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Richie Freebird

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3 minutes ago, Pier Six Brawler said:

Why is Greg sat shirtless while Davey and Jake are fully clothed?

Turned up in his work uniform, obviously.

In all seriousness, imagine if a wrestler turned up in nothing but trunks and boots at a press event in the current climate…?

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I have seen Greg Valentine at multiple conventions and wrestling show merch booths, and that is literally the same expression I have seen on his face at all of them, even when a fan is ponying up the cash for the photo and autograph op.

Its still better than Virgil being all in your face if you get within a 10 foot radius of his table. During Wrestlemania weekend this year I was standing 15 feet away talking to a friend with my back strategically turned away from Virgil's table to avoid eye contact. The fucker saw I was wearing a Razor Ramon t shirt so he sauntered around my blind side and now he is less than a foot away in my personal space holding up the Too Sweet hand gesture, and then talked at me for 10 fucking minutes before he finally got the hit I wasn't going to buy anything from him. 

Fucking Virgil.

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On Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 11:01 PM, jonnybgoode82 said:

Anyone watching the programme on ITV4 about sticker albums? Long story short, after Panini was bought by Robert Maxwell, he stuck it to the breakaway Merlin group with a series of writs about how they'd planned this for ages and forbid them from selling football sticker albums

Maxwell was good at this kind of shit. Stiffed a lot of people at the end though.

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I had this beauty:


No one else in my school did though, so I couldn't get much of a collection going.

Same problem with the Mario/Nintendo sticker album, and the Sonic one, and the Jurassic Park one. The only albums that ever gained momentum round my way were the WWF ones.

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I had a few albums, though I never was able to complete one when I was young. I did feel a sense of achievement getting at least one per page on the Lilo & Stitch one though. I remember one kid at school had tons of 2002 World Cup stickers, he brought his album with him and it was a carrier bag full because his Mum was able to get the boxes for a bargain or something like that. Can't remember the story, but we in the class spent a few lunch breaks and a seaside trip helping him out and finding the Needs among the Gots. I did help complete the China and Nigeria pages and also took a lot of his spares off his hands for mine which he was cool with. Which is odd since I've never really followed football. Although I watched the World Cup on an "If you can't beat them, join them." Basis. Never got any of the wrestling ones however.

I got last year's WWE one and completed it as a means of keeping me occupied. I set myself a challenge to finish the 2014 World Cup one which I pulled off. But I am never doing that ever again. Particularly that dissapointment you get when you open a packet and the first face that greats you is yet another one of some player from Uruguay you've never heard of. I once went for broke and ordered 10 packets off the rainforest online emporium when I had about 100 to go. Got them in 2 days. A week later however, I got another bit of post and another 10 packets. I let the seller know to be fair as it must have been some error and he said keep them with my compliments. Can't complain about that. The World Cup is going to go up to 48 teams soon enough. So I think people are going to need a second mortgage to finish those ones.

The trick I learned with the Topps albums (they do the WWE ones) is you can only order unlimited stickers once they've officially discontinued it. Just as well for me to do the rest of this year's WWE one as I could never find the stickers anywhere and I still have a load to get. Virtually the only places that sold them was one of the One Stops and both Sainsburys on different sides of town. But both are a fair walk. Whereas last year's, you could get everywhere. At least it'd be quicker, easier and cheaper as I have nowhere near as much as last time before I ordered my last few.

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I used to play that WCW Nitro card game when I managed to buy a branch of Game's entire stock of them for about a fiver in a clearance.I had the 1986 Panini football stickers album, but never really the WWF ones.

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The Georgia Dome is getting imploded on Monday.

It seems at very least whoever runs the Twitter account has fond memories of the wrestling that's taken place there:


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