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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I didn't mind Raw as much as some of you, but they've completely Brawl 4 All'd this IC tournament haven't they? They built perfectly up to a Cesaro vs Barrett final but fucked it so now Cesaro hasn't gotten anything from it when it could have been a big deal, and I have a horrible feeling in my gut that RVD will go over Bad News and crush his momentum in it. Ridiculous.

Edited by FelatioLips
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Bad News Barrett has hardly been setting the world alight but I have enjoyed his in ring efforts each week since the Post-Mania Raw. His little match with Rey was entertaining, last weeks match with Ziggler was as good of a filler match you could expect and this weeks match with Sheamus was really solid. I know the crowd seem to chant 'This is Awesome' once a week these days and it doesn't actually mean anything but if people were compelled to chant it for Sheamus and Barrett (two guys who have spent large amount of times as universal fastforward material) then its a perhaps a sign that something is starting to click with old Wade.


As for Raw on the whole, I'm a little peeved that I didn't skip through it as Wrestlemania season has conditioned me in to feeling the need to watch the whole show again. I'll be happy when Cena-Bray is over and if Evolution want to be seen as anything more than three guys with not much else constructive to do then they need to make a bigger statement.

Edited by Sexy Dad
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I didn't mind Raw as much as some of you, but they've completely Brawl 4 All'd this IC tournament haven't they? They built perfectly up to a Cesaro vs Barrett final but fucked it so now Cesaro hasn't gotten anything from it when it could have been a big deal, and I have a horrible feeling in my gut that RVD will go over Bad News and crush his momentum in it. Ridiculous.


The fact that the intercontinental title tournament is building towards a match against a bloke who can't even beat a bloke that was knocked out in the first round kills any significance it could've had. RVD is the worst wrestler that's ever lived but I'm glad Cesaro didn't advance and get the jobbers strap and they've probably got bigger plans for him. Him against heel Sheamus, fingers crossed. I don't think there's any chance RVD's going over Barrett either.


Ryback on commentary and Mark Henry vs The Penguin were other little things that stopped this show from being less shitty than last weeks.

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It's a credit to the Bad News Barrett gimmick (and keeping him out of the ring so long) that his 438457895454376457650368th match with Sheamus held some interest. When the bell rang to start it, I was expecting his 438457895454376457650368th loss to Sheamus, with another ten to follow over the next two months. But fair fucks to them, they gave him the win, and he's still talking. He's showing more personality than he has since Nexus, hopefully the momentum will continue.


It's a credit to Hornswoggle that 3MB vs Los Matadores is fun again. Great work from Swoggle and Torito. 3.5MB is one of the best things on the roster now.


Kane and Bryan was alright with the tombstones. You're not going to get much more than that out of a feud between them, because the ex-partner betrayal thing already got rinsed during their last thousand matches after Kane joined the Authority. Stephanie vs Brie has been underused as a feud over the last eight months, I'm hoping that it's just being saved and we're going to get a mixed tag or something soon.


Cesaro and Swagger is an odd feud, but it's interesting. Van Dam's been back two weeks and he's just part of the scenery. I don't know if RVD does wonders for merchandise and ratings, but you could pretty much put a Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler or someone like that in his spot for probably a lot less money.


I'm not on the Paige bandwagon at all. She's been awful so far.


Another useless heel singles run on the way for Cody Rhodes, unless he can harness some of the personality he has in the JBL and Cole show.



If you're going to try and build some heat for DB-Kane, having him tombstone him all over the place is a fairly good start. Let's say the Brock-Undertaker feud had started with Brock tombstoning taker instead of a pen stab and Lesnar going through the table. And then he tombstones him a few more times in the build up to mania. Might have built the suspense a bit better, eh.

Yep. We'd all have been wondering how the match was going to happen after Undertaker's neck snapped in two on Raw a month before WrestleMania.


My mate tells me there was a Hornswoggle vs El Torrito match as the main event of SD! though, so I reckon I'll watch that after I catch up on Game of Thrones....

There was a Hornswoggle vs Torito match on Smackdown but it wasn't the main event, unless Sky are still broadcasting a jumbled version of the show. Batista vs Sheamus was the main event, I think.

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That Hornswoggle vs El Torito match on SD was really uncomfortable. It started off fun enough but went longer than most the other matches and JBL sucked all the fun out of it with his hysteria at midgets wrestling.


