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Wrestling dreams and nightmares.

Max Power

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I was about to sleep with my boss from an old job and just as she was taking her clothes off 1992 Paul Heyman, phone and all popped his head round the door to tell me that as my advocate he thought this was a bad idea. Proper ruined the mood

Edited by stevieg1980
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Wrestling gets mixed up with football in my dreams. I had a dream once that Batista signed for Man United and when his debut game began he did his usual entrance with the pyro and the Raw set and everything. It made perfect sense at the time. The wrestling and the footy must be right next to eachother in my mind.

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When I was in college I had a dream that there was a show on in my old high school assembly hall and I was booked. The Road Agent was Road Dogg, who helped me get over my nerves. Then I woke up. This was in 1999.

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Raw spoilers:



After what happened on Monday night my brain was triggered into overdrive obviously from what I have just dreamed up.


The Mcmahon's, Triple H and the Undertaker were in the squared circle doing their usual hype up of Wrestlemania in a Canadian city. Then suddenly Chris Benoit's music and video start to play. Obviously everyone is going "what the fuck?" After 20 seconds Shawn Michaels comes dancing out to Benoits music then cut a killer promo!


Edited by Glenryck Pilchards
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Last night I dreamt that I was the promoter of a small wrestling show in a British town hall. We had Leighton Baines v Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink on top.

Jimmy would win that hands down. Probably twat Bainsey with his guitar at the same time.


Look at his eyes he's a nutter!

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Last night I dreamt that I was sat in a WWE creative meeting and that Kevin Dunn had convinced Vince to call Finn Balor up from NXT to the main roster under the name of Brian "The Badger" Balor. His argument was that the badger is the national animal of Ireland and that it would be of massive appeal to both the Irish and Irish-American market. When I pointed out that the stag is the actual animal of Ireland Kevin said that he'd already had the costume made and he was going to be a badger whether it was the right animal or not.


I guess my subconscious mind doesn't think they'll book Balor properly when they call him up.

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Last night I dreamed I was working in a Japanese village teaching English. I somehow pissed off the members of a rival village and all of its sword-wielding warriors came after me. I then discover that Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are also there and also being pursued by the evil villagers. This led to the three of us trying to escape by racing into a train station to catch the last bullet train. Brock and me just managed to leap onto the rear carriage as the train sped off, leaving poor Heyman standing alone on the platform, screaming and begging for Brock to come back and help him as the sword-wielding villagers descended upon him.

Edited by GordyM
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  • 1 month later...
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So last night I had a dream in which I was thrust into the forefront of British wrestling's 'return to the mainstream.'


TalkShite had done a deal to broadcast live commentary of an All Star event at Croydon, every Friday night. The announce team were Greg Lambert as PBP, and Alex Shane on colour. For the first show they'd brought in Jim Ross as a 'special analyst'.


After the entrances of the opening match of the first show (which was TNA's British Invasion [which I guess is something you could put together on an All Star show nowadays] in a 6-man against 3 indistinct shadowy figures) it was announced to the crowd that Lambert had no-showed, presumably having sorted out a lift from Steve Lynskey.


The announcer did one of those "keep your hand up if..." deals to work out who in attendance had been a wrestling fan the longest, and my January 1990  won, which apparently made me the best choice to fill in on PBP.


When I got into the booth I asked JR if he would rather cover PBP, to which he said "Hey, I'm just getting paid for a glorified colour job, pal."


I was shit, and JR was a cunt about it on mic & off.

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  • 3 months later...
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I dreamt last night that Bobby Roode was desperate for temp work (I work in recruitment), and was hounding me and hounding me.


He turned up to my office demanding to know why he hasn't got the Site Supervisor job at 100 Bishopsgate and refused to leave until I'd taken his CV more seriously. His references were James Storm and Pat Patterson(???). These are the only details I remember from it unfortunately.


Anyway, I finally find him an opportunity and try and get hold of him, emailing to tell him he can start on Monday. He replies, obviously trying to be a bit cryptic "Sorry Garry, I can't, I'm working on a DEMON show on Monday" I reply asking if he's going to be on Raw with either Kane or Balor, he replies "No" and I wake up.


I'm not really a fan of Bobby Roode, and haven't given thought to him for about 2 years...

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