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Frankie Crisp

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1 hour ago, Perry said:

Legend (2015)  (Sky Cinema)

Tom Hardy does a great job of playing both Kray twins, but I still prefer the Kemp brothers version from 1990.


He didn’t. He made the paedophile one into a pantomime character. 

One thing always irks me about anything involving the Krays is they always have handsome actors play them. They were right fucking ugly brutes!  The romanticism of them is another thing wrong with this plague island. 

I “Watched” something that was written by Roald Dahl, adapted by Richard Curtis, and starred/narrated by James Corden. Even Dustin Hoffman and Judy Dench could give it a veneer of respectability. It was absolutely awful. 

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1 hour ago, Perry said:

but I still prefer the Kemp brothers version from 1990.

That features one of the best monologues in a film about the babies aborted/died during the war. 'It was the women that fought it' Also a great performance from Billie Whitelaw. The rest of it is standard fair.

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18 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

He didn’t. He made the paedophile one into a pantomime character.

Once I realised that the voice he used was almost identical to Angelos Epithemiou, I couldn't take the film seriously at all any more.

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9 hours ago, BomberPat said:

Once I realised that the voice he used was almost identical to Angelos Epithemiou, I couldn't take the film seriously at all any more.

He's basically playing The Curator from Coogans Run. Mummy issues and all. 


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Just back from seeing Screem 5. It was alright, an enjoyable enough date movie. There's some fun callbacks and the usual tongue-in-cheek jibes at horror clichés but it just doesn't have the charm of the original. It does have probably my favourite kill of the whole franchise though.

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In the Heat of the Night

Watched in tribute to Sidney Poitier. Ridiculous to think that large parts of this are still really relevant to America to this day. Sidney and Rod Steiger are as good as you've heard if you havent seen it, which you should because it's brilliant.


Also watched in tribute. Hollywood will never go back to making brilliant, smart and accessible films like this again, which is incredibly sad, but we'll always have Sneakers.

The 355 (cinema)

Is Jessica Chastain picking the crappiest, dullest films imaginable on purpose? The cast are all great and all totally wasted aside from one decent shootout. Another blow for female-led action films.

The Father (Prime)

Amazingly acted and amazingly sad drama about dementia. I didn't really want to watch this but I'm glad I did because it is absolutely excellent but I plan on never watching it again. Tagging @Scott Malbranque for Poots Watch purposes.

Frieda (Talking Pictures TV)

Another forgotten gem unearthed by TPTV and another one directed by Basil Dearden. Post-war drama about a marriage of convenience between a British POW and the German woman who rescues him. Very smart and socially conscious as ever from Dearden, who is possibly the greatest British director hardly anyone has heard of. TPTV show lots of his films and they're usually as good as this.

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Sneakers is just brilliant 

The cast look like they are all having a fab time. Sir Ben Kingsley totally hamming it it up as the big bad with great reasons for being so. 

It's a film that's light but accessible, smart and taxing without being too challenging has a stellar cast, is well crafted and directed and is just outstanding fun. 

Consistently one of my favourite films, pairs well with another Redford heist movie, The Hot Rock and actually works well with Without a Clue which is also on TPTV this week. 

Yeah not too many secrets then. 


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I’ve been having a John Carpenter weekend while the wife is away.

Big Trouble In Little China was last nights viewing. I honestly don’t think I’ve watched it since I taped it off of ITV way back in the day, must be at least 25 years since I’ve seen it. 
Ridiculous amounts of fun, a proper popcorn movie and I still have one hell of a man crush on Kurt Russell.

They Live got a whirl this morning, and I was more familiar with this one having only watched again about 18 months or so ago. 
Decent in its own way, it’s as good as something with Roddy Piper in the lead can be, but it was noticeably slower paced that BTILC which was a little jarring.

The Thing is getting put on now and doesn’t need me to tell you how great it is

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