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8 hours ago, MPDTT said:

@Slapnut tough one. How do the benefits compare? If the gap you are concerned about is £2k and, if you are a higher rate tax payer and get deducted 40% of everything you earn over £50k, then the difference is £100 per month in real terms.......so the value of pensions, health benefits and so forth could make a big difference. The smaller the gap, the more inclined I'd be to take the role with the best long term prospects and more interesting work. If you are not a higher rate tax payer, then the new offer doesn't seem compelling enough to give up the security you have in your current employment....that would be my view.

Pensions, holidays and sick pay are always a bonus. I know people who earn more than me but my pension pisses on theirs, as does my holiday and sick pay which in the end trumps lots of things for me. I stupidly left a company for another once for more money, got there and the holiday was bare minimum and 5 days of 20 enforced on certain dates, no sick pay and shitty pension. Unfortunately the recruiter just said good holiday and sick pay. 

Another aspect is, your company has just given you all massive payrises. Tells me that they have good plans for the future whereas the other company has lowered pay for new starters. Could be a warning sign. 

Either way it's a congrats on payrise/new job @Slapnut

Edited by westlondonmist
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23 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Yeah. And you can always do the Prince 2 / BCS / Agile / whatever you need off your own back as well,  which will put you in an even stronger position when it comes to finding a new role to get you out of there.

Yeah I’ve actually been looking at self funding some of the courses myself. Funnily enough, my current place have told us all today that they’re happy to fund the APM Project Management Fundamentals course so that’s a positive. 

@MPDTT Better annual leave at my current job (35 days vs. 30 at the new place), but the new place has perks like private health insurance, so there are pros and cons at both. I’m not a high tax rate payer either so you’ve raised a good point there.

I’m heavily leaning towards staying at my current job today, probably the closest I’ve been to making a decision so far. Mind you, we have a “management connect day” for three hours tomorrow, so I could have done a total 180 by 1pm.

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Would love to hear your experience if you do end up doing the APM Project Management Fundamentals course. As I'm getting older I'm starting to hit the limits of where I can progress in my current career and was considering a move into Project Management (I'm currently a Media Producer having put together stage, TV & now digital content for the games industry). I suspect with my work I'm already doing a lot of PM work, but was looking for a good qualification to do to help convince a company to take a chance on me with a full-time role in it.

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Thinking hard about getting off the post and training on HGV’s. There’s free training available in Wales and even if I don’t qualify my union will front most of the fee. One of the lads moved over before Christmas and he basically makes in 3 days what he was making in 5 and he doesn’t have bad knees or get rain soaked every other day.

The only downside is that the days will undoubtedly be shite to start, fri,sat,sun is what my college works now which makes it nigh on impossible for me with me seeing my kids every other weekend and every HGV driver I see at RM looks miserable as fuck. The option of taking the free training then working my day off on the HGV’s instead of delivery which is what I do almost every week now is appealing and it’d mean a foot in the door without having to necessarily take the jobs with shitty hours. Seniority rules in Royal Mail too so if I switched to logistics and a job came up with better hours my lack of experience wouldn’t put me to the back of the queue as my near ten years would put me ahead of a fair few people.

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51 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Definitely sounds like it's worth doing the training at least!

Yeah, writing it out has made me realise it’s a no brainier, especially as I didn’t click that my seniority would carry over until I was writing that post. At the very worse I’ll have a pretty valuable new skill and the occasional truck stop breakfast.

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2 hours ago, Jesse said:

Would love to hear your experience if you do end up doing the APM Project Management Fundamentals course. As I'm getting older I'm starting to hit the limits of where I can progress in my current career and was considering a move into Project Management (I'm currently a Media Producer having put together stage, TV & now digital content for the games industry). I suspect with my work I'm already doing a lot of PM work, but was looking for a good qualification to do to help convince a company to take a chance on me with a full-time role in it.

You're already doing it, to be honest - while doing a course is probably useful as a qualification, your experience already sounds strong. I found this (short) book a really good intro to agile project management, which is really good approach for content/marketing and anything deadline-driven in that way. I found it described a lot of what we were already doing, but helped me to talk about it in interviews, etc (and also to describe some elements in my CV).


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That's awesome, thanks! My studio is finally moving into actual project management lines and onto JIRA so I'm finally being exposed to professional terms for things I'm already doing. Am starting to get my head around Scrum and when I described how I currently run my sub-department to our Head of Production it turns out I've essentially been doing a mix of Scrum & Kanban. At 99p I'll dig through that in my spare time and hopefully feel on more solid ground, thanks!

