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Yeah loved the Evolution return and the Warrior tribute (kudos to the Usos for their Warrior facepaint) but hated that Cena/Wyatt segment. The whole relatives/younger selves gag was barely funny when DX done it to the McMahons in 2006, Cena doing it to the Wyatts in 2014 was down right embarrassing

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Did anyone else notice as well that they just had the frozen image of the 'Evolution' logo in preference to their old entrance video? Presumably to keep people from going "one... two... three... hey, wasn't Flair in this group?"


It shows how far Flair's stock has fallen with WWE when they don't even consider it worthwhile including him in an Evolution reunion in any way, shape or form.

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I dont think they reckon he's in the mindset for TV anymore. He was supposed to be on the WrestleMania pre-show and wasn't following his break down on the LOW show (not forgetting the 2k14 launch where he couldn't stop talking). He seems like he isn't all there anymore. His head is all swollen and purple all the time. He has blood clots in his legs last year and couldn't wrestle for All Japan, so you have to wonder about his health. After the Warrior death and Lawler's heart attack, they really dont need Ric clapping out live on Raw.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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It was a decent Raw but after how great last week was it was always going to be a struggle to maintain that. No Daniel Bryan hurt the show too but it's perfectly understandable why he wasn't there.


That Cena promo though. He gets a lot of unwarranted stick from people but christ that was fucking awful, a cringey sub par attitude era style comedy promo that was painful to watch. When Cena is in that mode he is unbearable. The saving grace was Wyatt pretty much no sold all the comedy.

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I was just coming here to post the same thing about Cena as I just watched the show. He undermines the Wyatt character entirely when he does the comedy stuff with him, it's cringey as fuck as well. I wish he wouldn't.

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Decent Raw,cool seeing Evolution back.Pity Flair's insane,the 3 lads don't look right without him standing beside them sweating through his expensive suit.


Glad to see Layla get one last run on TV before her mileage is up and they trade her in.

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Good RAW, for some reason this week I noticed the sound in the arena was excellent, the fans were loud and the audio was great. I noticed it most on the Uso's entrance, which I always love, but particularly when the sound is good and the crowd respond. The reponse for Paiges submission finisher was great too, when was the last time a crowd popped for a new finisher, especially a womans finisher, excellent reaction.


And then theres Evolution, you could hear a pin drop. Batistas return really has gone down like a lead balloon and never in a million years did I think an Evolution return would be met with virtual silence froma crowd that had been in good voice all night.

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The parade of jobbers before Evolution's arrival had had a lot to do with the shit reaction,crowds are usually quieter in the third hour out of tiredness too.


This is exactly it for me. Evolution had so obviously been teased all night, so sending Alberto out first deflated me to no end. It harmed Rusev too if anything, he's meant to be on a newcomer monster push, so don't bundle him with the likes of 3MB.

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Decent show I thought.


Warrior tributes were really nice.


I think The Evolution reunion suffered from two problems the first of course being the piss poor way it was handled (commentary was shockingly shit as well) and secondly as much as Evolution stomping around again is cool to us and older, more hardcore fans from a newer and more casual fan standpoint it's probably nothing more than three guys who have been all over TV for months, only now they have awesome bomb music.


The Shield looked great though and as for this feud I have no doubt that it will deliver the goods where it matters. If they go down the War Games route I hope that they add The Usos and another team to the mix (Rybaxle are on a bit of a streak at the moment so I wouldn't be opposed to them) because War Games to me should always be 5 Vs. 5.


Kane going back to the mask will probably be as shit as it sounds. Hopefully Bryan sends him packing at Extreme Rules.


Happy to see Layla back on TV in a decent roll.


I mentioned in chat recently that Big E will probably be dropping the IC Title to Cesaro soon and I am standing by the prediction. Swagger seems to have been left out in the cold though.


Pretty much given up on the Cena Vs. Wyatt feud. I'm as far from a Cena hater as you can get but the wrong man won at Wrestlemania and to make matters worse Cena is back to shit comedy.


Jesus what did Michael Cole say at the start of the Paige match to set JBL off? I was looking at my phone and next thing I know Jibbles (who needs sacking) was ranting like a fucking lunatic, it was also pretty funny that he apparently needed reminding that he is the GM for NXT though to be fair it's probably an easy thing to forget.


Love the Bo Dallas promos but as much as I have enjoyed Adam Rose on NXT his promos make him look like a complete fucking goon, if that is the intended purpose of them then fair enough but if they are hoping to bring him in as a face I can see him bombing bad on the main show.


Santino and Emma can both fuck off.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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Batista's got the reverse midas touch this year hasn't he?? Booed out of the building within 3 weeks of returning and being part of a piss-poor reaction to the return of Evolution - if you'd have told me Big Dave and Evolution would be things happening in 2014 back in December, I'd have done cartwheels. We're here, and it's all gone flat. I agree with what somebody else said too, I don't think there's much nostalgia for the 03-08(ish) characters because half the new fans weren't watching, and even loads of longtime fans checked out during that dodgy spell. I feel sad that that class music getting aired for the first time in forever as they face off against the joint hottest act in the company deserved a much better response, but I can see why it didn't get it. The 6-man will deliver BIG time though, I'd think.

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