet they decide to put another commentary team on it. JBL, Cole and Saxton commentating on it (if indeed they keep the same commentators for both shows following tonight's draft) will be a complete disaster.


But you keep following me around pal if it makes you feel better. And being an Arsenal fan, you'll need that little bit more help feeling better about yourself so carry on.

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