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37 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

my moral code 15 years ago was obviously in question.

Another possible motto for the UKFF!

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3 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Did Houchen tell you to say that?

Mean Taylor Swift GIF

7 minutes ago, Chris B said:

Honestly, I think it floated over most people's heads at the time. Everyone seemed surprised Punk was still annoyed about it ages later - bear in mind, Hangman's promo wasn't that different from Eddie Kingston's. And, also, some (myself included) assumed Punk had lobbied to win the title, while Hangman realistically still needed something like the Mox feud before dropping it. 

On top of that, some felt Page had a point - the Cabana stuff may not have come from Punk, but it was clear it was done because of Punk. It was probably Khan quietly moving him out of the way, but Punk mainly complained he'd been blamed for it.

What was Colt Cabana doing before Punk turned up in AEW though? It wasn't like he was being pushed or anything. There's no evidence at all that Punk pushed for Cabana to be booted down to ROH, all the evidence is circumstantial m'lud.

As for Kingston, there was at least a legitimate history and truth (from what we can gather) to what he was saying. Page was sticking up for a bloke who didn't need sticking up for. He certainly shouldn't have been airing that shit on TV - twice!

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The stuff with Kingston was pre-agreed as well, Page just went and did it. 

I count myself as an AEW fan who soured on Punk and Page after the whole affair. Punk is a unstable idiot, and Page showed himself to be a snide tit. I've forgiven them both though, because I'm nice like that. 

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8 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

I saw Ice Cube's lad doing an interview with Chis Van Vliet. He's a big wrestling fan but he didn't know much about AEW and he tweeted that he was watching it but what the fuck is going on and who are these guys. You'd be surprised to learn that he got loads of tweets calling him a cunt, wishing he'd never been born, and how dare he disrespect the wrestlers. All he wanted to know was who are these guys and why should I care but pretty much all he got was abuse from AEW ultras. 


7 minutes ago, Chili said:

Ice Cube's thick as fuck son is one of them needs vignettes for everyone and who are these Mexican/Japanese lads eh types. A twitter tribal wrestling fan essentially. He'd have fucking loathed WCW. No I'm not an AEW ultra either, it's a knackering circular discourse.

A brilliant and hilarious one-two.



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7 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

What was Colt Cabana doing before Punk turned up in AEW though? It wasn't like he was being pushed or anything. There's no evidence at all that Punk pushed for Cabana to be booted down to ROH, all the evidence is circumstantial m'lud.

As for Kingston, there was at least a legitimate history and truth (from what we can gather) to what he was saying. Page was sticking up for a bloke who didn't need sticking up for. He certainly shouldn't have been airing that shit on TV - twice!

Entirely circumstantial, yeah. Page was out of line and Punk overreacted. My point was more that there's plenty going back to suggest AEW fans weren't generally passionately Pro-Punk right up until he joined WWE, is all. The bloom had been off that rose for a while - even on here, wasn't he in the running for biggest disappointment while he was still there?

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14 minutes ago, Chili said:

Ice Cube's thick as fuck son is one of them needs vignettes for everyone and who are these Mexican/Japanese lads eh types. A twitter tribal wrestling fan essentially. He'd have fucking loathed WCW. No I'm not an AEW ultra either, it's a knackering circular discourse.

Even WCW loathed WCW Chills. I know you are not an ultra, he said all the accounts were faceless eggs, and while I may have what looks like a face drawn on an egg for a head in real life I think you have your face in your twitter avatar. 

While junior Cube may be thick he isn't entirely wrong either. Tony didn't help the situation with his tweet that used the word "Graps" in reply either. Anyone using the word graps in a non-ironic way can fuck off for a start. 

Edited by Lion_of_the_Midlands
Fat thumbed idiot
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I just think he was playing into that very strange discourse people have about the gall for two promotions to exist and probably says more about their lack of anything else in their lives. I think we're all a bit more sane than that but we're all still a bag of odd morals. Example Rooster mentioned AEW has an army of sex pests yet I'll still dip into the product because I need some form of wrestling in my life, but I've not gave WWE a chance since the sportswashing in Saudi and the fact that Vince McMahon turned out to be worse than anyone else bar maybe the murderer he covered for. Delightfully complex messes the lot of us.

Sorry, I've hurt myself yesterday and literally have nowt better to do than lurk here today ?

