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Documentary Thread #2

Egg Shen

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On 9/19/2020 at 11:19 PM, Egg Shen said:

You Can't Kill David Arquette - went in expecting this to be a bit naff but really enjoyed it. Bit of a loveletter to Pro Wrestling with Arquette trying to win some respect in the business by giving another go 20 years after the fact. Some of it blurs the line between fact and fiction but itswell made, suprisingly affecting and Arquette comes off like a real good guy.

Just finished this. He’s nuts isn’t he? But I agree, a lovely tribute, minus points for the Joey Ryan scene, but 6 additional stars for the end credits 


Didn’t know about his friendship with Luke Perry or him getting him to the hospital. Likewise didn’t know he donated his WCW money to Owen Hart, Pillman’s family and Droz. Sweet touch


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Anyone here seen Rebuilding Paradise? They are doing a few showings of it in a cinema near me and I'm quite tempted by it. It's about the California wildfires ripping apart a small town and follows them trying to rebuild. The trailer looks like it packs an emotional punch. 

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Finally finished Class Action Park. I enjoyed it for the most part, but I thought the end was a bit off 


After the focus on the people who tragically died there, they they went back to the talking heads talking how great it was and it's missed. Just didn't sit right, though the final shot was obviously a chance to leave you with the sobering reality of the victims families.


Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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Watched this the other day: Fourteen Days In May https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p05m5xb9/fourteen-days-in-may which focuses on the final days of Edward Johnson, on death row, accused of killing a police officer.

It is a rough watch, but by not delving at all really into the backstory/case, it makes it all the more compelling, and there are several moments that make you well up, and one devastating scene with Johnson's family which really hits the situation home.

The prison warden, Don Cabana's scenes are fascinating as he really doesn't come off as a typical warden (ACAB still though), and after watching and reading into the case, him and what he went on to do after his prison career, you can see just how ridiculous the death penalty really is, even for those entrenched in working with it/carrying it out.


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I watched Nature Boy from the ESPN 30 for 30 series the other night.  I'm not sure how much would be new information to posters of this board but it was an easy watch (outside of one thing which I'll get to later), plus you get both the Undertaker and Sting, out of character, as talking heads, which is pretty unique.  The episode is basically a sit-down interview with Ric cut with lots of archive footage, some animated cartoons and interviews with contemporaries (such as Ricky Steamboat, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Triple H and Greg Gagne).  Flair talks about giving his life to wrestling and that from 1972 onwards he was always Ric Flair, never Richard Fliehr.  He admits to being a lousy husband (he claims to have bedded over 10,000 women) and father, especially when it came to his oldest children as he was always on the road as travelling World champion and never home.  There is definitely some animosity from David in that regard.  The tough stuff is the final twenty minutes or so dealing with Reid's death, Flair breaking down and understandably still deeply troubled by the whole situation.  Triple H is really good, he even brings up about how they were looking at bringing Reid in but he failed a drugs test and saying how Ric was almost in denial of what his son was doing and that can't have been correct.  He goes on to say that because he is Ric's son they will test him a second time, pretty much telling him without telling him, that we will test him on this date so make sure he is clean.  Even knowing all that Reid failed the second test.  It closes with Ashley/Charlotte talking about how she never really wanted to become a wrestler but did so to carry out Reid's dream, and you have Ric living vicariously through her, everyone knowing that he will never be able to leave the business behind.

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Whores Glory (2011) 

A depressing and at times upsetting look at prostitution in Thailand, Bangladesh and Mexico.  We start off in Thailand at a place called ‘The Fishtank’, where the girls sit behind a giant glass screen being ogled at and waiting to be picked by the men, or “johns” as they call them.  The men are quite open talking about their wives, happy to cheat on them, but making it clear they would not be best pleased if they were the ones being cheated on.  The girls talk about not having much money, looking at taking on a second job, but then they go and blow their money on local “bar boys”, it’s like a constant cycle for them.  An uncomfortable moment sees this foreign tourist choose the youngest looking girl there because he believed she was "15 or 16".  We then move to Bangladesh, the upsetting part of the documentary.  Unlike the clean, almost professional way things are done in Thailand, here it is anything but.  Dark, dirty stone buildings, poverty stricken, cramped, animals roaming around, children in close proximity sleeping on the floors.  It’s like something out of a nightmare.  Then you hear from the “johns”.  This one guy visits the Red Light District daily, sometime twice a day, and says how it is a good thing they have it because otherwise women would be constantly getting raped and men would be having sex with cows or goats!  What looks very much like underage girls are interviewed and the most distressing scene is a completely broken girl being sold to a madam and told that she will have to work there for a year in order to make back the money back the madam borrowed to buy her.  Last of all we head to ‘The Zone’ in Mexico where drug taking is rife by the prostitutes.  A pretty flat section, though my highlight is this misogynistic chap cruising the area in his car looking for a ho and claiming all the women are scared of him because of his “big rod”.  At another point they focus on one of the prostitutes performing a sex act with a client which seemed gratuitous and unnecessary.

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Feels good man, the documentary about Pepe the cartoon frog being co-opted by the alt right. 

I'm a flaky cartoonist like the guy in the movie so I could really put myself in his position which made it particularly interesting for me, but it's pretty watchable and well put together in any case. @Chest Rockwell you might enjoy it if you haven't seen it. 



I did notice in one of his latest pictures he included a McDonald's chicken mcnugget character which I thought was particularly silly/ballsy considering they tried to use copying McDonald's characters against him twice in court.


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On 9/28/2020 at 12:43 PM, Hannibal Scorch said:

Finally finished Class Action Park. I enjoyed it for the most part, but I thought the end was a bit off 

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After the focus on the people who tragically died there, they they went back to the talking heads talking how great it was and it's missed. Just didn't sit right, though the final shot was obviously a chance to leave you with the sobering reality of the victims families.


I watched Class Action Park the other night and found it fairly meh, which is a pity as there's a great story there ripe for the picking. Instead, I thought it had the feel of one of those cheap Channel 4 'top 100 comedians' shows with the irritating talking heads and not much scratching of the surface of majority of  topics. Also, I've no idea who Chris Gethard is, but I certainly would enjoy punching his annoying face after his inane performance in this.

The tragic bits felt completely out of place/tone too obviously, like an afterthought shoehorned in.

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I completely agree, I was so excited for the story and love the idea but it just wasn't presented well enough. The animation was shocking and bland and they should have focused more on archive footage and contemporary info and less on those terrible talking heads who went there once.

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3 hours ago, Bellenda Carlisle said:

I completely agree, I was so excited for the story and love the idea but it just wasn't presented well enough. The animation was shocking and bland and they should have focused more on archive footage and contemporary info and less on those terrible talking heads who went there once.

I’ve since seen better YouTube docs about it if I’m honest

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3 hours ago, Professor Paul's Bin said:

Finished Paradise Lost 1-3. Regarding The West Memphis 3. What a story. I’ve had to watch the 2nd episode twice just to get my head around it all. Terrible Police. 

If you haven’t seen this it’s a must. Plus lots of Metallica played throughout which is always a plus!

You should watch West of Memphis now if you can find it. It was on Netflix for ages. It focuses on them after their release and an investigation into Terry Hobbs. 

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