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UKFFer Elisar Cabrera has passed away


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Jesus Christ, he's been on here quite a bit recently as well. Even threw his name into the ring as somebody to govern the shitty scene that is BritWres after the #SpeakingOut movement. Always seemed a decent guy. RIP.

His wife- is that former FWA ring announcer Jane Childs? Thoughts with her and his family.

Edited by PunkStep
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Oh gosh what terribly sad news.

From my teenage years where he was an FWA guy who actually posted here (which seemed so incredibly cool at the time) to later years talking about film making (I especially remember some great Troma chat) and looking back on British Wrestling and the FWA he was just always an absolute pleasure to hear from (and clearly created and was part of the development of some great stuff) and someone I've always had a high opinion of despite only knowing him through the means of the UKFF.

Thoughts with his family, fuck cancer.


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  • Paid Members

Fucking hell. I didn't even realise he was ill. Always seemed like a lovely person, both on here and the brief times I met him in person many moons ago. That's a massive gut punch, and what a horrible thing to happen. RIP.

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