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Chris B

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The attitudes of young people towards the LBGTQ+ community is really refreshing, they really just take it in their stride. We have had three female to male transitioners in our school and everyones acceptance of them is just heartwarming.  We also have two young 'uns that have come out as non-binary and again attitudes of both parents and students has been great on the whole. If anything, with the latter, we have more issues with staff attitudes than students.

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My father in law was ranting about how he had seen an advert about leaflets which educate people on which pronouns to use. I don't know why he always tries to have these conversations with me as he always gets infuriated that I call him a bigot.

My wife explained that it is to increase understanding and promote a more forward thinking society. He then moved onto how he is normal and they aren't (honestly such a wanker) and then said

'Pride eh, when is bigot month?' A truly awful man who is seemingly getting worse and worse. We explained he had two granddaughters who may one day identify as a different gender or be gay. 

"Well i'll tell them that I don't agree with it but that it is their choice."

When we got home I told my wife if he ever said anything like that to our children he would have nothing to do with them again. She agreed. Sorry to out a downer in here he just infuriates me. 


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No need to apologise. Good on you for fighting your corner and trying to call him out on his behaviour. 

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Pride has always been a big deal for me, though never expressed it publicly. My first job, working in bingo, 2 of my managers were Lesbian, as was my then best friend (even though I was the last person she came out to) and 2 other colleagues were Gay, one of my managers in another bingo club (who sadly passed away a few years back) was a Lesbian and almost every other job in and around that I've worked with LGBTQ people and they are among the best people I've worked with/for. The biggest reason though is closer to home as my cousin had a hard time for years accepting who she was which caused her to have constant battles with her weight, mental health and alcohol, she still needs to take medication for her bipolar but she's now happily settled down with her partner and they have a cute as a button little girl together

I've been proud of the fact that I work for a company that promotes Pride Month every year and the LGBTQ community as a whole, in fact tomorrow is our annual Pride day where we are free to wear any colour within the Pride rainbow. I fully respect that not all people are comfortable with LGBTQ and thats fine as long as they respect why it has to be promoted, it's the bigoted comments that come with any post of its kind by a company, sports team or celebrity that i will never fail to get my head around

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2 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

I'm really sorry that happened to you, Bombcar, and sorry we didn't do more to stop it and the person/people who did it. 

All forgiven, man. We've all seen each other grow, and give each other a space to talk about anything and everything, and also enjoy pics of your baking, which is what's of value. 

2 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Yeah, biphobia is pretty rife. 

Yeh, I had that a lot when I identified as bi, the whole "pick a side" bit, or "you're in the closet, you just can't admit it", or "you're just greedy".

And certainly, the general prejudice as regards a bi man's suitability as a partner isn't nice either. Very often, when I've been out on dates with cis women, it's something I've been very reluctant to talk about in the early stages, as I've had a few where the woman in question called things off, and then I later heard through a friend or friends that it was because I'd previously slept with men, and that they thought I wasn't "manly enough". Often, this came as a surprise, because these women were people I understood to be quite progressive in their thinking; it seems they had a bit of a blind spot when it came to their own personal perspectives, though. Thankfully, that hasn't been too frequent, and I've had a few female partners who even liked that I'd had those experiences.

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I'm currently in counseling at the moment for a lot of issues I have and also I am at a support group as well as having one to one with the support group co-ordinator. 

Im possibly in the closet as bisexual. A lot of my in the closet feelings is down to being afraid to have come out about it years ago whilst my dad was still alive. 

He died four years ago of a heart attack. I never got along with my dad and he was always such a bad homophobic bigot. We actually had a massive fight the day before the heart attack and I went away to Manchester the next day. My dad took the heart attack whilst I was in Manchester. Was forced to come home early from four days planned staying down there. 

The counseling has been a massive help as well as the support group. 

I know I'm definitely bisexual. Just never had the courage to come out of the closet yet.




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I am a straight cis guy with a few gay friends. I'd like to think of myself as an ally to the LGBTQ+ community.

I work for a large multinational service provider who turns the logo rainbow coloured for a month every year (as mentioned in the OP).

A few years back to celebrate Pride management organised a dress down day with theme of being "fabulous"

I stood up in a team meeting and said this was homophobic as gay people can be as dull and dowdy as everyone else.

I wasn't taken seriously.

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2 minutes ago, Cousin Jim Bob said:


I'm pretty certain posting fucking Norm MacDonald videos in a positive LBGTQ thread isn't the nicest thing to do.

Yeah, fair enough. Was only supposed to be a little bit of levity and nothing against Pride or LBGTQ people. 

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2 minutes ago, Cousin Jim Bob said:

Norms stuff veers into some really horrible, offensive comedy tbh, I doubt its bringing much levity. 

Let's not derail this into a discussion on Norm Macdonald then. I find him to generally be really fucking funny, though he sometimes misjudges it and goes too far and, if people think that clip being posted into this particular topic is a bad call then, well, sorry about that. 

Living in the Czech Republic during Pride is odd. I saw Prague Pride a few years ago, which was lovely, but there are definitely some small but vocal anti-Pride groups.  Diversity, inclusion and understanding have greatly improved over the years, but still feels like there's a way to go. 

Also, my wife's friends, who are typically quite decent, have this weird hangup about gay people. They get squirmish when they see men or women kissing each other and think it's going to corrupt their young daughter or something. 

I genuinely don't know why people spend so much time and energy worrying about what others are doing or how they're living their lives. It must be exhausting. 

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1 hour ago, Hoptimus said:

I'm currently in counseling at the moment for a lot of issues I have and also I am at a support group as well as having one to one with the support group co-ordinator. 

Im possibly in the closet as bisexual. A lot of my in the closet feelings is down to being afraid to have come out about it years ago whilst my dad was still alive. 

He died four years ago of a heart attack. I never got along with my dad and he was always such a bad homophobic bigot. We actually had a massive fight the day before the heart attack and I went away to Manchester the next day. My dad took the heart attack whilst I was in Manchester. Was forced to come home early from four days planned staying down there. 

The counseling has been a massive help as well as the support group. 

I know I'm definitely bisexual. Just never had the courage to come out of the closet yet.




You kind of just did come out then. Well done to you. I hope therapy is helping you. 

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