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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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I still watch Dynamite every week but the issues with AEW have clearly had an impact on my enjoyment of the product, as evidenced by the fact I am no longer jumping straight online after watching to give and read opinions about the shows. I have basically stopped watching Rampage entirely.

That said, I thought this past week's Dynamite was pretty damn good. Ditch the ROH stuff and you have probably one of the best Dynamites in a while, between stuff like Starks being amazing and Darby vs Joe (despite the fact that Darby is a bad person). I really hope once they've had Final Battle tonight, that means we won't see any more ROH shit on AEW TV.

With MJF, it's weird but his promos these past two weeks have been really underwhelming. Punk said it before, Starks said it last night: the lowest of the low fruit. Not to mention, his little "tricks" (like telling the crowd to shut up because he has the microphone whenever things get a bit quiet in the audience) seem to be working less and less. Hopefully once he gets into the program with Danielson, he'll pick it up a bit.

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The Regal video didn't particularly bother me (I wouldn't have done it but it is what it is) and Mox was right to just blow it off.

Main event was good. 

Joe is ace. 

That was a nasty looking apron bump from Jungle Jack. Leave that shit to Darby, please. 

MJF is a one trick pony but it gets heat I guess and Starks as mentioned brought some fire. 

7/10 episode. 

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1 hour ago, Pinc said:

I've been dipping in and out of AEW a bit the last 6 weeks or so but can someone explain where the fuck Eddie Kingston is these days?

I know he had the real-life fall out with Guevara. Is he still being punished for that?

No he’s been tagging with Ortiz and was on the PPV preshow living his dream and cutting the best sell promo for a PPV ever.

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This weeks idea beaten to death was leave the babyfaces laying, jungle boy, acclaimed, ruby all on the one show. But we did get Hook from one of them

Hangmans lip quivering as he talks about not knowing his sons name. I’ll fight any you fuckers who ever suggest he’s not a top guy or should be going to ROH when he’s as believable a babyface as it gets 

crowd sounded up for it all night, their reaction to the codebreaker kickout was incredible and they stayed up at that. Makes a show much easier to watch 

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I thought that was a great show, in spite of it having the most underwhelming Winter is Coming card to date on paper. 

Firstly, when did W Morrisey become Big Bill?? I genuinely thought Jungle Boy was referring to Goldberg at first. I don't really like the sudden pivot away from Christian either, although I realise his injury may have made this a necessity. 

I also hate the Trios titles. All they do is water down the tag division. The sooner they fuck off, the better. The wrestling is good but, for me at least, there's zero investment in the matches. I'd much prefer to see Fenix and Penta, along with The Bucks, mix it up with The Acclaimed, and Kenny Omega have a big singles feud. 

The Jericho match was fun, and I'm curious to see what Andretti has to offer going forward; given that there was certainly scope to use an existing lower carder in this position - someone like Shawn Dean, or even Danhausen. It worked well, regardless. 

The MJF/Starks backstage stuff was great, and the match was decent. Ultimately, I wish there had been time for more build-up; but what they did, they did very well. Initially, I thought they were making a mistake by immediately pivoting to Danielson; but on reflection, I think it was absolutely the correct choice. Starks has proven that he is a legitimate option to win the World Title from MJF at some point, but the time to make that change isn't right now. Both of them can go on separate paths, building up wins, before meeting again somewhere down the line. 

It was brief, but I absolutely LOVED the Swerve promo. He's ridiculously effective in his role, and has everything you'd want in a future world champion. He's rather quietly become one of the best things AEW has to offer, and I can't wait for his eventual match with Keith Lee. 

The Moxley/Page storyline is going really well too, and I'm really looking forward to their match. 

In spite of all of these things that I loved, the highlight of the show for me might actually have been Danhausen pointing to Trent, when Dustin Rhodes said "the spooky guy" - that made me laugh out loud. 

On the whole, this was an episode that really proved that when AEW cuts away the bullshit; shifting away from an over-reliance on titles, ROH and surprise debuts, there's no better wrestling company around. If Tony Khan continues to focus on great storytelling, they'll do just fine in 2023. 

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This was a great episode and felt like a refreshing return to what AEW was last year. 

That jobber beating Jericho was so unexpected, weird and fun. Say what you want, Jericho can get pretty much anything over. What a master of the craft.

Garcia being teamed up with his "mature mentor" Sammy Guevara is going to be such a brilliant, simple story. Exactly the stuff they need to be doing. Watching Garcia get more annoyed by the week by that smarmy prick is going to be glorious. 

I will always love Hangman.

Jarrett, Lethal, Dutt and Singh is one of those groups that absolutely shouldn't work but for some reason just clicks. Perfect midcard heel fodder.

Nick Jackson is very good at selling. Genuinely believed he fucked his ankle for awhile. 

House of Black dropping the spooky and just murdering everyone is exactly my shit. 

Great TV main event to top it all off. Basically if every week is booked like this I will have no complaints. 

Well maybe a few complaints. Stokely Hathaway still isn't working and never will work. The Firm sucks. And HOOK running off Big Bill, a literal giant of a human who looks like he could tear a normal person's head off with his bare hands, was quite frankly ridiculous.


Edited by LaGoosh
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3 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Garcia being teamed up with his "mature mentor" Sammy Guevara is going to be such a brilliant, simple story. Exactly the stuff they need to be doing. Watching Garcia get more annoyed by the week by that smarmy prick is going to be glorious. 

I had a real feeling of deja-vu with this; hadn't something like this - perhaps exactly this - happened in the initial phase of the Garcia/Jericho story? Maybe I'm making this up, but I felt absolutely certain this - or a variation of this - had already happened. 

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I just watched back the Jericho match for the second time, something I barely ever do. Say what you want about him, when he helps execute a great story in the ring there are not many who can top him. The crowd (and the commentary team) really, really added to it too. Great stuff all round.

Oh and god damn you, Hangman, you beautiful bastard...

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