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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Any wrestling sites to checkout in Chicago?

I went to Challengers Comics, the one CM Punk uses that featured in the Best in the World documentary, which is literally one minute from a blue line train station between O'Hare airport and the city itself.

Edited by gadge
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Which wrestler do you reckon is the man who's given the largest number of other wrestlers their career-defining match?


Michaels, Flair, Undertaker, Hunter, Cena? They've all gotta be up there. Anyone else? You can include their best angles, storylines, promos etc too but I think it'll come down to matches mainly.


Rules aren't too strict on what's defined as their 'best match'.


It's gotta be Cena for me. (In no order):

Umaga - Last Man Standing RR

Brock Lesnar - Extreme Rules

Daniel Bryan - SummerSlam

RVD - ONS (50/50 whether to put this in)

CM Punk - Money in the Bank

Edge - The one where he got AA'd through the tables on the outside. (Edge prolly had better tag matches around 2000 but this was his best singles match IMO.)

Bobby Lashley - GAB

Great Khali

Seth Rollins - Royal Rumble triple threat


You could probably throw a JBL match in there too. There's probably a load I've missed too.


Can anyone beat 9?

I absolutely loved Lesnar vs. Cena, and I get why you include it, but I don't know if I would say it's a career defining matches. He's had a lot that have defined his career in different ways. Is it his best match? Yeah, probably. I haven't seen the Taker HIAC in a while but remember enjoying that loads too. But I don't know about career defining.


For RVD, I'd say the matches with Jeff Hardy in 2001 were when he was at his peak in WWF/E. Again, I can see why you've gone for ONS obviously, but when I think RVD at his best and most popular, I think of that time.

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Why did the WWF always have wrestlers and other workers doing interviews with dirtsheets and newzsites in 2001? I know they still do it when there's something specific to promote to wrestling fans like Daniel Bryan's book coming out, but in 2001 it seemed to be everywhere and for no real reason. Wrestleline was constantly publishing interviews with WWF talent, and you'd have things like Wade Keller interviewing Jim Ross for about nine weeks worth of PWTorch issues.

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Ive just sacked off the Network and my subscription runs until 1st Dec. So that gives me a week to make the most of it.


What must see matches from the last 10- 15 years should try to squeeze in before it runs out? Lesnar vs Cena from Extreme Rules a few years ago sticks out in my mind.


Ive seen all Wrestlemanias and Royal Rumbles so don't worry about mentioning any matches from those shows.


Anything from WCW or ECW worth going out of my way for?

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