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1 hour ago, King Mal the Glorious said:

Pretty much the exact same thing happened the one time I went to Download in 2006, that was Hell. 

I do recall it was brutally hot that weekend (see my lighter pissing fluid all over my hands and blowing up on the floor during England-Paraguay for proof of that) and remember people losing their minds on the last night. Luckily my brother in law is 6'8" and built like a brick shithouse so our camping area was left well alone.

We did see some lad get the shit kicked out of him by about 6 security guards and dragged off by his feet, that wasn't very "festivaly" of them.

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I went to Leeds in 2008, I only made it to the Saturday morning before I gave up. Being in the thick knee high mud was bad enough for two days, I don’t think I’d have survived everything being set on fire as well. And I’d have never managed to hold in a shit until the Monday anyway.

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I totally get the vibe of Reading being a bit crazy back in the day. I remember 02 and 03 being reasonably OK in the campsite, but 2004 everyone seemed to lose their collective minds and it was absolute bedlam. By the time I went back in 2006 there were teenagers trying to set fire to telegraph poles and people's tents on the last night and it was definitely the point I tapped out on Reading. 

It's not all bad though, I had a lot of fun and we still have lots of fun stories from those festivals. I especially recall in 2003, two lads following a pair of police officers around thd campsite for about an hour with a stereo playing the theme from The Bill on loop, a memory that still gives me a giggle from time-to-time some 18 years later. 

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It felt customary at Leeds to set fire to things on the Sunday night, really needless looking back on it. Whole blocks of portaloo's would go up. In 2002 the police actually came in to try and prevent it from happening and it got nasty. There are bits and pieces online about the ensuing riot but its largely been forgotten. Not many cameras around in those days. 


Edited by Egg Shen
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I was at Reading in 2001 and didn't see any of the type of behaviour mentioned in this thread. I'm now wondering whether we were just in one of the tamer campsite areas, or was I just too bollocksed the whole weekend to notice? My main memory of camping there is the 'TIMMY!' shouts which would spread across the site all through the night. 

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2 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:

I was at Reading in 2001 and didn't see any of the type of behaviour mentioned in this thread. I'm now wondering whether we were just in one of the tamer campsite areas, or was I just too bollocksed the whole weekend to notice? My main memory of camping there is the 'TIMMY!' shouts which would spread across the site all through the night. 

Ah yes the Timmy shouts which would later evolve into "Butt Scratcher!". Absolute cringe.

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I remember going to leeds festival in 2009 with my now wife. It seemed pretty chilled out then. I do recall one evening being too lazy to go for a piss so I just went in a bottle in the tent and then flung it outside.

Later on some pissed up lad sat on the edge of our tent and after a few seconds shouted "argh i'm soaked, some dickhead has pissed on this tent." My bottle of piss had obviously sprung a leak. 

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8 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

It felt customary at Leeds to set fire to things on the Sunday night, really needless looking back on it. Whole blocks of portaloo's would go up. In 2002 the police actually came in to try and prevent it from happening and it got nasty. There are bits and pieces online about the ensuing riot but its largely been forgotten. Not many cameras around in those days. 


It's weird how these articles always try to pin the Leeds 2002 riots on GNR, conveniently ignoring that the delay on Friday was because The Prodigy turned up with a headline-level stageset which took forever to be dismantled. (GNR were only doing Leeds, so Prodigy were Reading headliners on the Sunday). 

There was a really nasty atmosphere on the Sunday which started with a massive bottle fight during Sum 41 I think it was and just escalated from there. Headliners the Foo Fighters were promoting the terrible One By One album and played a couple of really slow dirges from it and you could tell the crowd were bored, it was really cold and the security were just wading into the crowds putting out any bonfires that had been lit.

It was probably inevitable there would be trouble anyway but the combo of those things on the Sunday added to it. 

Edited by martyngnr
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I went to Reading from 99 to 05. Had an absolute blast for the most part but there was a definitely a dodgy vibe there in the campsite.

But it was only really 99 and 05 that it felt really dangerous. 99 a bloke walked into our campsite and kicked the fire into a chaps face when he wouldn't buy drugs from him for instance. The portaloos were burnt down that year on the Sunday. Back then the bogs had no security so you had to go with a mate just incase one of the ferrals decided to knock it over with you inside.

05 seemed pretty hostile all weekend but on the Sunday night it went absolutely Batshit where we were camping. Ended up abandoning the tents as the animals started burning everything they could get there hands on. But really that could have been just the specific campsite we were in I guess.

Wouldn't change any of the rest of it though. I doubt I'll ever laugh as much as I did there again.


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After the '02 Leeds incident they took all the portaloos away from the campsite. In 2003 on they had like a massive fenced off area with open top cubicles in rows inside. You literally took a took a shit into a massive tank that was shared by the rest of the row of toilets, it was horrific. There were guards in towers overseeing the whole block too, it felt like something out of the Great Escape.

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25 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

After the '02 Leeds incident they took all the portaloos away from the campsite. In 2003 on they had like a massive fenced off area with open top cubicles in rows inside. You literally took a took a shit into a massive tank that was shared by the rest of the row of toilets, it was horrific. There were guards in towers overseeing the whole block too, it felt like something out of the Great Escape.

Yeah I remember that. First time I went for a piss I saw the top of a Nokia disappear into the poo slurry like Arnie’s thumb in T2.

Went to Leeds four times (2001-2003 and 2008). On reflection and having been to other festivals you can see that it does attract a fair few dickheads (as all festivals do), but I could tell it wasn’t for me anymore, and I was only 23 at the time. It could just be the relevant years that I’ve been to them, but I’ve never seen anything like that when I’ve been to Download or Bloodstock. The closest I’ve ever seen to any sort of aggro at Bloodstock is when gobshites do that “bin-jousting” thing with the wheely dumpsters.

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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19 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:

I was at Reading in 2001 and didn't see any of the type of behaviour mentioned in this thread. I'm now wondering whether we were just in one of the tamer campsite areas, or was I just too bollocksed the whole weekend to notice? My main memory of camping there is the 'TIMMY!' shouts which would spread across the site all through the night. 

I remember the TIMMY shouts in 2001 too! Also lots of YOU’RE A WIZARD HARRY shouts too keeping me up all night

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5 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

After the '02 Leeds incident they took all the portaloos away from the campsite. In 2003 on they had like a massive fenced off area with open top cubicles in rows inside. You literally took a took a shit into a massive tank that was shared by the rest of the row of toilets, it was horrific. There were guards in towers overseeing the whole block too, it felt like something out of the Great Escape.

Saw a lad on acid take a swim in the collective shit trough. That was a low point in my festivals experience if I'm honest.

5 hours ago, waters44 said:

I remember the TIMMY shouts in 2001 too! Also lots of YOU’RE A WIZARD HARRY shouts too keeping me up all night


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