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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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They're basically throwing together a wrestling equivalent of a Greatest Hits album for this event. 

A 50 man Royal Rumble, all of the mens titles being defended, Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle being thrown in there as well. Plus Cena vs Triple H.

Oh, and not a single female on the card. 

Edited by David
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Ignoring all the other insanity around this card, why is The Undertaker facing the most popular midcarder on Smackdown? Fine if it's just a house show but why have Rusev as the fall guy on a show a lot of people are going to see. Why do I even care?

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1 hour ago, d-d-d-dAz said:


Honestly, a WWE card without a women’s match will just feel odd at this point.

I know, I'm going to have to watch all 9 hours of it now.

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Where was it that Sasha Banks had a match a few months ago wearing a specially made full-body version of her gear due to the local culture?

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They should change the card up to fuck with them.

Lenny & Lodi vs. Billy & Chuck

Darren Young vs. Velveteen Dream

Scott Hall vs. Raven - Jack Daniels on a pole match.

20 woman Bra and panties rumble

Goldust vs. Orlando Jordan

That Too Much marriage they didn't do in 99.

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Not to mention getting in the Iron Sheik and Daivari. I'd imagine very little would piss off the Saudis more at the moment than a couple of Iranians pretending to be Arabs.

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50 minutes ago, Briefcase said:

Going back to the WWE Network numbers...do those on free trials get more ads? As the ads could pay somewhat towards the free trials? I have no idea how these things work.

I don't think so, it's likely just a case that they hope that fans come for 'Mania and hang around for a bit when the trial is over.

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Jerry Lawler revealed on his podcast that he had a brain haemorrhage/stroke in the lead up to Wrestlemania. Right after having sex of course. Luckily he stays close to a hospital and they got there quick enough to get it dealt with, but it sounds pretty scary. He couldn't even talk as of the prior Thursday. Amazing that he still managed to host the HOF and announce on the pre-show. 

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