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Somehow I've become a fan of Juice Robinson:

Him and the Gunns as the over the top goofy henchmen to the super serious main eventer in waiting Jay White has serious potential. 

AEW has a growing number of factions and potential factions: BCC, Elite, JAS, Bullet Club Gold, CMFTR, House of Black, a new group for Don Callis...they could go full gang warfare storyline if they wanted.

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Not going to lie, I'd turn on a dime and live up to my username for Takeshita rocking that leather mac coat hanging out with the BCC. 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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They’ve done a good enough job building Forbidden Door this year that they convinced me to buy it. I think that’s the first PPV I’ve bought since All Out last year. It’s not because of Punk, I swear!

Anyway, this was another show to help prove that the joint winners of 2023’s wrestler of the year should be, will be and must be Orange Cassidy and Jeff Jarrett, and please can they have a match against each other at Wembley?

Also, Eddie Kingston is still magic on the mic. I believe every word he says.

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I think I'll always find Jay White and Juice Robinson beyond dull as singles wrestlers but fuck me if they don't work tremendously as a pairing.

Looks like Forbidden Door might be a return to form for Khan. At this rate it's gonna last about 5 hours and I reckon there's a good chance of at least 1 more match being added on Collision.

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Overall - Another Dynamite cracker. We're really being spoiled so far in 2023 for great wrestling telly. 

👍 Main event angle - That's how you build to a PPV. Passion, aggression, surprises, the lot. Lovely jubbly. Okada/Danielson is going to be something else. 

👍 Post-match brawl from the opener - I'll come back to the opening match itself in due course, but the post-match skirmish was a lot of fun with all the different stars appearing. That's how the show should have started generally, maybe with a promo instead of the tag match we did get. Anyway, more good build for the fun and games to come in the days ahead. 

👍 Jeff Jarrett vs Mark Briscoe - Brilliant! The start where they were brawling in the concourse looked like an actual, proper fight. They just kept chucking all sorts of shit at each other and barely let up, exactly as you'd probably do in real life (ladder/table spot aside). The interferences also added to the fun of the proceedings as it progressed. Great cameo from Papa Briscoe. Lots and lots of fun. This whole escapade with Briscoe, Jarrett and co has been so much fun since it started a few weeks ago. 

👍 Jericho/Guevara/Suzuki vs Andretti/Martin/Fox - Action packed and another fun watch. Suzuki's a fucking riot. Stinger's appearance post-match made for a cracking little exchange with Jericho as well. Fun times. 

👍 Shibata/Cassidy vs Garcia/Sabre Jr. - Another ripper. Garcia the surprising MVP of this one considering the talent around him - he's such a shithouse with all the gyrations and the general skullduggery. Lovely stuff.  

👍 TBS title - Couple of slight missteps aside, good contest here. The TBS title is already all the more interesting for Statlander holding it and Taya put in another good showing. Tough spot for them on the card too but they certainly made it work. 

👎 Cole/MJF - Not a fan of this in all honesty. It wasn't the kind of follow-up I was hoping for after the brilliant match we had between them last week. Wacky tag team partners that don't like each other? Do me a favour [/Roy Keane]. Also, nobody gets to tell the great Tony Schiavone to shut up and gets away with it. Formal complaint lodged. 

👎 Hardyz vs Gunns - Poor choice for an opener considering the depth of amazing talent available on the show this week - in fact I'd have knocked this from the show altogether. Jeff looked absolutely awful - no shortage of effort but his body looks to be struggling to cope with the rigours and the standard required. 

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1 hour ago, Fatty Facesitter said:


👎 Cole/MJF - Not a fan of this in all honesty. It wasn't the kind of follow-up I was hoping for after the brilliant match we had between them last week. Wacky tag team partners that don't like each other? Do me a favour [/Roy Keane]. Also, nobody gets to tell the great Tony Schiavone to shut up and gets away with it. Formal complaint lodged. 

When I was watching it and they said it in unison, I was perplexed. Seconds later I remembered Adam Cole always hating on Tone because he hated the friendship he had with Britt and it made perfect sense. Does he deserve it, no. Was it funny, yes. 

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22 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

Another fantastic Dynamite slightly let down by Jeff Hardy looking like he could die at any moment. Please AEW, fuck him off immediately.

That's happening, just not permanently. He's been written off as he can't get into Canada after his recent conviction. Meant to apply to the UK as well. Shouldn't have to worry about an All In appearance. 

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This is the first time that I'm excited for a Adam Cole storyline...I can see that him and MJF could pull-off a fun run together here, they could play-off each other well, opens up a number of potential avenues! 

Juice is becoming a new attraction, finding his feet and role quicker than I originally thought.

Had to skip the Jeff Hardy match, too risky to watch...please stop and someone take good care of him!

I've mainly got Monday off work, buying Forbidden Door, well done AEW

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They must have had the same thought as everyone else when Collision went off the air with no hook for the following week. Punk run-in on the opening segment of the next Dynamite to announce a main event then. EVPs be damned.

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The MJF/Cole thing is amusing because it's very WWE and neither if them are particularly good at it. I'm not sure it's a deliberate piss take but if you take it as one it's quite entertaining.

The way they got there was bizarre though. Promoting the tournament as it it was happening on the show, then promoting a draw, then drawing 2 names and not revealing them and saying the draw was going to continue, just makes them look (in kayfabe) really disorganised. 

I'm glad we're getting Tanahashi vs. MJF as I'm much more interested in that the former against Punk. 

Punk's "I'm a Collision guy" line was weird. What does that even mean? Its like trying to explain why the crowd should be even more excited after the run in has happened. And it's obviously a meaningless thing to say because he appeared on the very first Dynamite after Collision. If they're trying to build it so that there's Collision guys and Dynamite guys they've already failed. Again, you've got a chance to not follow the worst tropes of your competitor and you've failed straight out of the gate. Its weird. 

The Jarrett match was great. I liked everyone in the Orange Cassidy tag but was bored shitless for some reason. That might just be me though. 

Tony S isn't paid enough. Someone should bottle whatever charisma Sting has where he's able to say any old nonsense and make it feel exciting. 

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Heel BCC and Takeshita have been a superb injection for Dynamite. They always felt a bit fragmented before but they've turned into a great bunch of bastards. Callis is such a brilliant carny piece of slimy shit too. 

Also quite enjoying MJF and Cole together. They have the sort of chemistry MJF has been missing since the Punk feud. I know WWE have kinda ruined the "can they co-exist?!" thing, but it's Battlebowl baby and these two have been fun.

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Blood & Guts is apparently scheduled for July 19th. Can't keep up with all the good stuff in AEW right now, what a summer. Is Kingston going to be off at the G1 by then? Shame that Danielson is likely to miss it due to injury (for the second time no less!). Assuiming it's some variation of The Elite vs BCC I'm not sure the Young Bucks are well suited to Blood and Guts as their near-fall focused style isn't possible in a match that is basically brawling and bleeding. I'm excited whatever the team combinations are. 

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