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The General Motors Domestic Football Thread. 21/22 (NO SHIT BANTER)


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Kurt Zouma’s on video throwing, smacking and kicking his cat around his house, in front of his kids whilst his mates film and laugh along.

He’s an absolute piece of shit but please don’t share it on here if you come across it.

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Saw that, Frankie. Disgusting. Couldn't watch much of it, to be honest. And, to think I was gutted when Everton couldn't hold onto him after the loan spell. 

An absolute toerag scrote of a human. Apparently no further action is being taken by club or authorities either, which seems to be par for...

Fucking hate WhatsApp groups for sharing this sort of carry on and all... 

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1 hour ago, stewdogg said:

The way he says it's an isolated incident, so drop kicking, slapping, throwing shoes at, and chasing the cat is one isolated incident? Yeah right.

Let's be honest: what he means is that it's isolated in the sense that it's the only time he was filmed doing it. Scum.

Nothing will happen, the Met have already said they aren't looking into it (probably because it happened in the past, and they only look into future crimes I guess).

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I loved Zouma, he always came off as super-wholesome. What makes it worse is that I couldn't picture him hurting another person, he's clearly just one of those people that doesn't believe animals deserve the same tratment as us. Horrible cunt, hope he gets chopped in half repeatedly for the rest of his career.

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It has been proven for over a fucking century that their is a direct correlation between abusing animals and how the person treats other humans.

At least, hopefully the RSPCA can go for a removal of animals order.  That will achieve something.

To be fair the couple of West Ham forums I visited today has shown universal disgust at his actions as well as the decision to start him.

Someone, somewhere is going to swing for that cunt and I wish them well.  Hopefully the police will showcase similar level of interest as they did with the shitehawks behaviour.

Apologies for ranting.

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“You see that video of that footballer kicking a cat? Disgusting. Cannot stand animal abuse.

By the way, managed to pick up that economy Whole Chicken and even managed to find a leg of lamb in the reduced section at Asda”.

Ignoring the hypocrisy going round about animal abuse, and the fact I’m a West Han fan, he shouldn’t have played tonight. Regardless of the police seemingly doing nothing, a club statement condemning it wasn’t enough and he shouldn’t have been in the squad.

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