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AEW London 2023

Hannibal Scorch

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Man Edge looks crap in that poster. He looks like some dude having a mid card feud with Matt Morgan on TNA. He's the one guy where the haircut really didn't do him any favours. Gotta be full profile with his arms up and a trenchcoat on these posters to look the star. 

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8 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

Man Edge looks crap in that poster. He looks like some dude having a mid card feud with Matt Morgan on TNA. He's the one guy where the haircut really didn't do him any favours. Gotta be full profile with his arms up and a trenchcoat on these posters to look the star. 

I thought Edge was about to have an asthma attack on Dynamite this week he was that out of breath. 

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11 hours ago, TildeGuy~! said:

Had tons of fun at the first show but I think I’ll wait til the card is announced this time round.

Interested as to why. Considering the late build to the last one. All I cared about was hopefully seeing a load of wrestlers I liked watching on TV at their biggest show. And it delivered.  But I guess living only just over 90 minutes away from getting to Wembley by train probably helps with that. No need to worry about hotels or flights, cross country trains etc.

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28 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

You couldn't see half of it!

Incorrect. In a ten man match spread out over the entire stadium they captured the vast majority of the many crazy spots, brawling and great fun character moments.

Including being there live I've watched it back 3 times. Pure bonkers pro wrestling goodness and one of the most fun matches of the year.

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Being there live, half the fun was not being able to keep track of what was going on. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Wild bedlam, your head on a swivel, one minute everyone’s gasping at Moxley having spikes sticking out of his head, the next someone is suddenly shouting, “look over there! Kingston’s brawling in the top tier!” or, “Oh my God! It’s Sue! Yes!” as the van pulled in. At least twice I considered leaving my seat and just following the madness in the crowd.

One of my favourite matches I’ve ever experienced live. For the longest time every multi-man match has followed the same formula. From your bog standard Triple Threat, all the way up to a Royal Rumble. You do your spots, you get the shine, then you fade out and let the crowd focus on something else, rinse and repeat. Completely subverting that expectation is a niche AEW have mastered. The everyone-go-fucking-mental-at-the-same-time brawl. What a rush. Another example of Eddie Kingston being a genius at this. Nothing he does feels like a work. It’s like he hasn’t been smartened up. Sit in the corner whilst someone else does their big spots? Nah, mate. I’m here to rip eyeballs out.

Still get goosebumps remembering the gasp of delight when that shot appeared on the big screen at the end, too. Kingston and Mox entangled in barbed wire, caked in blood, flipping each other off. Phenomenal. Pure pro-wrestling.

I hate people trying to give, “tips,” on how to turn business around, but fucking hell. Imagine your company being as cold and lambasted as AEW is right now and not doing a big Kingston vs. Moxley feud. It’s right there. That promo Kingston cut in Daily’s Place on Moxley is my Roman Empire. I think about it all the time.

Edited by Supremo
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21 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Another example of Eddie Kingston being a genius at this. Nothing he does feels like a work.

On a show filled with people coming out and taking in the enormous crowd I couldn't have loved any more that even on the biggest show ever Eddie Kingston just completely ignored the crowd and immediately ran at Claudio because he hates him so much and wants to murder him.

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22 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I hate people trying to give, “tips,” on how to turn business around, but fucking hell. Imagine your company being as cold and lambasted as AEW is right now and not doing a big Kingston vs. Moxley feud. It’s right there. That promo Kingston cut in Daily’s Place on Moxley is my Roman Empire. I think about it all the time.

Right? I know I've gone on about their storytelling already but a part of it for me is just...get some straight up one on one feuds going with clear hierarchal progression towards the top of the card. 

To be fair the injuries they've had have eaten in to this a lot and caused some reshuffle, but all their top stars just seem spread too thin across multiple angles and matches. Sometimes your backstage ecosystem seeming ultra interconnected can be a great thing (WWE 2000 comes to mind. Think Triple H using every available snitch and heel - no matter how low on the card - to get his dirty laundry done) but in this case it's just making almost everything feel sort of...upper midcard. Like anything could slot out of one segment and slot into another. And they ain't hot enough to get away with that right now. The result is everything feeling like a middling variety show that could have a lot more forward momentum with a few adjustments to present it better.

I am dying for them to just do out a hierarchy of their top 5-6 guys and just pair them off one by one down the ladder. It doesn't have to be that black and white strict - I am obviously phrasing it like this because I can't be arsed actually writing out a few weeks of TV for them here - but just going for Mox and Kingston's a great example. Good old fashioned three PPV storyline. Sometimes it's not that bad. They could save it but they're stone cold right now. 

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

Being there live, half the fun was not being able to keep track of what was going on. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Wild bedlam, your head on a swivel, one minute everyone’s gasping at Moxley having spikes sticking out of his head, the next someone is suddenly shouting, “look over there! Kingston’s brawling in the top tier!” or, “Oh my God! It’s Sue! Yes!” as the van pulled in. At least twice I considered leaving my seat and just following the madness in the crowd.

One of my favourite matches I’ve ever experienced live. For the longest time every multi-man match has followed the same formula. From your bog standard Triple Threat, all the way up to a Royal Rumble. You do your spots, you get the shine, then you fade out and let the crowd focus on something else, rinse and repeat. Completely subverting that expectation is a niche AEW have mastered. The everyone-go-fucking-mental-at-the-same-time brawl. What a rush. Another example of Eddie Kingston being a genius at this. Nothing he does feels like a work. It’s like he hasn’t been smartened up. Sit in the corner whilst someone else does their big spots? Nah, mate. I’m here to rip eyeballs out.

Still get goosebumps remembering the gasp of delight when that shot appeared on the big screen at the end, too. Kingston and Mox entangled in barbed wire, caked in blood, flipping each other off. Phenomenal. Pure pro-wrestling.

I hate people trying to give, “tips,” on how to turn business around, but fucking hell. Imagine your company being as cold and lambasted as AEW is right now and not doing a big Kingston vs. Moxley feud. It’s right there. That promo Kingston cut in Daily’s Place on Moxley is my Roman Empire. I think about it all the time.

Funnily enough I saw this earlier (assume it was this one, even if it’s not it’s great)


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 Turning away from your opponent like that is SO good, the camera sees every facet of his emotion.  So much more interesting and *gasp* cinematic than the usual nose to nose.

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