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VHS and Betamax You Have Recently Rented

Frankie Crisp

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5 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

4 fell into a thing I personally hate in doing big cgi action bits because they could but not thinking them through enough to make it feel right. It was all the rage at the time, but just killed a few films for me. 


Killed seemingly every major action movie for ages, and still plagues them to this day.

At least there's never any argument about which the best Die Hard is. Some people here might appreciate one of these tremendous half-and-half scarves...



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Die Hard 3 was the first one I saw. I went to the cinema with my step-dad to see it, and it was a lit of fun, but I would imagine some callbacks probably went over my head. I inky watched the first Die Hard for the first time either last Christmas or the one before it is a great movie. I'd seen the end of 2 on ITV 4 at some point in the past as well, but watched that all the way through around the time I watched the first one. It's fine. I thought the way he blew the plane up was amusing. I've not seen any of the others, but given the appreciation for the 4th one I may have to give it a look. I hear 5 is pretty bad, but is it entertainingly bad, or just bad? 

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1 hour ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Die Hard 3 was the first one I saw. I went to the cinema with my step-dad to see it, and it was a lit of fun, but I would imagine some callbacks probably went over my head.

Die Hard 3 was the first I saw too. It was on tv one Saturday evening when I was about 13. Same as you, didn’t get the callbacks. But I loved it and immediately had to seek the first two out.

4 is underrated. It’s a lot of fun. I’ve yet to see 5 as I can’t stand Jai Courtney. 

For me it’s 13425. 5 would be last anyway I imagine due to the reviews I’ve read. 

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There's various coloured versions of these advent calenders available. I guess any queries about whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie can be dismissed.

I have fond memories of watching 3 at the cinema. Thoroughly enjoyed that film. 1 is a great watch and probably the best film of the three that I remember. 2 always disappoints me with the little plot twist half way through. I can't really remember too much about 4 and 5. Apart from a ridiculous truck chase in 4. I'll have to refresh my memory.

Edited by BigJag
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2 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

hear 5 is pretty bad, but is it entertainingly bad, or just bad? 

It's an abomination. Anyone that's escaped it thus far should thank their lucky stars. The more fondness anyone has for Die Hard, the more they'll despise that mess. 

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One thing my wife pointed out watching 4 is how fickle his family are with him. In 1 he’s having a bit of trouble with Holly and she drops his name but the second he’s crawling over broken glass and swinging off the roof of a skyscraper she can’t wait to be called McClane again.

His daughter does the same thing in 4. One whiff of her life being in danger and she’s a McClane all of a sudden. It’s no surprise he fucks them all off so easily. They’re the worst.

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The Guard

An utter, utter delight. Probably the funniest film I've watched all year. Gleeson is such a delight.

See No Evil, Hear No Evil

Are Pryor and Wilder the pair with the best comedic chemistry in film history? They just might be.

The Land Of Steady Habits

I absolutely loved this! Anything with Edie Falco is a winner, but Ben Mendelsohn puts in one of the best performances I can remember. 


Still thrilling. I thought Pitt was excellent this time around, a very underrated turn.

The Imitation Game

All frightfully 'fumbly bumbly' Britishness, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought it would, and it made me more emotional than I thought it would.

The Good Shepherd

Bang up my alley, it was a bit long, but any sort of Cold War film is a winner for me.

The Longest Yard

I REALLY liked this! Loads of wrestlers as well which is a bonus. Funny they try and make it out as if Goldberg has a massive cock, when in reality he was on so many roids, he surely had bad 'pilly willy'

Indiana Jones films

Still obviously the best (kids enjoyed them too) and the Crystal Skull grows on me with each watch. Blanchett as a sexy Commie elevates it.

The Lost City

Didn't really work for me, but Tatum and Bullock are great together.

Surviving Christmas 

James Gandolfini made me watch this. It's really bad.

Christmas With The Coopers

Has enough of a good cast to just about get away with it. Averagely average.

Your Christmas Or Mine 

Daniel Mays is in this. You have been warned.


Oh just fuck off Nolan. 15 minutes in Clemence Poesy says "Try not to understand it" Good advice. Absolute shit. A mess. An utter mess. And I don't want to hear any "aaaah, you just don't understand it" No one does. If you say you do, you're a liar. A film so shit it's still on as I'm writing this, I'm that bored.

Edited by SuperBacon
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1 hour ago, WeeAl said:

It's an abomination. Anyone that's escaped it thus far should thank their lucky stars. The more fondness anyone has for Die Hard, the more they'll despise that mess. 

“I’m on vacation!”

It is by far the worst.

13 …. 42 …………. 5.

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1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

See No Evil, Hear No Evil

Are Pryor and Wilder the pair with the best comedic chemistry in film history? They just might be.

They've made some cracking movies together. Stir Crazy is a decent bit of fun as well. 

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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5 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Crystal Skull back to back is just too much for me, man.

Horrible CGI messes, both of them.

Absolutely correct, but it's a fun enough film if you don't compare it to the other 3, which I think I've always done up until this watch.

Apart from the delivery of the line "part time" by Indy which makes my skin crawl. Could do without Winstone as well to be honest.

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