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The Why Don't You Get a Job Thread

kendal mint cake

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Completely burned out on the current job. I don't hate it, but just struggle to get remotely motivated any more, and small problems that never used to bother me now grind me down all day. I have a new colleague who, in theory, should be lightening my workload, but I spend so much of my time answering the same stupid questions over and over again that it feels like I get less done than before.

To make matters worse, I just saw an advert for as close as I could get to a dream job in Jersey - Animal Records Administrator at Jersey Zoo - which just plays to most of my strengths professionally, is in my favourite place, and exactly the sort of thing I want to be doing. But it's only 20 hours a week, which I can't afford to do, and a six month contract, so can't really take the risk - particularly as I have a three month notice period.

So that's left me miserable, as it feels like dangling a carrot of a job I'd be happier in.

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3 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I have a new colleague who, in theory, should be lightening my workload, but I spend so much of my time answering the same stupid questions over and over again that it feels like I get less done than before.


I'm going through this at the moment too. August/September are by far the busiest months in my profession, to the point where we pretty much sacrifice dinner breaks and put in a shitload of overtime. And I've got a new colleague who constantly needs babysitting to the point it's driving me insane.

We had to book in a huge delivery yesterday and I decided to do it on my own which took around 3 hours. I could've had the new guy help me but he still doesn't grasp the booking-in process which meant it would've easily taken longer with two of us on the job.

Obviously management don't see that we're much too fucking busy to be babysitting new staff as they're on the golf course all day with their head in the sand not realising we're massively behind timetable.

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As irritating as it is, I don't necessarily mind walking someone through how to do things - you have to learn somewhere. But she's useless.

Nothing will get me annoyed quicker than having to repeat myself. She was trying to find a students' information on our records, and asked me to show her how to do it for the umpteenth time (there's a step-by-step guide on the exact same page she's using, but no, I have to explain it). I tell her how it works, she's nodding and saying "yes" to all of it. Two minutes later, she says it's not working - I look, and she's entering the student surname in the student number field. Both are very clearly labelled, and if she'd taken two seconds to actually stop and think, she'd recognise what she's doing wrong.

But it's little mistakes like that every five minutes, usually accompanied by her saying, "I don't think the system is working properly". Yeah, it can't be that you're getting it wrong, or not paying attention, it has to be that "The System" isn't working. Obviously.

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This is my last week in my current job after 3 and a half years. Been a strange few months as the company I work for decided stop lending, sell the books to another company but continue to service the existing accounts during the transition.

Strange times as its basically a slow march towards redundancy for everyone here. The morale has obviously been horrendous so coming to work has not been pleasant. I work in a regulatory compliance function (financial services) so you can probably imagine that there has been very little for me to do.

Luckily have secured a similar role elsewhere for better money, better benefits, flexi time etc. which I start on Monday.

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So I had a word with my manager, explained exactly how I was feeling and how I had come to the decision. They were incredibly amicable with it, listened to every word I said, worked out with me how much time I was owed and then thanked me for doing it in person and escorted me out.

I’m home now and feel like a weight has been lifted. Very happy with how it went considering the position I put them in. Thanks again everyone.

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Need some advice please.

Currently really worried right now, I work in a call centre type role with lots of admin associated with it. I’ve never been one to follow processes as such and I know some of this is my fault but I need to know my options. So when we make calls we are judged on certain things by the QA department, have to say certain bits word for word, ask the right stuff, you know the score. In May i received email feedback from QA advising that my call scores were not good and I had failed on some mandatories and that “I would be referred to my Team Leader and call coaches for extra support. Fair enough. Then radio silence. No feedback for ages, no input from team leaders or anything. In early August I randomly got a message advising QA we’re going to sit with me. They sat with my for 1 hour. During that time I made several calls but no one answered and did admin work. They only observed.

No feedback again, nothing happened.

Today I’m pulled into a meeting with my Team Leader and Manager. They advise they have received a lot of feedback over the last couple months about my calls ad need to to do an investigation. We will meet again in 1 week and if the reports are upheld I will be going down a capability and disciplinary route.

Now I appreciate I may not have done all I need to do on the calls, i accept that, but I have been offered support and then it has not been delivered, and today was the first I’d heard about all of these so called terrible calls I’d done.

Do I have a leg to stand on relating to the potential disciplinary? What should my next move be? I’ve had no feedback since May, no support that I was promised and now this.

As a caveat me and my Team Leader get on well which makes it more awkward but she clearly doesn’t have my back in this instance. The manager and my Team Leader are also friends outside of work with the head of HR so I need to be careful how I play this.

