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The Light Hearted and General Confessions Thread

Steve Justice

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I've started wearing pyjamas when out in public. It started as just general trips to the shop, now it's even when I go food shopping. 

We went to the Harry Potter tour on Sunday. Wore my pyjama shorts, t-shirt and sliders. 

Far more comfortable than normal clothes. I love the freedom. Normal clothes are for chumps. 

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I'm sure it's very comfortable, but surely regular shorts are just as? Or light trackies?

Couldn't go out in sleepwear - I'd be worried it'd get dirty and ripped, it's usually made from light material that doesn't stand up to a lot.

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17 minutes ago, Steve Justice said:

I've started wearing pyjamas when out in public. It started as just general trips to the shop, now it's even when I go food shopping. 

We went to the Harry Potter tour on Sunday. Wore my pyjama shorts, t-shirt and sliders. 

Far more comfortable than normal clothes. I love the freedom. Normal clothes are for chumps. 

Yeah, I've nipped to the Co-Op and back in my Elmo or Pac-Man pyjama pants a few times. Usually in the morning when there's not many people about though. Not for comfort though, more laziness.

I wouldn't go as far as wearing them on a tour though, just to distance myself from that lunacy.

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I'll sometime chuck a pair of trackies on over my pyjamas on a Sunday if I need to nip to the shop, but that's about it. 

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8 hours ago, Steve Justice said:

I've started wearing pyjamas when out in public. It started as just general trips to the shop, now it's even when I go food shopping. 

We went to the Harry Potter tour on Sunday. Wore my pyjama shorts, t-shirt and sliders. 

Far more comfortable than normal clothes. I love the freedom. Normal clothes are for chumps. 

Work From Home GIF
It’s a slippery slope my friend.

My experiment with outdoor pyjamas ended with a bunch of kids at the shop shouting “The Postman’s wearing Turtles pyjamas” (I wasn’t wearing them at work they just recognised me) then singing the TMNT song at me. 

I’ll back up the pj shorts regular use shout though. You can get away with it and they are next level comfort.

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Whilst eating cheese, it is has, in my experience, usually been deemed uncouth to eat the rind at the bottom. However, I always do so and, oddly, sometimes it might be my favourite part. 

Wearing pyjamas to the shops, regardless of time of day, is shameful behaviour though. 

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For the last couple of months on a Thursday I've timed my lunch/afternoon breaks so I can go down the park and watch the bowls. I go and get a coffee and a pastry and sit for at least an hour, sometimes two.

This was taken a few weeks ago when Oatlands absolutely slapped up the Whiteley Village retirement lads, and it's often the highlight of my week.

This is taken from the bench as I'm having a snout, and I don't like the idea of the smoke distracting them, but I'll alternate between there and the stump in front which gives you the full view of the green.

They are all a bunch of top lads and lasses, and always have a chat with me whilst they're playing. Did think about starting a "You're going home in a fucking ambulance" chant but thought it was a bit on the nose. UP THE OATLANDS!!!


The most middle class post I'll ever make I reckon.

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I think wearing pyjamas outside your home for anything but a very late night trip to the supermarket is veering very close to "giving up on life" territory. Just wear a fucking t-shirt and jeans you dosser, it's not like society is forcing you to wear a corset.

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