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6 hours ago, Jesse said:

I've essentially been doing a mix of Scrum & Kanban

Surprisingly enough the portmanteau system exists as scrumban. Loads of articles about it online. 

If you're already doing the structures of it, try browsing the PM StackExchange. You'll probably find a lot of interesting angles there to think about or have an opinion on. 


Edited by Onyx2
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I'm currently in the awkward position of interviewing at one place, and feeling confident about getting an offer from them (gonna jinx myself), while having my current company move me into a new position (their choice not mine) and that teams leadership being all like "we're excited to have you join us". Kind of makes me feel like an arsehole, but while it would suck for them if I was to resign at this point thats not my problem at the end of the day.

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On 1/20/2022 at 5:39 PM, neil said:

feeling confident about getting an offer from them (gonna jinx myself)

I did not jinx myself, but I did end up turning them down because they used a recruiter who totally lied to get me in the door. Told me I was being considered as a senior manager when the hiring manager obviously had no clue of that, unfortunately for the recruiter their plan failed when I reached out to the hiring manager and asked to talk about how comes this offer isn't for the job I was told I was going to be offered.

Really don't understand why recruiters do this shit, guess they hope that people just decide to go along with it.

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Someone has contacted me on LinkedIn about a job that is almost triple my salary. I thought it might be some sort of scam at first, but it does seem to be legit. Looking at the job spec, I know most of what they're on about but I suspect they require a level of expertise that's beyond me at the moment. I know a few people here have been recruiters before, is this guy just casting his net absurdly wide? I guess it's probably worth speaking with him anyway.  

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40 minutes ago, gmoney said:

Someone has contacted me on LinkedIn about a job that is almost triple my salary. I thought it might be some sort of scam at first, but it does seem to be legit. Looking at the job spec, I know most of what they're on about but I suspect they require a level of expertise that's beyond me at the moment. I know a few people here have been recruiters before, is this guy just casting his net absurdly wide? I guess it's probably worth speaking with him anyway.  

Possibly. Without knowing what you do or what the role is, it's hard to say, but I'll assume your profile says your job title and lets just say you're a Sales Manager for ease (and because I'm fairly basic) and the role is for a Sales Director. If he's any good, he'll know what your role typically pays.

Perhaps the company has asked him to look at a range of people or skill sets and they're not necessarily looking at Directors, from those who could step up from SM to SD (so he's contacted you) and the salary is legitimately that, or it's on a scale and "upto that range" in which case, that's fine too. 

Also bear in mind, companies are desperate to find new talent at the moment as business goes back to 'normal' and it's a candidates market at the moment, and I predict we'll see some salaries for certain roles rocket as the skill shortage grows in certain sectors. I've seen some crazy salaries recently for roles that were nowhere near that 2/3 years ago.

No harm in having a chat and if you have anything else you want to discuss, chuck us a message if you'd prefer. 

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13 hours ago, gmoney said:

Someone has contacted me on LinkedIn about a job that is almost triple my salary. I thought it might be some sort of scam at first, but it does seem to be legit. Looking at the job spec, I know most of what they're on about but I suspect they require a level of expertise that's beyond me at the moment. I know a few people here have been recruiters before, is this guy just casting his net absurdly wide? I guess it's probably worth speaking with him anyway.  

Something similar happened to me last year - way out of my experience zone, considerably more pay, but somehow a recruiter found and messaged me on LinkedIn. It was the kind of job I’d never have thought to apply for - and I suspect he’d messaged a ton of people just to see who’d respond - so I figured I’d see what happened. Managed to get through to the final interview stage, which I kind of self-sabotaged because the more I heard about the job the less appealing it became, but it was a nice confidence booster all the same. You may as well reply and see what happens, it might give you some insight on what else you can do, or what you need to get there.

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14 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

Also bear in mind, companies are desperate to find new talent at the moment as business goes back to 'normal' and it's a candidates market at the moment, and I predict we'll see some salaries for certain roles rocket as the skill shortage grows in certain sectors. I've seen some crazy salaries recently for roles that were nowhere near that 2/3 years ago.

This has been absolutely true for me, since the pandemic started I've almost doubled my salary. Admittedly, I was being underpaid to begin with & it involved one promotion, but the average salary for my role has also gone up massively in that time - meaning they've had to do it just to stay competitive vs other roles I was being contacted about.

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