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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Anyone else ever think that wrestlers like Test, Bob Holly, and Justin Credible could never have been main-eventers because they had goofy teeth? I always figured they could only get so far with that look.

Surely with Kevin Dunn being such an important member of the team having bad teeth would be endearing?

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My mate's just found out he's got a neice called Stevie-Rai. Her being a milk-drinking, doughnut-eating fruit booty, as to yet unconfirmed.


A former colleague named her son Stevie Ray after Stevie Ray Vaughan, but all I could think about was the wrestler as well every time she mentioned it.

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WWE's television output is their main -- and only real stable -- source of revenue

I thought their house shows were their most stable source of basic, regular revenue? I mean I know that TV's clearly their biggest earner, but I just remember JR going on about house shows being their "bread and butter" on the Ross Report a lot.


Granted, this was some time ago, but they do still run quite a lot of house shows.

TV and PPV/Network are the big money. These numbers are from the Observer and in millions for July Sep and count profit.




Edit - Worth noting this year's July-September Network profit is misleading, as although costs were low in the quarter so profits look high, they've actually spent a bomb on it earlier in the year.

Edited by Benno
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Interesting stuff. Particularly the rebound in web earnings - presumably YouTube related - and the huge increase in PPV/Network revenue even on 2 & 3 years ago. I guess you'd have to see how that figure compares from Jan to April to see how impressive it really is. It needs to hold up in Rumble to WM season.

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Well the same thing should apply for Vinnie. I know he's hard headed and a bit mental but money is the one thing that should grab his attention surely. How long has this shit been losing money ?

Edited by ElCece
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Interesting stuff. Particularly the rebound in web earnings - presumably YouTube related - and the huge increase in PPV/Network revenue even on 2 & 3 years ago. I guess you'd have to see how that figure compares from Jan to April to see how impressive it really is. It needs to hold up in Rumble to WM season.

From the way Meltzer usually reports it, web earnings include merch from the website.

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Some notes from Meltzer (This is all the 9th November Observer) on the misleading Network profit numbers for the quarter.


This chart shows that every aspect of company business is doing better than it has in several years. Live attendance was even (the summer was good, but September was way down), but ticket prices were way up, as was profitability.


The network profitability is sort of misleading, in the sense that there was $18.7 million in expenses during the quarter. The annual expenses are projected at being$120 million, so the programming expenses happened to be lower when it came to production of new shows and big shows this quarter as compared to the year average. If you pro-rate the $120 million in expenses per quarter, that subtracts $11.7 million from profits in normalizing things. It would leave a more reliable profit comparison at closer to $6 million, which is below the profitability that PPV alone was generating. That also makes a significant difference when it comes to the overall quarterly profit looking good, to looking not nearly so good.

Edited by Benno
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Just thinking about Survivor Series 92 and if the original scheduled match of Flair & Razor V Warrior & Savage went ahead as planned would Mr Perfect have turned babyface when he did? Because looking back the turn was brought about so he could replace Warrior in the match after he was fired again. So if Warrior was still around maybe Perfect would've still been the heel he was always meant to be.

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Just thinking about Survivor Series 92 and if the original scheduled match of Flair & Razor V Warrior & Savage went ahead as planned would Mr Perfect have turned babyface when he did? Because looking back the turn was brought about so he could replace Warrior in the match after he was fired again. So if Warrior was still around maybe Perfect would've still been the heel he was always meant to be.


You've answered your own question. The Perfect turn was a panic "we need to do something" decision and made no sense whatsoever for Savage to trust him given that he'd spent all year getting fucked over by him.

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Just thinking about Survivor Series 92 and if the original scheduled match of Flair & Razor V Warrior & Savage went ahead as planned would Mr Perfect have turned babyface when he did? Because looking back the turn was brought about so he could replace Warrior in the match after he was fired again. So if Warrior was still around maybe Perfect would've still been the heel he was always meant to be.

You've answered your own question. The Perfect turn was a panic "we need to do something" decision and made no sense whatsoever for Savage to trust him given that he'd spent all year getting fucked over by him.

See, it always made perfect (pun intended) sense to me. It was a wonderful piece of Machiavellian scheming. Savage knew Perfect was going to be a problem, so he kills two birds with one stone: he eliminates a threat, and makes him an ally. And he does it all by playing on Perfect's egotism and insecurity, fully in the knowledge that Flair will only fuel it by emphasising that Perfect is his subordinate.


I loved it at the time, and later, when I learned it happened because Wohyah got fired, it struck me as probably the best bit of last-minute booking I've ever seen.

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Last night I dreamt that I was stood in the corridor of a non-descript conference centre, queuing up with a load of other lads to be interviewed for the role of executive producer of a rebooted WCW. Donald Trump would be the benefactor this time, rather than Ted Turner, but they needed someone to take Bischoff's old role and manage the boys, do a bit of booking, appear semi-regularly as the on-screen authority, etc. The interviews were being conducted solely by Vince Russo.


I was chatting to DDP in the line and he seemed like a sound fella until he went in for the interview and re-appropriated all my best ideas for himself. Russo loved them and gave him the job. Sake like.

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It would be interesting to note if the house show profit takes into the consideration the money spent on the wages of the wrestlers, ring crew etc. 

Judging by the profit made elsewhere, the WWE could happily continue as a part-time outfit with the talent only working PPVs and TV.

Edited by garynysmon
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