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1 hour ago, Chili said:

Oh, I saw a random comment on X and because I have COVID and lots of wrestling to catch up with, I'm a bit obsessed with the idea of Hangman doing a Bret '97 turn where he's losing face around the new toys yet hasn't done anything wrong to justify it. Just the way the tide is.

I've been thinking the same too. Feels like a natural progression of the character and it doesn't feel like there's much for him to do as a babyface right now. I think it's exactly where they should be heading.

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53 minutes ago, Factotum said:

Well MJF has had his say on it now and he's fired up about it

He has. And fair play to him for owning it. It’s not *really* the point, but fair play. I think his explanation in any other week works great, I think the point is this week - of all weeks - anti-semitism led angles, regardless of personal sentiment, should be put on the back burner as an entire religion try and come to terms with/process what’s happening.

I’m not Jewish so I’m not going to lecture anyone, but in the moment it felt bad and there’s plenty of Jewish wrestling fans not happy. Still, I hope they get to move forward with the story they want to tell.

I just *really* hope Juice has signed up for this. Because in MJF’s tweets, where he blurs the lines between real and fake… he still lambasts Juice as a racist. That’s a tough spot. Juice isn’t even the guy he’s fighting.


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21 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

He has. And fair play to him for owning it. It’s not *really* the point, but fair play. I think his explanation in any other week works great, I think the point is this week - of all weeks - anti-semitism led angles, regardless of personal sentiment, should be put on the back burner as an entire religion try and come to terms with/process what’s happening.

I’m not Jewish so I’m not going to lecture anyone, but in the moment it felt bad and there’s plenty of Jewish wrestling fans not happy. Still, I hope they get to move forward with the story they want to tell.

Regardless of intentions, I don’t think it’s wrong to critique this angle whether you’re Jewish or not. As a society we absolutely shouldn’t shy away from difficult conversations about race and sexuality. We shouldn’t gloss over past wrongs, and we shouldn’t legitimise hate speech in the way modern politicians and rent-a-gobs have. 

At the end of the day though, the timing of this is a serious issue, and looks exploitative even if it wasn’t intended to be. Casting any member of your roster as an anti-Semite is an insane move. How do you walk that back? Juice Robinson - despite being a heel - can be very entertaining. What if sections of the fans started cheering him?

When fictional TV shows tackle difficult subjects like racism and sexual abuse, they typically work with campaign groups and experts to make sure they get it right. There’s really no room for error. I don’t know if AEW has done this; but if they haven’t and plan to continue this story, they should start having these conversations - and be open about doing so. 

Don’t get me wrong - I don’t think there’s anything wrong with MJF using his real story to spark positive conversations. It’s not my place to say he can’t, and he’s certainly done this in the past. Sometimes though, it’s really obvious when a misstep has been made - and I think that’s what happened last night.

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7 hours ago, RedRooster said:

I don't think you're blinkered at all when it comes to AEW - you're pretty fair with your critiques, but I don't think this really washes. No one is suggesting that any of the wrestlers in the segment are antisemitic; but none of that changes the fact that the segment was incredibly ill-judged. It may well have been constructed with the best of intentions in mind - I obviously can't speak for that - but I don't think you have to look particularly hard to see why this segment could have been construed as being in bad taste, or ill-judged.

I would have went nowhere near it. When Juice spelled it out as going through this week, battle royale, and eventual match against MJF. Taking his precious diamond ring from him. That was enough. That was wrestling. Then the quarters come out, with 'Friedman' and not 'MJF' to really lay it on thick and you realise this is going to linger over everything for weeks.

I get why MJF would want to try and play this out on screen. The recent front row sign is a taste of what he must to deal with as a public figure, and even when he was just a random kid. He gets to raise awareness and rewrite the reality of things where the big bad is beaten in the end. Wrestling and its fandom has no subtlety for it though. As seen by MJF trying to defend it, all while keeping kayfabe. It will be telling if the roll of quarters is quietly dropped or if they persist with it.

Something that I found jarring last night that's been overshadowed as it was played for laughs, Max Caster's 'I love/like it when he plays hard to get' line. Taking the kayfabed in-joke between friends that verges on creepy stalker behaviour and put it on TV as the message persistence pays off wasn't for me.

Edited by Infinity Land
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Few random thoughts on what I found to be the most enjoyable Dynamite in some while:

- the opener was predictably good. When it's time to take the belt off MJF, Swerve is the man to do it.

- genuinely surprised Jericho put Hobbs over, especially when it started to look like it'd be a Hobbs squash with the 3 quick spinebusters. Hobbs' first match under that tutelage of Callis, new gear, at the start of what looks like a push - smacked to me of Jericho hitting a Judas Effect out of nowhere and sneaking a win.

- I like Don Callis having a Family a la Heenan, but it's odd/unfortunate it's coming at exactly the same time Christian is also assembling a stable and claiming a familial connection to each of his charges.

- I'm glad Orange (the real wrestler of the year) has got his belt back, but it felt to me a bit like the magic of the reign has gone with how things went off the rails with Mox & Fenix. But with the "oh shit, here we go again" element, I have faith he can recover it.

- Although it was really just extra picture in picture filler, I very much enjoyed that after Toni Storm bigged up not needing dialogue because of top notch acting, the silent film turned out to be utter unintelligible nonsense.

- Wardlow vs Sydal in a battle of questionable barbering choices

- Hanger & Switch are two of my absolute favourites so I loved the hell out of that. But yeah, It'd be nice if Jay wasn't gobbing everywhere so much.

- As much as I love Hangman, I don't want him to get his win back off Swerve. Elevate Swerve.

- Copeland running out furious after the Christian promo made logical sense, and obviously it left him susceptible to the sneak attack that played heavily into the match that followed, but to me not having him do his full on entrance with the pyro & posing & music etc for his debut match felt like an odd choice. It's been such a massive part of his act for a long time, and you've been able to just port it over from WWE basically as is.

Edited by Statto
Correct couple of autocorrect mistakes
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6 hours ago, Infinity Land said:

Something that I found jarring last night that's been overshadowed as it was played for laughs, Max Caster's 'I love/like it when he plays hard to get' line. Taking the kayfabed in-joke between friends that verges on creepy stalker behaviour and put it on TV as the message persistence pays off wasn't for me.

It comes across as very 'David Walliams' to me.

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