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2 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

I hope you feel better soon and at least you have an excuse for lurking. The rest of us should be getting on with all sorts of stuff yet here we are idling our time away. 

Yeah yeah, you got a job, WORKERS RIGHTS etc 

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Just now, Devon Malcolm said:

Not another Mondeo, was it?

(get better soon!)

Oh that's a lovely reference. 

Wait for it, my partner lives in France, I was cutting a tree and I've accidentally bruised my sternum pushing the sheers against a hard branch. It's hurts like hell.

Then a Mondeo laughed.

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11 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

I hope you feel better soon and at least you have an excuse for lurking. The rest of us should be getting on with all sorts of stuff yet here we are idling our time away. 

Well it's this or watch films in between admin today, and I'll be honest Tiger Rick seems a bit stressed, so I don't want to piss him off even more with movies.

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2 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

Do we? Who are they? I don't know of anyone that I'm dealing with, even occasionally, who is remotely on a level of these pieces of shit and I don't know of anyone who I'm supporting in any way who comes close either. If I did, I wouldn't be. That's the usual cop out to justify watching this garbage. Nobody has to stop watching but don't give the rest of us this bollocks.

If you've not watched a movie that had involvement from Harvey Weinstein since the #MeToo allegations i'd be absolutely amazed. Everyone does, all the time. That's engaging with a piece of shit. Should HMV stop selling the DVD's? (or whoever sells films anymore), should they all be pulled from Netflix? Should otherwise progressive actors return their royalties? No, because that's nuts.

It's possible to think Vince McMahon is a piece of shit, without thinking that every wrestler should take a moral stand or whatever. There is absolutely zero reason Punk needs to make a statement, or that it reflects badly on him. It doesn't. 

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26 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

What though? What am I watching or who am I engaging with where I know what they've done? That's the line. We all know. There's no mystery here. We just want to use that so we can watch men in pants roll around. If I stick a Russell Brand DVD on tonight, then I know. And I'd be choosing to ignore everything he may have done. If I buy a loaf of bread and the CEO of W*rburton's is a paedo, then I don't. I'll mask that in case I get sued. Other bread is available.

Did Houchen tell you to say that?

Russell Brand - okay, I'm sure there's a team of writers in there somewhere - but Russell Brand for all intents and purposes is a singular personality. The uh...brand...and all the revenue and interest it produces can be attributed back to that one guy and benefits mostly that one guy, so I don't think this is a great comparison. A better comparison is probably Hollywood as a whole. It's going nowhere, even if people psychologically probably should just get over their absolute need for moving pictures. 

I think the size of the WWE in particular will mean it's not always that cut and dry. And  to be honest your 'line' chiefly seems to come off as "I used to do what you guys do, now I don't, please hear about it loads." I'm not for a second disputing your merit or right to do that because the counterbalance is clearly needed, but it is what it is. 

Granted you could try and proselytize to as many fans as possible to ditch WWE entirely and watch the most moral vanguard indie out there, but you'd be howling into the void. The company is wrestling for all intents and purposes and that's why it's not cut and dry. Because the argument no longer becomes about watching Russell Brand, or listening to Gary Glitter, or eating a different brand of bread. The argument becomes about "Can or should you drop one of your primary interests/hobbies/form of escapism".

You've invariably tried to reduce it to the most base, stupid description possible to make light of that but it's still a massive form of escapism/joy/entertainment/bonding for millions of people. That's why it's not cut and dry. The industry you suggest they shouldn't support if they care about the welfare of the women in it is full of women who want the industry to be supported. That's why it's not cut and dry. And we can go back and forth over the credibility of a lot of these points, but the umbrella really is that it's not cut and dry. You've not 'figured it out', with the rest of us playing catch up because we watched the Royal Rumble. 

The industry is going nowhere and neither is people's enjoyment of it. Not supporting it is a discussion - and you should have it - but there's another discussion that can run in parallel to that. That's the discussion that - if we're being honest - the industry isn't going anywhere and so the main way it's going to have to make big changes positively is from within. And that people still engaged with the industry will be the prime movers and influencers in that. And that that sort of should happen because as much as wrong'uns still make money from it, thousands of really great people still feed their families from it too and don't particularly want your dreams of wrestling just popping out of existence like a soap bubble to come to fruition. 



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