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  1. That's a good point, because of advertising right? I don't know why they don't include advertising costs in the budgets of films as standard because it always gives a false picture of how much is actually spent on films when they are being made. Furiosa was excellent by the way, as was Fall Guy, which was released at a similar time, was also well-reviewed and also bombed.
  2. I was thinking about this, and I'd also be supportive of them just keeping the Network as it is up there now. By all means remove the ongoing/new stuff but it's sad we don't appear to have ECW or WCW anymore, which were the main things I watched on the network anyway, apart from any new ppv if I liked the look of it. I already have a Netflix subscription, so I'm saving £9.99 a month now, and bizarrely this will be the first time since 2000 when I'm not regularly paying WWE direct for some sort of content. Funny times, but I absolutely would pay for an archive only Network if it was still there, and I can't be bothered with registering for foreign accounts etc.
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