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Richie Freebird

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The Bray Wyatt character was created thanks to Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes came up with the gimmick and said this would be much better than Husky Harris. Rhodes and Wyatt are currently coming up with new ideas to make the character more interesting and unique. Wyatt is said to really be taking the character and running with it.

It is interesting these days, that since Triple H got more final decision making power last year, you have Dusty Rhodes giving input into a wrestlers character, Heyman has a lot to do with his own programs and then you have Dutch in control of his own promos and the direction of his character. WWE has so many good minds knocking about now. All this has come during a period where the lead writers are getting sacked or quitting more times in its history. Seems like the power is getting directed more in the current and former wrestlers hands again. Punk has a lot of say in his stuff, Bryan and the Shield get all the freedom in the world to do whatever they want in their matches. Bray Wyatt (a guy who hasn't been on the main roster yet and has spent years in developmental) is working on ideas with Dusty Rhodes in regards his making his character better. Could you imagine that happening in 2010 or 2011? I think the last 6 months, whether the shows have been good or not, you see a lot more good than bad when it comes to the progression of the characters. The Shield and Daniel Bryan just wouldn't have been given the ball to this level 12 months ago. The amount of time they get in the ring and on the microphone is astronomical. Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Mick Foley did an interview with the Observer yesterday. He said the reason his Dean Ambrose program got dropped was because he failed his Impact test and was told he isn't fit to ever wrestle again. I suppose thats him done then. This bloke must be really knackered. I haven't been much of a Foley fan in years, but its really fucking sad listening to it. He says his short term memory is shot and he cant go on roller coasters any more. His brain has taken such a hammering over the years. Its mad to think he's only in his late 40s.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Probably a blessing in disguise for Ambrose and us the fans, that.Him debuting in The Shield is far more memorable and has more longevity than him showing up individually taking out someone who struggles just to walk (and who crowds aren't too bothered about anymore) in Foley.Obviously shit for Foley like, poor bloke. Largely himself to blame though, especially if he was willing to get back in the ring in the state (health-wise) he is in.

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Foley's a bit like the Dynamite Kid in that he's physically messed up because of the style of wrestling he performed, and because he couldn't bring himself to retire when he really should have done, but if you were to ask him if he'd change anything about his career he'd probably say no. He lived his dream and doesn't have any regrets (I'm guessing here, but that's always the way he comes across). So unlike say, Bret Hart, it's difficult to feel really sorry for him.It is still a sad story though, nobody wants to wind up like that. I feel more sorry for him because he can't go on roller coasters than because he isn't allowed to wrestle. Mick loves his roller coasters.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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Foley's a bit like the Dynamite Kid in that he's physically messed up because of the style of wrestling he performed, and because he couldn't bring himself to retire when he really should have done, but if you were to ask him if he'd change anything about his career he'd probably say no. He lived his dream and doesn't have any regrets (I'm guessing here, but that's always the way he comes across). So unlike say, Bret Hart, it's difficult to feel really sorry for him.

Nah, Foley has said the opposite and that he would change things in his career / that he went too far on occasion.
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That is sad to hear indeed, but he should really, actually consider himself fairly lucky as well. That he has been told that and prevented from doing himself any more harm and that with all the shit he put himself through he hasn't suffered much, much worse or gone on a big weekend family massacre.

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I was wondering last time I saw Foley how he'd let himself get so fat knowing he wouldn't be able to fit on roller coasters (he talks about getting in "rollercoaster shape" in his book). I feel sorry for him that he can't go on them anymore, they obviously mean a lot to him and now he has less incentive to get to a non disgusting weight.

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He took impossible bumps as well. He really should be in a wheelchair considering some of the things he did. The falls from the hell in the cell were bad, but those were super dangerous one offs. If he did that once, that would be considered a calculated risk if he drew with it (which he did). But he was taking back first drops on concrete for years. He took a back first drop from the top of the old WCW ramp in a match with the Nasties in 95 which still turns me ill when I see it. Its a ridiculous bump. Foley spoke about the amount of concussions he received in TNA, really fucking him up as well. He got a shit load from Abyss and Flair because he worked a pretty regular schedule for TNA. He was working mid card matches on Impact and stuff like that. That run hurt him a lot both physically and in terms of name value. I remember someone on here said they put Foley up for the night and he couldn't remember who he was the next time he saw him. Might have got his reasons for all this thats come out.You know, if he'd have retired in 2000, he might have been living a more comfortable life now and he might have had more value in the business. Can you remember the respect Foley had in 2000 when he retired? He was like God to wrestling fans. The perception of him now is way different. If he'd have stayed retired and not turned up at these shit little venues bitching about Vince not letting him say what he wants about Melina and releasing 50 autobiographies each shitter than the last, he could have been still wanked off by the world. Now he's headed for the perception of the scruffy man child with the cabbaged brain.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I was wondering last time I saw Foley how he'd let himself get so fat knowing he wouldn't be able to fit on roller coasters (he talks about getting in "rollercoaster shape" in his book). I feel sorry for him that he can't go on them anymore, they obviously mean a lot to him and now he has less incentive to get to a non disgusting weight.

Hardly disgusting, unless you're some sort of bitchy queen. A stand up comic has no need to be buff.
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I was wondering last time I saw Foley how he'd let himself get so fat knowing he wouldn't be able to fit on roller coasters (he talks about getting in "rollercoaster shape" in his book). I feel sorry for him that he can't go on them anymore, they obviously mean a lot to him and now he has less incentive to get to a non disgusting weight.

Don't the American rollercoasters let you be really, really fat on them? No point me saving up for Florida if not.

I was wondering last time I saw Foley how he'd let himself get so fat knowing he wouldn't be able to fit on roller coasters (he talks about getting in "rollercoaster shape" in his book). I feel sorry for him that he can't go on them anymore, they obviously mean a lot to him and now he has less incentive to get to a non disgusting weight.

Hardly disgusting, unless you're some sort of bitchy queen. A stand up comic has no need to be buff.
As long as tight cunt Foley can still get down CEX to trade in his old games, he's in fine shape as he is.
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Don't the American rollercoasters let you be really, really fat on them? No point me saving up for Florida if not.

Indeed. In fact if I remember correctly the Hulk at Universal had special seats at the front for the larger person.
They have dummy seats before you get in the queue so you can see if you fit so you don't waste your time. They do have a couple of bigger seats on some rides for fatter folks but I think Foley's too big to get on one of those too.He looked amazing in his 2004 match with Randy Orton, it would've been great for him to stay like that but it's not on the cards unfortunately. Sad to hear he made himself so much worse in his recent TNA run, I had no idea he was getting concussions & shit there.
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