Any advise would really be appreciated. Thank you

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Capability and disciplinary are two different things, this should be "Feedback on the feedback" as it were and should be there to help steer you away from the disciplinary route. If this is the first time they've given you feedback, then it's the first time they're pointing out what needs correcting, so if it isn't corrected via capability, then it becomes a disciplinary matter.

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It seems to me like it’s no big issue. Let them point out to you what you are doing incorrectly, then just apologise and ask for extra training or pointers on how to improve, play dumb.

 Also if you know you are not doing all you need to on calls then you cant get the ump when you’re pulled up on it.  I wouldnt try and make a big issue out of it with them as it will probably mark your cards and just lead to extra stress. Its best many times to accept a slap on the wrist and move on.

Edited by Porkchopcash
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In a very unexpected update I’m already back in work. The day before I quit I had been given feedback on an interview for a well established videogame shop but was told that I didn’t get the perm job but might hear back about a temp position in a few weeks. I’d not even been out of work a day yet and they called me up and asked me to start in a couple of weeks to help with the launch of the new Zelda and Nintendo Switch Lite. 

I got incredibly incredibly lucky.

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22 hours ago, Doog said:

Need some advice please.

Currently really worried right now, I work in a call centre type role with lots of admin associated with it. I’ve never been one to follow processes as such and I know some of this is my fault but I need to know my options. So when we make calls we are judged on certain things by the QA department, have to say certain bits word for word, ask the right stuff, you know the score. In May i received email feedback from QA advising that my call scores were not good and I had failed on some mandatories and that “I would be referred to my Team Leader and call coaches for extra support. Fair enough. Then radio silence. No feedback for ages, no input from team leaders or anything. In early August I randomly got a message advising QA we’re going to sit with me. They sat with my for 1 hour. During that time I made several calls but no one answered and did admin work. They only observed.

No feedback again, nothing happened.

Today I’m pulled into a meeting with my Team Leader and Manager. They advise they have received a lot of feedback over the last couple months about my calls ad need to to do an investigation. We will meet again in 1 week and if the reports are upheld I will be going down a capability and disciplinary route.

Now I appreciate I may not have done all I need to do on the calls, i accept that, but I have been offered support and then it has not been delivered, and today was the first I’d heard about all of these so called terrible calls I’d done.

Do I have a leg to stand on relating to the potential disciplinary? What should my next move be? I’ve had no feedback since May, no support that I was promised and now this.

As a caveat me and my Team Leader get on well which makes it more awkward but she clearly doesn’t have my back in this instance. The manager and my Team Leader are also friends outside of work with the head of HR so I need to be careful how I play this.

Any advise would really be appreciated. Thank you

The very first thing I would ask is for them to provide/show you paperwork of what they feel you are not doing, the training received since the last conversation in May & any evidence to suggest you are not doing your job (e.g. call recordings, paperwork, complaints etc). Whilst its admirable that you are very honest I would probably play dumb in this instance and see what they say.

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On ‎9‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 7:51 PM, Doog said:

Currently really worried right now, I work in a call centre type role with lots of admin associated with it. I’ve never been one to follow processes as such and I know some of this is my fault but I need to know my options. So when we make calls we are judged on certain things by the QA department, have to say certain bits word for word, ask the right stuff, you know the score. In May i received email feedback from QA advising that my call scores were not good and I had failed on some mandatories and that “I would be referred to my Team Leader and call coaches for extra support. Fair enough. Then radio silence. No feedback for ages, no input from team leaders or anything. In early August I randomly got a message advising QA we’re going to sit with me. They sat with my for 1 hour. During that time I made several calls but no one answered and did admin work. They only observed.

No feedback again, nothing happened.

First thing is that you need to remember that QA are only doing their jobs. Any oversight they complete on your work will likely be based on some sort of framework. If something on a call is considered by the business to be mandatory, it simply needs to be covered. There is no getting around that. If the QA guys didn't flag that up them they wouldn't be doing their job.

Usually things like scripting are mandatory for a reason - often to protect the business you are working for in the event of an audit, complaints etc. Especially in heavily regulated environments such as Financial Services.

QA and your manager should have a clear record of what work of yours has been checked, what feedback was provided and what the agreed actions are going forward. This should form part of your Training and Competence scheme if things are being managed properly.

I would suggest taking the feedback on board. Not being one to follow the process is never really going to fly. If the feedback, coaching etc has been poor or nonexistant than flag that up to your manager and they should discuss with QA.

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4 hours ago, Ralphy said:

I have signed up to work in a charity shop starting next week, only 4 hours on a Thursday, feeling quite nervous, any tips for it please peeps? I need to do this to help my confidence and my cv 

Where’s the shop, Dundee? Assume you’re walking to work?

Yeah, keep any football shirts and flog them on Depop. Charity shops are where I get most of mine from.

And enjoy your time there. 

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