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AEW Rampage Thread 2022


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2 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

Eddie Kingston dropping the kayfabe line took me straight out of the fued. It was skirting a bit close anyway, what with Jerichos 'insider' stuff. I'm sure once I see it the match will drag me straight back in.

I get why he did it. He was trying to speak for people like me, and presumably you, who don’t like when feuds walk all over the ‘kayfabe’ line in such a reckless way.

The problem is, by kicking off about insider terms and saying things like ‘kayfabe might be dead but there’s no need to piss on its grave’ just doubles down on the issue.

I’m happy for wrestlers to not like each other and then fight. I’m not so ashamed of liking wrestling that I need to be constantly reminded that it’s okay because we’re all in on the gag. Just tell stories.

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I’ve seen people suggesting Punk should use, “Miseria Cantare,” as his entrance music on Sunday. I’m all for it. Fuck it; fly AFI in to sing it live! Why not? A pro-wrestling company filled with callbacks and references for pro-wrestling geeks to delight in!

Why stop there, though? The stars have aligned! We can finally do it! Let’s callback to this gem!


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17 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I’ve seen people suggesting Punk should use, “Miseria Cantare,” as his entrance music on Sunday. I’m all for it. Fuck it; fly AFI in to sing it live! Why not? A pro-wrestling company filled with callbacks and references for pro-wrestling geeks to delight in!

Why stop there, though? The stars have aligned! We can finally do it! Let’s callback to this gem!



Let him in, Supes. All the signs are pointing towards him.

Follow… the bollocks 🦅🦅


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Jericho wasn't on commentary this week, and it was so nice. 

I bet Mark Quen's got sore knees after that 450 to the floor. 

I'm glad we're back to one TNT title belt. 

Jamie Hayter & Mercedes Martinez was like a ladies' hoss match.

SHIDA and Serena needs to be settled in a street fight, but I'd do an iron woman match for a full episode of Rampage or something like that. 

Hobbs giving Keith Lee that spine buster was impressive. 

Can't say that I'm impressed by Swerve Strickland. Maybe it's because he was in there with Tony Nese, but his rolling around etc seemed unnecessary, especially when it was taking him several attempts to hit whatever he was trying to do. I'm sure he'll grow on me in time. If ever a local job guy match was needed to get somebody's stuff over with a new audience it was this. 

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Jeff doesn't seem arsed really, does he? On one hand I think having that RVD "To be honest I don't really need this" vibe is probably really healthy, but on the other it's frustrating because I still believe it can be 2008 in a heartbeat and he can be the biggest face this side of John Cena. 

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27 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

 Can't say that I'm impressed by Swerve Strickland. Maybe it's because he was in there with Tony Nese, but his rolling around etc seemed unnecessary, especially when it was taking him several attempts to hit whatever he was trying to do. I'm sure he'll grow on me in time. If ever a local job guy match was needed to get somebody's stuff over with a new audience it was this. 

I'm not usually one for believing the hype with 'WWE dropped the ball with X midcarder' bollocks because most of the time, they don't live up to the hype, BUT, Swerve is one that I genuinely think could be great and how WWE saw Top Dolla as the star of Hit Row I'll never know. Swerve pisses coolness and has an aura about him. 

I wouldn't have said AEW would have been the right fit for him at this moment in time and maybe Impact would have been better, but I'll be pleased to see where it goes.

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4 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

Jeff doesn't seem arsed really, does he? On one hand I think having that RVD "To be honest I don't really need this" vibe is probably really healthy, but on the other it's frustrating because I still believe it can be 2008 in a heartbeat and he can be the biggest face this side of John Cena. 

I get tired of Jeff Hardy quickly, but god he looks like a star. When he walked out yesterday I was already planning how quickly he could win the title and pick up his feud with Punk.

I think Hardy/Punk 2.0 in AEW would be absolutely superb.

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I’m not a fan of Tony Nese at the best of times, he’s perfectly fine but there are so many other wrestlers I could be watching instead of him. All the main event this week did for me was remind me of 205 Live about a year after its peak. Not the best start for Swerve.

Dynamite looks great next week though. We’re ALREADY getting potential William Regal interaction with Orange Cassidy and Danhausen! The face he’s going to pull if he gets cursed.

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What a fucking awful debut for Swerve that was. If the intention is to push him in any meaningful way, he can't be coming in and struggling to get past Tony Nese in a 50/50 match that goes over ten minutes. Nese is like a mini Cesaro for me, he's physically impressive, technically sound and totally devoid of any charisma. He sucks the life out of any match he's in. Swerve needed to be presented strong here, but he already looks like he'll be lost in the undercard shuffle for months.

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Rampage is set up so well to be 3-4 squash matches, some video packages, with a "big" main event like WCW Worldwide used to be, heck even the early days of Raw. The world has read enough of my "trying to make sure everybody look good means nobody does" diatribes. I know there are the folks from Dark thatget dragged up to fill that role, but even then they often get too much in. Danielson does the modern style squash well, where his opponent will get a little shine, but Danielson quickly moves through the gears and demonstrates that he is better. It serves them both much better than if the big star barely ekes out a win. Punk did it differently just after his return where there'd be outside interference, or the ring rust side. If Punk was in another match against a one of the Dark regulars I'd imagine he'd have an easier time now that he's been back for a year. Page & Dante Martin almost felt like that. It isn't even to say there shouldn't be an upset or close match sometimes between these superstars and the perceived jobbers, because look at the likes of 1-2-3 Kid & Razor back in the day, but not every TV match is the main event of Wrestle Kingdom night 2.

The danger now is that some of these people get shunted over to Ring Of Honor and it ends up making Ring Of Honor look subpar.

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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