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Richie Freebird

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Have WWE done any wirework since Owen died?


That'll be rather shit if Crow Sting doesnt fall from the rafters. Even if a little kid has no idea who Sting is, they'll be interested after one of those.

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Thing with Sting is, before he went to TNA his reputation was pretty tarnished. His run in TNA has done his career a good service, because people now consider him a great promo. If Sting would have retired in 2001, he'd have been seen as a lazy sod who wasn't ever any good on the microphone and looked apathetic for the final years of his career. The Sting we've seen since about 2006 has been awesome on the mic, he's had some class matches and he's remained enthusiastic through some of the worst booking ever seen on a TV show. If anything the reason WWE still thinks that Sting has something left in him in his 50s is because people like Booker T, Kevin Nash and Ric Flair are in Triple H's ear and tell him he can still go when the time is right.


Sting is pretty much built for a once a year role. TNA has him on TV every week doing something or other. If or when he goes to WWE, a once a year thing would be totally perfect for him. Its no wonder he looks like shit and just comes as he is, when he works every week for them. He's in his 50s with a load of miles on the clock. He really should be doing one or two matches a year for them.


Here's the Stinger from last week. Looks rather dashing if you ask me.


Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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With Sting being in TNA for so long...I don't really feel he's a big star anymore and that Taker/Sting won't be as big a deal as people are thinking it will be. Cena/Taker is the best possible option for WM30 and as far as I can see is the only match that makes any sense to headline that show.


Are you joking?


Do you not remember those videos of the cabin in the woods just over 2 years ago? The slightest thought that it was sting sent the Internet and every forum into overload. It was mental, even when it showed takers face people were still clutching onto the fact that it could be sting.


Maybe it won't be as big as it could of been in 2001 but it would still be a big deal. People are chanting Goldberg at every wwe show so sting certainly wont be forgotten.


I really hope it happens for TV and my DVD collection :-)


Just as I was typing the wwe show a clip of sting winning the heavyweight title on raw. Shows what the wwe think of sting!

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What sends people on forums into hyperactive overloading spazzes doesn't always translate into TV ratings and PPV buys...see CM Punk's first WWE Championship run for the perfect example of this.

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Here are some sales figures for the latest WWE DVDs:


12 Rounds 2: Reloaded sold 31,855 copies in its first week. This is down from the 52,000 units from The Marine 3 sold in its opening week.


Speaking of which, The Marine 3 is up to 167,559 units sold in North America.


Wrestlemania 29 has sold 92,740 units in its first three weeks.


Source: The Numbers


Wrestling News World. I got 12 Rounds 2. It was OK. Darker than I thought.

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What sends people on forums into hyperactive overloading spazzes doesn't always translate into TV ratings and PPV buys...see CM Punk's first WWE Championship run for the perfect example of this.

This was way different from that, though. WWE didn't even have Sting in mind for that angle. When people saw the vignette with the figure in the piss rain and the black coat and all that stuff, the response to the videos was so strong WWE actually reached out to Sting to see if he was available to do something with them. The demand is there for Sting to be in the WWE. DVD sales alone would cover his fee.


Strong angles usually work anyway. If you dragged a new wrestler from developmental and made him look like the Undertakers equal that would fly with the audience. Sting vs Undertaker would definitely be buzzing.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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One for the Puro fans, if there are still any that care about All Japan.


The news of Muto stepping down as president and some other lad coming in has created a shockwave, and eleven notable guys have decided they want to leave. This comes just six months after All Japan got a (needed) injection of fresh talents and fresh potential matches with the arrival of Go Shiozaki, Jun Akiyama, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Kotaro Suzuki and Atsushi Aoki who left Noah in protestation of their termination of Kobashi's deal.


The wrestlers leaving are :

Masakatsu Funaki, Shuji Kondo, Kaz Hayashi, KAI, Ryota Hama, Masayuki Kono, Yasufumi Nakanoue, Seiya Sanada, Koji Kanemoto, Minoru Tanaka and Hiroshi Yamato.


This doesn't upset the title apple cart too much none of them currently hold any gold. But it's devastating for the loss of potential fresh title matches. The only decent challengers left around now for Kanemaru (junior champ) are his stablemates in Burning, who he's already wrestled numerous times in Noah, and the only viable challengers for Triple Crown holder Suwama are Akiyama (who he took the title from), Shiozaki (who gets the next shot) or Akebono (who has recently unsuccessfully challenged him). The stables situation is now non-existent too, which Funaki taking most of Stack Of Arms with him, and Revolution being disbanded in the knowledge that Kaz and Kondo were leaving. All-Japan are suddenly in dire need of something fresh for the top of the card, as they were when Akiyama (ironically enough) lifted the Triple Crown as an outsider from Noah last year before dumping it to Funaki.


