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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Michaels relayed a recent conversation with WWE head Vince McMahon about talent evaluation. Michaels set it up as feeling what current new stars feel because he struggled to gain acceptance as an undersized wrestler who was given the WWF Title when others in the company felt like he wasn't worthy.


"I had a conversation a couple of weeks ago with the man in charge," Michaels said, "and we were talking about a certain individual and he goes, 'I just don't see money in him.' And I said, 'You said the same thing about me.' He said, 'I did not.' I said, 'Yes you did!' (laughs) I said, 'And it's okay. It's just one of those things.'"

Came out today in the Observer Daniel Bryan is who Vince is talking about. Vince isn't a fan, apparently. Maybe its the beard.


For what it's worth, Shawn denies this:




Not that I would ever suggest the Observer is anything less than 100% accurate...

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Vince must be gutted that Daniel Bryan isn't more of a looker though. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if he doesn't see him as ever being a top guy. His size isn't really that much of an issue in 2013, but looking like he's homeless is. I don't know what the story is with the beard, but I really wish he'd neaten it right up.

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I don't know if it comes from Meltzer or what (he's not as bad for it as Alvarez and Keller for sure) or the wrestlers themselves, but it's interesting that there are loads of fans who buy this bullshit narrative that wrestlers with muscles are all given the moon on a stick, but guys like Punk and Bryan are given nothing and only ever got in main events by scribbling someone else's name out on the whiteboard and writing their own instead. In Punk's case, I know he fuels it a lot. "They never gave me any opportunities. I only had three or four World title reigns, and I never got to win clean by submission in every single match... That's tantamount to Vince spitting in my face." In his big promo, the cheeky bastard was crying about not being on merchandise when he was one of only about three active wrestlers on the roster that actually had been on an ice cream bar! It's no wonder people backstage tell him he's worse to deal with than '90s Shawn Michaels.


Daniel Bryan has had a decent length World title reign, probably had as many World/WWE title shots on pay-per-view last year as John Cena did, has had shitloads of merchandise out, and was the first guy to beat The Shield. The notion that all this happened behind WWE's back or against WWE's wishes or without WWE's support is ridiculous. He's not raging against the machine, he's part of the machine.

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Read some sort of rumor that a trainer for NXT has or had been sexually harassing the divas down there. Couple of people (recently released talent mind) were being cryptic about it. No laughing matter.

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Read some sort of rumor that a trainer for NXT has or had been sexually harassing the divas down there. Couple of people (recently released talent mind) were being cryptic about it. No laughing matter.


Are you trying to be humorous?

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Read some sort of rumor that a trainer for NXT has or had been sexually harassing the divas down there. Couple of people (recently released talent mind) were being cryptic about it. No laughing matter.


Are you trying to be humorous?


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Read some sort of rumor that a trainer for NXT has or had been sexually harassing the divas down there. Couple of people (recently released talent mind) were being cryptic about it. No laughing matter.


Are you trying to be humorous?


Whatever he's trying to be, I got a huge erection from it. Generally speaking.

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