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The Mighty Boosh

Bouncy bouncy, oh such a good time.

A really easy watch and one that made me laugh a lot more than I expected to be honest, Tony Harrison being my favourite character. 

The Royle Family

Not going to write anything new about this that hasn't been said before. Just one of the best shows ever.

Last time I rewatched it (first throes of lockdown I think) I really didn't like Jim all that much, but this time around I appreciated how good/funny he is. Yeah some of the things he says about Anthony etc are a bit shit, but I'll get over it. 

A weird thing to say about a brilliant observational comedy, but it is SO well observed, and evocative. Even small things like the overflowing ashtray bring back memories of my childhood.

Brilliantly acted, Sue Johnston being the best of the lot. And such lovely little bits as well. Jim telling Barbara that they will get through the change together is a really small, poignant moment that unexpectedly catches you.

3x fantastic series and 2x cracking Christmas specials.

But being the completist I am, I then watched the FIVE further specials they churned out. The Queen Of Sheba is good because of Liz Smith, a national treasure. She's obviously superb in every scene she appears in throughout the series.

The scene where her and Barbara sing Que Sera, Sera floored me. The best comedy always has to have pathos IMO.

By the end of the last special, I prayed for Twiggy to come in and bludgeon them all to death, especially Joe. They really went on too long. 

But that's not to take away from the brilliance of the original run. Up there with the very best.

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Finished Mask Girl this weekend.

It’s Netflix newest Korean Thriller series and it’s the closest thing to Parasite I’ve seen in some time. 

7 episodes all shot in different ways, explaining different characters motives and back stories, had me hooked, was an absolute masterpiece.

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Not sure this is interesting enough to bother posting, but that doesn't usually stop me. 

I used to work in the East Wittering co-op for years, which is Nicolaus Lyndhurst's local shop and I used to see him a lot, enough to say hello to. Flash forward to 2019 and I'm now living in Croydon, my girlfriend is a theatre blogger who gets occasionally invited to press events, one of which is a press conference for a West End Production of The Man Of La Mancha starting Kelsey Grammer and one Nicolaus Lyndhurst. My missus can't go, so asks if I want to, I do. It's a room above a theatre with some real theatre journalists, other bloggers and me, ex Co Op employee, pitching questions to KG and NL. At some point during the event, I felt a wave of dread wash over me as it dawn that if Lyndhurst sees and recognises me, he's going to think I'm some mad stalker. I kept my head down and said fuck all, and luckily he didn't remember me or see me at all. Great story, like I said.

Incidentally, there was a bit in the conference where someone asking Kelsey Grammer if he knew his co-stars work and he replied "well I'd be a bit of a plonker if I didn't". Very odd to hear that word in an American accent. 


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I hope it’s good, I really do. The fact none of the original cast seem to be involved does worry me though. I imagine we’ll get cameos but I don’t think that will be enough.

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The thing that concerns me the most, I suppose, is the fact that the other photos from the set involve Frasier and a much younger cast; that could have been plucked out of pretty much any other modern sitcom. For better or worse, it doesn’t seem very ‘Frasier’. But we’ll see what happens. I really hope they don’t do an Arrested Development, and kill my enthusiasm for what came before it. 

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We started watching The Bear and I’m about 7 episodes in and honestly I really hope Richie gets brutally killed because he’s single handedly spoiling the show. Absolute gobshite waster.

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2 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

We started watching The Bear and I’m about 7 episodes in and honestly I really hope Richie gets brutally killed because he’s single handedly spoiling the show. Absolute gobshite waster.

Taylor Swift Wow GIF

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10 minutes ago, stumobir said:

Taylor Swift Wow GIF


2 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

We started watching The Bear and I’m about 7 episodes in and honestly I really hope Richie gets brutally killed because he’s single handedly spoiling the show. Absolute gobshite waster.

As for you Mr Lips and this "take"


For shame.

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He's awful. He's spent the entire season so far just dismissing everyone's views, talking over them, and being an annoying cunt. He should have gotten the sack in Episode 1 when he started big leaguing Carmen in front of everyone.

I get he's meant to be like that, and I imagine somewhere down the road he softens up a bit and has a bit of a redeeming moment (like Tina finally did), but currently he has no redeeming qualities. He's the exact type of person nobody in real life wants in their lives.

Edited by FelatioLips
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