If those ten lads seek employment now with Noah, suddenly Noah would have a massive selection of new matches to present, plus some interesting rematches from Kondo's recent run as Junior champ as an All Japan outsider. Kono, Sanada and especially Funaki would represent interesting opponents for KENTA, Sugiura, Morishima and assuming he continues wrestling heavyweights, Marufuji. Possibly even Takayama. Given that the GHC tag belts are currently held by Iizuka they could even have a tag team match where two men from New Japan wrestle two guys recently synonymous with All Japan for Noah's tag belts!


The Junior division of Noah would absolutely be glorious too. There are loads of fresh singles and tag matches available if you give the roster of Ishimori, Kotoge, Super Crazy, Ricky Marvin, Hirayanagi and (if he comes back) SUWA the likes of KAI, Yamato, Kaz, Kondo, Kanemoto and Tanaka to play with. The likes of Ishimori & Kotoge VS Kaz & Kondo or Kanemoto & Tanaka sound very good to me. Hell, if they weren't on opposite sides of the fence I'd be baying for KENTA & Marufuji to reunited to wrestle Kanemoto & Tanaka, as both can still work Junior style.




The current All Japan TV Champion is Rene Dupree.

Edited by air_raid
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I don't watch Impact all that often, but I do record it and delete/watch dependent on time. I've just flicked on this weeks show, and Sting looks the fucking business in his suit.


He'd be proper boss in WWE, once they got him out of that fucking t-shirt.


Like Ian alluded to, it's bonkers to have a man in his 50's working a full time schedule. How do you expect someone of that age to work that schedule, and then still hit the gym like an animal to stay in shape? Working once (maybe twice) a year in WWE would be right up his alley, he could spend his off time relaxing his body, staying in shape and looking like a king among men.


Also, it's silly to suggest people won't recognise Sting as a star. Wrestling fans have long memories, and the ones not old enough to remember him are young enough to buy anything the WWE sells them; so a good vignette campaign and build will do the job.


I hope it happens, Sting is the guy from my youth and for 12 years he's been pretty much anonymous to me.


In other news, Taz is fucking shite. Jesus. Someone said recently that he's coming back to WWE. I fucking hope not.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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All this is making me want to do a Sting marathon.


Edit: Also, is the name of Mutho's new promotion really Pro Wrestling Love? That's an amazing name.

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I thought Muto stepped down as president about two years ago?


Yeah, something was lost in translation. I don't pay a lot of attention to who runs what. It's the (mad sounding) owner's decision not to re-appoint Muto after sacking the last president and installing himself instead that has prompted the outrage and talent exodus - which is the real point worthy of discussion. Thoughts?

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I'll be livid if Sting vs. Undertaker happens instead of Cena vs. Undertaker at Mania. Fuck that, Cena's much more worthy of the match. Sting hasn't been seen by the mainstream for yonks. They can build him up all they want, but Cena's been everywhere for 8 years and emotions will be much higher at the prospect of Cena beating Taker than Sting waltzing in and beating him. Who'd believe Sting would beat him? I think Sting would be more compatible with someone like Triple H anyway.


Mania 30 should be Taker's last match and it should be against Cena.

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I thought Muto stepped down as president about two years ago?


Yeah, something was lost in translation. I don't pay a lot of attention to who runs what.


In fairness, WWE is mostly done in English and Vince McMahon stepped down (by orders of the board of directors) two years ago as well, yet is in control of the company right now.

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In fairness, WWE is mostly done in English and Vince McMahon stepped down (by orders of the board of directors) two years ago as well, yet is in control of the company right now.


Farcical. I was one of the few people among those that I've spoken to about it that really liked the "Hunter relieving Vince of his duties" segment. It feels as though Vince has lost his power - both in the ring and in the boardroom - a few times in the storylines, only to show up after a certain length of time has passed to remind us that actually "No, I really do run the place."

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Sting hasn't been seen by the mainstream for yonks.


Well, yeah, if by mainstream you mean 'WWE'. Whether you watch TNA or not, appearing on national cable for the past 8 years is hardly backyard stuff.

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