I disagree with the Wade Barrett 'Boom!' not being over. I thought it was pretty well over for a heel who usually runs the crowd down. The Sheamus brawl was a tidy little match as well but you gotta be really bad not to have a passable match with Sheamus who is pretty fucking great at what he does. I wouldn't mind him becoming HHH's hard bastard Irish thug if he is to step up the card again anytime soon. Don't mind Bryan having a couple of nothing feuds before he gets stuck in to a lengthy program again, it's a shame that Kane is boring again but hopefully it's a one shot deal. If Cesaro isn't the next IC champ they might be lining him up for a go at Bryan or even Cena, for a test run.

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That Hornswoggle vs El Torito match on SD was really uncomfortable. It started off fun enough but went longer than most the other matches and JBL sucked all the fun out of it with his hysteria at midgets wrestling.

I haven't seen it, but I bet JBL at some point said 'I LOVE THESE LITTLE GUYS!' or something to that effect. The commentators, JBL in particular, seem to 'love' everything. They say they love something so often, it has no meaning. Like anything called 'vintage' by Cole. I don't remember Gorilla, Ventura, Heenan or any other older commentator bang on about how much they loved something. It's just shit commentating. I think it might've started with Tazz.

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Very fast forwardable show.Only bits I enjoyed were Lana's fantastic legs and arse,Sheamus vs BNB and Evolution's glorious new titantron set up.


Bryan segment was shit because Kane is shit,and everyone knows he hasn't a chance of winning the title at Extreme Rules.Such a pointless fucking storyline.They may as well have fast tracked Cesaro to face Bryan instead seeing as they're doing nothing with him,at least we wouldn't be forced to listen to all this demon shite.


Still can't understand why people think Ambrose is any use whatsoever.Looks like a tramp,is average in the ring and a shitty over actor of a promo.Could care less about Evolution vs Shield after only 2 weeks of proper build.That's some going.


Cesaro looked like a deaf mute in the backstage interview with Heyman and RVD.They obviously don't trust him to talk at all.New entrance music is crap too


Cena/Wyatt feud is played out at this stage.

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Still can't understand why people think Ambrose is any use whatsoever.Looks like a tramp,is average in the ring and a shitty over actor of a promo.Could care less about Evolution vs Shield after only 2 weeks of proper build.That's some going.

But you do care. As you could care less, but evidently choose not to.


Ambrose, after a bright start has begun to believe his own hype slightly, I'm thinking. His post match promo on the Main Event show against The Wyatts a couple weeks back was horrendous.

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Didn't think it was as bad as most people on here, nowhere near in fact, only fast forwarded through the odd bit and considering I was rushing to watch Eastenders* that's not too bad


The opening segment was alright for what it was, its wiped out any thought of Kane wearing a suit for the last few months and now he's the monster again, job done for what's going to be a semi main event at Extreme Rules, with Stephanie holding the belts after the beatdown I imagine they'll go for a "Will Bryan come back at Extreme Rules or will they have to strip him of the titles?" storyline leading up to it, also it obviously gives Bryan a bit of time off which I imagine he needs


The Barrett/Sheamus match, much like Pity said, was a miracle in that it managed to be entertaining despite it not exactly being a fresh match up, Barrett's obviously going to beat RVD, fuck knows if he'll beat Big E for the strap though but at least they're putting some effort into making the IC title mean something


Don't get the hatred for the Emma/Layla match, fair enough Santino is stale as fuck but Emma's bonny as fuck and Layla is gorgeous so it can't be that bad, the Cobra and the Snake thing was shite though admittedly


Main event went on far too long though so can see why anyone would want to knock that


Oh and Paige is alright except for that shout thing she does, I imagine she did/does that on NXT?




*Eastenders was shite, not being funny even Raw had some better acting than that lot tonight

Edited by Dr.PeterVenkman
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Yep. We'd all have been wondering how the match was going to happen after Undertaker's neck snapped in two on Raw a month before WrestleMania.


A correctly delivered tombstone isn't going to hurt anywhere near as much as an F5. A soft back bump vs a high impact violent throw :confused:


Paige needs to not be letting Aksana take most of the match, apart from the obvious safety concerns, she's the female version of 3MB and should be treated as such.

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Rusev sucks, I said from the beginning that after Lana's great introduction someone really impressive should walk out and Rusev isn't it.


I really hate Wyatt's "whole world in his hands" thing, it's not at all cool and different like the Wyatts have been, it seems cheesy, like putting children singing a nursery rhyme in a horror film. I already disliked it but it's overuse one Raw made it 10 times worse.

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